I just wanna talk a little about Roadhog’s Hook ability on how it’s functioning currently and how frustrating it is to use.
First off all, I would like to say that, Hook is currently one of the most bugged ability in the game as it’s suffering from some long time common issues that haven’t been fixed yet.
The most common one is that the hook automatically breaks when a hero uses his/her mobility ability even though the hook was connected on his/her and the hero was clearly not behind a wall or any other object.
Some cases I wanna share with you guys that always happen in a match,
CASE 1(Hook getting disconnected after a mobility ability is used)
(Hook breaks after Tracer uses her Blink) -
(Same as above)
CASE 2(Hook breaks when a hero is in mid-air or jumping)
(Hook breaks after pharah is hooked in mid-air) -
(Hook breaks during hooking a jumping Tracer) -
(Another Pharah example) -
(Hook breaks when Mercy jumps) -
(Hook breaks when Lucio is wallriding) -
(Hook’s LOS breaks when Zenyatta is hooked) -
(Hook disconnects from jumping Ana) -
(Hook breaks when Sombra is hooked) -
(Hooks breaks when Mercy is hooked)
CASE 3(Hook not pulling the target infront of Roadhog)
(Just watch the clips and this happens all of the time) -
(Hook attatches on the training bot but the bot doesn’t gets pulled towards Hog)
CASE 4(Hook’s impact not being registered)
(Hook passes through Genji) -
(Hook passes through Zenyatta)
CASE 5(Hook switches between targets on it’s own)
Note: In both of these clips above, the hook clearly connects to Junkrat but surprisingly disconnects from him and then reconnects to his trap. I’m pretty sure that this is not Trap related bug only since yesterday I played a match in which I hooked D.Va but the hook got disconnected from her and got reconnected to Hammond, who was standing right next to her.
Some Map related bugs
(Hook pulling the target through the bridge’s pillar on first point of Rialto map)
Note: I clearly doubt that this one is fixed but I’m completely not sure about it. So it would be nice to let me know if it is or not.
Now with the original post out of the way, here are some threads made by other players who also are complaining about Roadhog (This Section will keep getiting be updated)
Another one made by my friend SneakyVortex
On 23 July 2018, Dr Riku (Top 500 Roadhog Main) made an interesting video sharing his thoughts on current Roadhog,
You can also refer and reply on our friend Mudkip’s thread, who came up on the forums to share Dr.Riku’s clip, so original credit goes to him/her.
The point of the making this thread with sharing all the clips above is to show that these bugs are still existing in the game and immediately needs to be fixed as soon as possible, since they’re preventing the ability from working as intended.
“Blizzard I’m kindly requesting you to PLZ take notice of this.”