Mini moira rework

So blizzard has went out and said that they are going to change moira some way in experimental,

so i wanted to go ahead of them and do my own version before them,

Biotic Grasp (primary)

  • Ammo Usage increased from 20 per second to 35 per second (roughly from 10% of total resource pool to 15% drain)

  • Healing increased from 65hps to 80 hps

  • Passive regeneration reduced from 4.32 per second to 2 per second (2.4% to roughly 1% per sec)

Biotic Grasp (Secondary)

  • Ammo Gain reduced from 18.75 per second (10%) to 10 ammo per second (5%)

Biotic Orb

  • Duration reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
  • During its activation phase (when you are choosing which orb to do) projects a beam that indicates the trajectory the orb will follow for up to the next 3 bounces
  • Damage orb regenerates ammo at a rate of 10 per second when damaging targets (will increase if hitting multiple targets, but will also drain faster)
  • Damage orb reduces healing recieved by the targets hit by it by 20%


  • Fade cooldown increased to 8 seconds
  • Fade generates a trail of biotic energy behind moira that cleanses friendly targets that touch it
  • Trail lasts for 2 seconds

Basically the idea is to make all of moiras recharging methods a lot weaker, while giving her stronger healing as a tradeoff for it, making resources more precious will make moira players have to conserve their resource much more,

The fade changes and damage orb changes simply give moira a bit more utility and Options to recharge her healing to make up for her healing beeing a lot harder to make use however i removed the fade ones after thinking of it a bit more, it just didnt fit her

As always remember Numbers can change they are mostly added to apply context to the idea and would need to be heavily tested to make sure the idea works properly


these are good changes, however a lot of Moira haters want her nerfed to the ground instead of reasonable changes, you’re probably getting hate for these changes lol.

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That doesn’t really solve the reason that people find moira unfun to play and play against.

(her very wide beamed secondary fire and spammy orbs)

the orb duration reduction is targetting the orb spam,

for the big hitbox of the secondary fire, i belive this is part of her intended design as an anti flanker and personally disagree with this complaint

what im looking to solve is overall increase the skill ceeling of the hero while offering more value to those that make use of it

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I don’t need another stationary healer

I don’t want her to have utility.

And cleanse is a thing I’m hard against being an ability in game. It is too niche, and disrupts plenty of other balance options.

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Well i agree that cleanse alone is very niche

thats why im tacking onto her fade, she can easily use it to survive just as easily as she can now, it just has another thing tacked on to it if she wants to use it

the cooldown increase is cuz i feel like fade on a 6s cooldown is a bit too little

that really isn’t true lmao

Hey, did you see that joke that flew over your head? damn you missed it lol.

Being able to accurately predict orb rebounds would make her way more fun to play for me. It’s exactly the kind of skilllset I wanted to see her exploit ever since her reveal trailer (even if the guide kind of negates that skillset in itself).

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hey you know that blanket statement you made that had no indication of being a joke and is actually a really common narrative on the site?


Just remove damage orb completely.

This just makes her overall weaker without solving the “skilless beam” issue.

obviously another ability would replace it

Personally, I don’t like things tacked on . I prefer choices being made appropriately

And I think “survivability” should par up with “high mobility” which is why fade on six makes sense to me. A tracer and Winston match up. Not to fight, but evade.

Just makes sense.

aint happenin

numbers can change if so, it just needs testing,

ive actually done some testing of this system in workshop, i couldnt really get good feedback out of it, although i do feel like the numbers could be changed,

but i just need to test it more and refine my workshop mode

Plus like i said above, the “SKillless beam” isnt an issue in my opinion,

Here is where you lost me :confused:

I don’t want another stationary, sitting ducks healer. I’d prefer making Moira visible during fade, so she’s vulnerable to CC/attacks and reducing CD so she can be used as pesudo dive healer

the fade idea is actually the only non-workshop tested idea that i had,

i dont think you can cleanse with workshop, sadly,

it could come and go, really

This looks like another hero and not moira.

changing some numbers makes the hero be a totally different one??

I’m generally for everything besides the fade changes. Fade serves as a simple, quick, and reliable movement ability. Also the only other thing im not to sure about would be the bounce trajectory UI added to the orbs. In the middle of a team fight or in close spaces it would probably be intrusive or obstructive. If it could be designed in a way that would solve that than I might be for it. With hps being raised to 80 I think adding resource regeneration to damage orb is really interesting and could see it add a lot of value in helping regenerate resource.

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