Where did all these nerf Brigitte thread come from?

It’s funny, because she really is terrible right now. Armor packs are powerful, because overhealing with armor is just a strong mechanic, but outside of that, she’s largely hiding in the back poking with Whipshot.

She has no range, her shield is still garbage, she’s large and slow as hell, so she’s an easy kill for just about anyone but dive DPS (and that’s not even great anymore because of the Tracer range buff, and now incomming Genji buffs). Her pickrate is terrible everywhere except masters and up, because who wants to play a repair pack dispenser all game except tryhards?


Probably samito

he saw moira get nerfed then was like “Yeah lets nerf all the other heroes i dont like”

People: “Nerf healers”
Also people: “Need healing, you suck!”


Who needs challenge and skill when you can whine to your computer until it takes pity and set the game on easy mode. This sure feels rewarding, eh? /s

I dunno, its more like Healers STOP DPSING AND HEEEEEEAL ME!!!

No, this is thread about Brig and Brig needs to survive in fight to provide heal - if you like it or not. She has to dps and she really doesn´t need nerf. She would even use some selfhealing buff cause when you get hit from a distance, you have to chase your other support for heals instead of entering a combat like that.

how about, ya know,
suggesting ways to make em harder to play, Like i did here Right here

inestead of how these toxic people ask to make them be F tier BECAUSE they are easy

ya know, Actually Solving the problem

Every healer should be like Mercy where they are at the ‘‘mercy’’ of my golden rifle. Submissive to my immense mechanical skill that is so good because I play DPS.

Moira needs more nerfs, make her right click do 0 DPS and only exist to refuel charge.

Bridgette? Have her shield be at 1HP and remove her flail, broken mechanic.


Yeah, as much as it is for Brig to pick her engages to proc inspire without getting herself killed. Sometimes, your team really needs the healing but you have no one to face tank the majority of the dmg. ; w ;

:clap: But would Blizzard even read it and take note of it towards actual change. Honestly, I don’t know who they primarily listen to for these changes.

Naw, you right. I bought Overwatch so I can play horror game simulator where every moment I don’t know when it will be my last because I am useless horror game protag that doesn’t have a gun and only has this light on a stick.

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Support players are just beta people anyway. Probably some gay boy or female who can’t play this game without needing cheap heroes

they deserve to be playing respawn simulator

/s (please, /s)

Which is stupid. If you lose to Brigitte, you’re either way out of position, feeding, or brig was using Rally (and let’s face it — most heroes have an easier time securing kills when they ult)

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Oh damn you right, every time they call me boosted mercy e-girl they were right. I am a shame to the support class and e-girls everywhere. Honestly, Blizzard should just delete me from the game for being so awful for Overwatch as a whole. /s

I dont really know,

i think sometimes they do listen to ideas i post in the forums, i think

for example, I suggested the torbjorn +50 armor on base -50 armor on Overload

i also suggested genjis 30dmg shuriken, literally made a genji buff thread a week ago, and he got buffed next, (although i did suggest a lot more changes)

i do think they sometimes listen to me, however i do wish they did more often :stuck_out_tongue:

hit me up jeff, ill give ya a hand

Another thing - I need to survive as a healer to heal you - I need to dps to survive. Team doesn´t really care about protecting their healers. Healers need to defend their selves. Moira was even ment to deal with divers in backline. If your healer prefers dps instead of heal, that´s another story - that are bad players and nerfing healers will not change them much.

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Exactly. You’re just a submissive beta human who exists only to serve the great and powerful, the DPS role.

Now go and make them a sandwich, they need one for every game they play because its so hard for them to play DPS


Well, it’s not certain if they were listening or if it was just by chance the two seems to match up. Not trying to deny if they were actually listening to you specifically but food for thought.

Yeah, pretty much. Like sometimes you get nice teammates who will protect you now and then but always is asking much as they still have other things to do like pushing the front line. Plus some flanks happen in a matter of seconds and to react that fast to save your teammates is unreasonable to ask at times especially to one with good aim or landing a heavy amount of dmg especially to one with 200 hp.

I’ll be sure to feed the the Rein and Orisa (fortify) with my body and have them pin me for I am not worthy. /s

Tank players are trash as well

hold right click all game, so hard =)

dps is the only role with skill

did you know playing dps is so hard?


Oh, no. They carry the game so hard that they are sweating by the palms. I must soothe them and their hard carry. For what can I offer to the DPS-Gods to prove I am worthy to bask in their holy divine light. /s

Get on your knees and proclaim to them that they have a big-

k wrong forum


A big what?! I must know what I must do to prove my worth to them as a devoted follower in their belief that they are the descendant of god and has received his gifts and wisdom. As they are able to be T500 at any moment and yet choose to stay on this lower mortal plane to spread his holy influence that we are nothing but “trash teammates.” /s

its possible and its also possible that they are just ideas that other people are saying (however i havent seen the case, beeing widely spread arround)

there are others, i just cant remember em right now

but its certainly a possibility, however id like to belive they are, (prevents me from atleast giving up entirely lol)