Moria nerfs likely incomng hoping they nerf her lock on self healing auto attacks

Boy I sure am glad that these topics are here so I can increase my post count and pretend like I seriously want to reply to these

i think thers a way to make her harder to play without touching her secondary

Moira is easy to kill. If she kills you, it says much more about your lack of skill


The secondary is what people complain about so that is likely what will be changed.

They’re going to change the thing that people dislike and the thing that so many of you are desperate not to have touched, because you know thats her biggest advantage. I’m not saying I’m 100% right because I’m not a fortune teller, but that’s what logic would point to.

You’re an unskilled person because you die to me on this hero literally made for unskilled people”.

The hypocrisy alone is why I’m glad this character is being changed.

Can’t nerf something a hero doesn’t have.


Well the reason why i dont want them to touch the secondary is because i belive that is part of her intended design,

her damage is low but very easy to use, for a very specific prupose, to counter mobile heroes,

normally mobile heroes would dodge most of the damage coming their way with their mobility, however with moiras they just cant dodge it, but the damage is low enough that normal heroes with more HP can generally fair better against it,

What i think is too easy about moira is her resource, i think, like zarya, they have too easy of a time conserving their resources due to multiple buffs given to the over the course of the games life,

frankly, what i would do (and i made it into its own Thread) is make gaining resource harder, buff her healing, and maybe throw on some utilty here and there


she has the same mechanic as zarya, symmetra, and even bastion in a sense if you are slightly more open minded lol

those tracking skills also works good on track shot heroes like 76, sombre, tracer, etc.

and no. moira doesnt have lock on lol


Literally the same with Genji. Like 1 to 1.

If Moira turns to babysit her team against genji, she can either heal the person she’s attacking (allowing Genji to amble around the team with impunity) or try leech life from Genji (allowing Genji’s team to fight since they’re basically down a healer.

Bastion could be fighting with nerf guns, it doesn’t make him immune to criticism.

Besides that, Moira has clear counters, too. There’s several heroes who can kill he before she can make a single move. Even Sigma can do that.

I think its demonstrable that I happen to think the game is pretty equal now, but I do think there’s some glaring examples of inequality.

For example:

Sigma had a combo where he’d stun an opponent with a rock, and then kill them with a mouse 1. That got nerfed. But Echo was allowed to launch with a similar combo: her stickies + Laser move.

Why in the world was Sigma’s nerfed when Echo was allowed to launch with a similar combo? Its harder to land Sigma’s rock, too, yet his kit gets messed with?

That’s just one example, but I really could go on.

Regardless, I happen to think Genji vs Moira is pretty fair as it really is similar to Bastion vs Winston. Plus, I play OW daily and even though Moira is there every match, she only steamrolls when I have a bad team. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a moira roll an entire team in comp (but I don’t play comp, but I could be wrong).


You’re all missing the point. OP’s talking about Moria, not Moira.

Moira’s annoying, but she’s not hard to outplay and frankly isn’t all that strong. She’s also got a really nice flow to her.

Moria is just full of orcs.


lol dont argue with them on this matter, they expect flankers to work 100% on support classes.

flanker see enemy supports
enemy supports see flanker
enemy supports proceed to commit seppuku


Only brain dead people would die to a Moira in a 1v1 though.


People still think it’s a lock on, means they never checked her out or even played her to know that she isn’t that strong.


Fixed it for you.
Thank me later :slight_smile:

remember people. You flag a thread when it goes against the guidelines, not just because you disagree with it!

You mean the same skill you use with Doomfist’s fist or Hanzo spamming arrows that can one shot no aim required (?)


Never called it a lock on. Though in another thread someone tested the mechanics of her beam in workshop and it was an interesting read.

However, calling her beam anything less than absolutely forgiving is a stretch. She requires no aiming skill.

Don’t know if you know this but they removed her lock-on on November 3rd, 2017.


As much as I despise moira, her lock on is very important to keep tracer and genji in check. On the other hand its very abusive and oppressive against sombra, literally breaks her kit, lets not even begin when a random biotic brushes and interrupts her.

I haven’t seen one substantial argument (based on an objective framework) as to WHY Moira needs an auto/soft lock? What part of her kit demands so much skill that her damage dealing mechanic demands so little?

The closest thing to a substantial argument is quoting her stats. 50 dps or whatever it is doesn’t matter as long as you can contest a point and potentially get a (multi)kill by just looking at an enemy player. not everyone has full health being healed by a support while facing moira at ALL times.

Why should it take a specific counter character/dps with decent aim/dps+support to negate an autolock??? In a “competitive” shooter?? The number of times I seen Moira chase down a kill recklessly cuz they know the character skillset is soo forgiving is a joke.

There are soo many things in this game that doesn’t make sense in a competitive context. Like high ground on Hanamura but theres a tree right in the middle of your line of sight. But I digress, imo OW’s balance philosophy (if there is one) is focused on metas and surface level counters. It doesn’t look at the individual mechanic/characters themselves which is VITAL for any competitive game.

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Nobody is asking for an auto/soft lock nor anything remotely close to it.
Support mains (who actually care for every single support) are asking for balance, which means you can’t just nerf Moira because bad DPS mains complain about her.

For instance, If they nerf Moira, i would expect them Devs to increase her skill ceiling in some way by giving her some utility or changing something else on her kit. Maybe even redesign her up to a point.

Can we agree on that or are you arguing that she should just be nerfed because reasons…