Thoughts from a Moira Main

Hey all, I never use the forums since I’m from PS4 but I wanted to drop in and give my thoughts. I’ve accumulated hundreds of hours on Moira and mained her since release and believe I’m well enough experienced on her to give my thoughts and opinions.

Back in early May I posted a list of changes I wanted to see on Twitter. These included:

Secondary fire lowered to 40 dps
Passive healing returned to 30 dps
Orb dps raised to 60 dps (orb total damage remains 200)
Resource Gained from secondary fire increased as well as Primary fire healing increased to 70.

Now there’s a lot to unpack here. We’ll talk about the changes first and then move on to how I view Moira in the current climate of the game. Lastly I’d like to add that I am only a Masters player. I hit 4174 with Moira in S12 and have been Masters/Diamond ever since. PSN is NAL__17 for any who want to check sources

These changes would lower her overall dps but allow her to retain her 100 dps combo (Secondary Fire + Damage Orb) for when she needs it(and she does need it). This will also see the orb depleted faster making it less likely to “randomly bounce around and get a kill”. A revert to the self healing increases the relatively low value of your Secondary Fire during the mid fight and would make it less likely you have to waste your healing orb for just yourself. And finally, Moiras healing. I’m going to go slightly off topic here. Moira as a support in Overwatch has zero utility. None. Nothing. No boop, no speed, no damage amp, no rez, no sleep, no anti, no discord, no immortality, no stun, no armor. Nothing to give besides pure, raw, healing. So tell me why she shouldn’t excel at the only thing she does. In a world where Junk is dealing 130 damage per shot and we’re now seeing buffs to Hanzo and Genji spam, why should Moira not be healing 80 hps? Originally I only asked for 70 hps, but Moira needs her 80 hps back. There’s no reason for the only support in the game with no utility to not be doing this level of healing. From what I’ve gathered and seen, players are frustrated by Moira killing them because she does it rather reliably. The changes I’ve suggested decrease her main source of damage and tie her picking power more to her orb. This places a larger emphasis on cooldown management (which is already one of the most crucial aspects of her kit). I don’t mind a damage decrease, but it better be worth it. We’ve already lost 15 hps on our Primary Fire, lost 10 hps on our passive healing, our Healing Orbs value was decreased due to the flight speed buff. 5 HPS is not enough to balance the massive amount of numbers and value that have been removed from our kits. There is a healthy and effective way to balance Moira without just ripping numbers out of her kit.

I offer these suggestions and advice as a dedicated Moira player. I do not want her to be a must pick, I do not want her to be the best support in the game. I do want her to excel at her niche though. I want her to be the support she was designed to be. One the that can defend herself. One that can keep her team alive.


i dont think that her resource gain should be buffed, in fact, i think it should be nerfed,

i invision moira with changes like i suggested on this Thread for reasons i also explained there…but i kinda dont feel like retyping them all lol

I’ll check your thread out! Either a buff to resource gain or increase to healing would help solve the problem im facing to be completely honest. Might not need both. Often times im throwing a healing orb and holding primary fire on a tank for multiple seconds that i do run out in the middle of a fight and have to alternate primaey and secondary fairly rapidly to try and keep heals going. Main thing I want is more healing.

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I can’t take you seriously simply because you want the orb buffed, it’s already an ability that takes 0 skill and gets insane value when it absolutely shouldn’t

I can understand that sentiment but I suppose I should say its not one of the core buffs im asking for. My main reasoning for that suggestion was because, on live, she does 50 dps with secondary and her orb does 50 dps so 100 dps with both. The orb is not her main damage source and since her primary is lowered to 40, it still would allow her to deal with flankers but be at the cost of a very important ability. Like I also mentioned the total damage of the orb would stay 200 so it would deplete and disappear faster. However if no one else thinks this is a good idea than I have no issue admitting I’m wrong and we can scrap it altogether.

How about buff the ridiculous beam by 30 DPS for all I care. just get rid of the disgusting orb

I think for most squishy characters that would make the beam far less fun to play against. Getting hit by a 30 m beam that deals 100 dps, hits multiple targets, and passes through barriers would be incredibly frustrating for a lot of players.