First Impressions of the patch notes

Alright i was planning a thread where i pointed out my first impressions (aka the first thing that i think when i see the notes)

So as a generalized thing…i have to say im kind of dissapointed…none of these changes fix the issues with most of the chars…ill try to be as fair as possible

on to a more detailed thing,


Biotic Rifle

  • Healing reduced from 75 to 70

Ana is currently a highly dominant hero from the meta, bolstering extremely high pickrates, however, these changes dont really seem to fix the problem with ana…Anas main issue (and the thing that is strong about her) IS antinade, a lack of cleansing abilities make antinade a death sentence for most tanks, it can also counter one of the strongest defensive ults in transcendense,

what i would do is:

  • Antinade duration reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds

other than that…ana doesnt really need many nerfs, she mostly dominates because every other hero is bad


Configuration: Sentry

  • Spread decreased 10%
  • Shots until max spread reduction lowered from 60 to 40


  • Resource drain rate increased 20%
  • Healing per second increased from 75 to 90

Bastion buff yes finally! im…Not sure how i feel about this…? the spread decrease definetly sounds nice…and the self repair healing buffs i guess are also pretty nice but i feel like this…doesnt solve his issue? his issue is beeing overly reliant on allies due to his inmobiltiy and lack of defensive abilities to make up for it, for that reason i suggest to make him into a tank, reducing his damage a tad maybe, maybe not, and giving him new defensive capabilities, the self repair kind of fills that role but i dont really feel like it will change much of him, you dont even have to make him into a tank if you dont want to, just throw a new skill on E

My counter-suggestion

/Bastion rework/

  • Moved to tank role, More specifically, he is a Bruiser
  • 200 hp / 200 armor

Sentry mode

  • Damage against players reduced from 450 —> 300
  • Deals critical damage against Barriers for a 1.5x multiplier (450 DPS)


  • Removed

New passive: Sonar

  • Every 4 seconds, a sonar ping is emited, it will reveal all enemy players in a 10m radius for 0.8 seconds
  • Performs a radar ping Noise if any enemy is detected the louder it is the closer the target is, and it will priorize warning you from targets behind you

New E ability: Configuration defense

  • Can be held for up to 2s (its a resource meter)
  • Frontal barrier that protects bastion with 200 hp
  • Regenerates after not beeing used for 2s, at a rate of 50hp/s


Frag Launcher

  • Projectiles maintains slightly more velocity on ricochet

Concussion Mine

  • Projectile speed increased from 20 to 25
  • Ricochet distance off of enemy players greatly reduced

Total Mayhem

  • Bomb detonation time reduced from 1 sec to 0.7
  • Bombs spread increased 50%

Junkrat buffs…he definetly did need buffs…but i kind of feel like these dont really fix him…his issue is that he has a trick-sized hitbox (honestly he should have 250hp maybe at this point?) and his grenades have such small projectile size that they are impossible to hit accurately and it forces junkrat players to spam,

here is what i would counter suggest for him:

  • Primary fire grenade size increased to 0.3
  • Can hold up to 2 mines active at the same time (the one closest to the reticle when the button is pressed will be detonated first)
  • Can hold up to 2 traps active at the same time
  • added a second trap charge

the idea is basically giving some improvements to his primary while making his kit flow a bit better, having two trap and mine charges allows you to have one trap and mine combo deployed + another random trap and still have your mobility or defense


Caduceus Staff

  • Healing per second increased from 50 to 55

Oh boy im going to get murdered for this probably but…i …dont really think this fixes her lack of healing, 60hps would have been good but personally i prefer a new ability on E that increases her skilll ceeling like this one

Spear of the Valkyrie

  • Bound to F
  • Mercy holds her staff like a spear and throws it forwards,
  • When the spear strikes an area, it casts an effect 4m arround its impact location
  • The buff Gives anyone in its radius an instantaneous 80HP and cleanses all “Soft CC” currently active (anti-nade, hack, etc)
  • Deals 75 impact damage if it hits an enemy
  • 10 second cooldown


Biotic Orb

  • Damage radius reduced from 5 to 4 meters
  • Projectile speed increased from 16 to 20
  • Projectile duration reduced from 10 to 7 seconds

Intresting changes…i understand the prupose of them kind of, remove the bounciness of Damage orb, make it easier to dodge, and increase the proj speed to make up for it

but frankly, this misses the issue with moira, ill be quoting two things i said myself to explain what i think is her issue


But realistically i do think moira needs changes

Her whole “learning curve” by design is not accuracy, but resource managment, from release to now moira has gotten multiple buffs to her resource that have made resourse conservation much easier (and moira is by far the only hero that had this issue, another character who has it is Zarya, you can keep relatively high charge/resource with both whole asleep)

So i think the moira changes should be centering arround buffing her healing but making resource conservation a much…MUCH harder task

Imagine if her meter drained over time inestead of recharging

Or her M1 Consumed more, and her recharge methods were all weaker

She wouldbe much harder to use

Proposed Change


Orb of Discord

  • Damage amplification increased from 25% to 30%

Im okay with this, honestly, although curious that they kept his buffed primary, maybe they want him to do more damage?

but frankly i dont have an issue with this…

Competitive open queue Permanency

i have no issue with this, more options to the players, i know jeff said this actually reduces queue times but keep an eye on them

Remember that all these were my first impressions without testing, and that all the suggestions ive given are also to be taken with a grain of salt, the numbers ive proposed are mostly for context and can be changed at any time

i tried to be as fair as possible, i dont think all these changes are terrible, in fact most of them are…I dont know…okay at best? they are just not what i expected

this is experimental, these changes are suposed to be wild, untested, confusing and controversial, this feels more like a PTR than an experimental thing, honestly,

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The zen change looks significant indeed since they kept his old primary buff. Mercy sure it will be a bit less painful to heal tanks but why not just straight up 60hps baseline? Moira change is also a change to the heal ord if im not mistaken so hopefully they dont nerf her balls too much cause any change seems to apply to both of them? Ana nerf doesnt solve the anti nade issue yea, as long as we dont have more cleanses like Zarya I think its safe to jusr nerf the duration

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The different isnt Very significant but it may alter some intresting damage breakpoints that we are not aware of, it may be pretty strong…

part of me was thinking and doing the maths on crits + discord see if it changed


Im not too sure about this, not for ALL of them atleast

the change states:

Notice that…? “DAMAGE” radius?