At the start of a match, randomly pick who gets to choose their character first, in order, 1-6.
You get 5 seconds to decide, if you don’t decide, you get bumped to the end of the line.
For Quickplay, do 3DPS maximum limit as the composition, no locked roles.- For Quickplay, do 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal as the composition, locked roles, 3 votes to unlock roles.
- For Comp, do 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal as the composition, locked roles, 3 votes to unlock roles.
That way people with fiber+ssd don’t always get first pick.
For votes, at the beginning of the game you get this in chat:
- If you would like to unlock roles, hold F for 5 seconds to vote to unlock roles. 3 votes required.
Move Mei to the Tank Role for an approximation of 3DPS, and a Hero that is really good at self sustain, standing on objectives, blocking most ultimates, and creating cover that allows you to get through chokepoints.
Create a “Hero Swap” feature, where if you press H while outside the spawnroom it brings up a Role Select Menu, with your current role greyed out. Then select 1 or 2 Roles you would like to switch to.
This brings up a message to the players you could switch with:
- GreyFalcon (Zenyatta,Healer), would like to switch to Tank Role. Press H if you would like to switch to their Hero.
If they then press H, and choose your hero, then your camera switches places with your teammate. The heroes do not move. But you take over a new hero and the new role.