So mei is braindead but genji isnt?

Well, you’re an odd one then.

Pretty sure that’s what you said:

After your edit: sigh.

just ignore literally everyone that calls a hero braindead…most of them are annoyed they lost and are looking for a reason to ask for nerfs


I must main Genji 'cos my ninja edits are slick. :smirk:

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I don’t like the word “brain dead” but having value for low effort is frustrating.

i mean sure there is ways and ways to say it… like this threads ive made for Zarya and Moira where i explicitly said that they were too easy and suggested ideas to increase their ceeling and reduce their floor,

however what i did was make them better for those who can get value out of them, inestead of just nerfing them like most people who complain about ease of use who just suggest nerfs…


And due Mei’s blatant “low skill = high reward” all these “potato noobtubers” still get lots of value by just mindlessly spraying Mei’s M1…

Do you understand now a bit more why this fundamentally flawed design that plagues heroes like Mei has been such a prevalent reason why she has been blamed for being a “braindead” hero for so many years??

So like almost every single hero in this game in general… Next…

So many generalizations that it’s just tiring… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


Because Mei can stun you :sunglasses: And people don’t like being stunned, therefore shes “no skill” lol

They say the same about Brig, McCree stun too


Junkrat unironically take more skill than both to really pop off. Try getting his projectiles to consistently connect and get close enough without getting melted.
No defensive abilities, mines barely count if you use them as to get close, so you always have to have good decision making.
Both Genji and Mei do have high skill ceiling, it’s true, but they also have a much more forgiving margin of error.


I don’t give a toss who gotta the brains, I’m not Dr Frankenstein.

Genji has no CC on primary fire, no AoE CC ultimate, no self-heal and doesn’t isolate chokes with a tank-like barrier.

There’s not a single CC I haven’t complained about.

Yes don’t play for point and counter Mei by switching to the sniper tank…

Actually until fairly recently Mei was largely accepted as being a very difficult hero, especially in high ranks, due to her wall placement and delayed projectile. Funny how something becoming meta can immediately change perceptions.

People have always called her Satan but not always called her easy…


Mei can press m1 and the entire enemy team is frozen from across the map for 10sec, so it requieres no aim
-Forum guy

Found this note under the desk…


Uhm reflect dash anyone? Lmao

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No one’s “braindead”, people just like to

A) look cool
B) echo chamber
C) pretend they have an opinion that insinuates they are extremely knowledgeable and or passionate about their claim in a way that other people might perceive them as skilled when we should all know statements like that and the process of making statements like that hurts conversation from the get go.



Imagine saying genji takes no skill.
I wonder what do they think about the rest of the heroes loool, poor mercy they will flame her.

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Seems like Mei right click dont exist now

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mei is literally the pyro from tf2 but can freeze people, and her icicle headshots, when people are frozen with no way of escaping it, oh, also a self heal.

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I can only definately speak for myself here, but I’ve always considered Mei as a blatantly “low skill = high reward” hero (mostly in low/mid ranks as well), no matter whether she was part of a META or not.

I’m actually 1000% sure the majority of the player base would agree with this stance as well actually, as long as my anecdotal experience is to be taken into consideration…

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The lower you go, the more likely Mei is going to botch wall placement - potentially in a catastrophic way. Have you ever been in a game where Mei accidently blocks a friendly Shatter with a wall? Let me tell you, as someone who got to listen to the rest of the team, I felt very sorry for the Mei. I hear less vitriol spewed towards throwers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they uninstalled OW immediately after the game.

mei’s right click takes skill yes that is until you left click and the person cant move any more. also old genji right click was fine people think the damage buff is what makes his right click stupid right now but remmember that was a 6 damage buff if all three are landed the real culprit is the the spread buff on his right click it makes his right click too consistent and increases that range from which you can reliably hit all the shurikens the spread should be reverted with the deflect duration being reverted but leave the cancelation and damage buffs. but in reality the thing that makes genji op is nano blade its an easy team wipe every time the thing either needs a huge ult charge nerf so that you cant justr go ok guys well charge up nano blade and then win point all the time or the blade itself should be nerfed.