To be honest i find his damage to be fine now all they need to do is fix his spread like they did for Doomfist and fix his hook bugs and he honestly be more consistent then.
20 characters…
Honestly I think it’s one or the other. Either he needs more damage, or je needs more consistency.
i am serious here this topic needs to stay at the top, this is a very important topic that has been ignored forever and its just getting worse and your post is well thought out and detailed, this needs to be noticed and actually addressed for once or even better just fixed because this would be garbage if it was a an indie company but how is this happening with a company with infinite resources?
I’ve had the problem where if I book a Tracer, she blinks after the hook lands and it cancels. Don’t ask how that works.
Roadhog hasn’t been the same since that big nerfed to the one shot kill and he’s been boring since.
I’m having Deja vu from the days of the Genji deflect thread. Its all coming back isn’t it? But for Roadhog.
Who cares about hog? Mercy got a 10hps nerf! Talk about that more!
Seriously though, the hook bugs are so obnoxious and very noticible. Lucios snapping out of hooks, tracers blinking even after a hook is landed, and genji deflecting a hook after it lands. Really makes no sense.
I am willing to bet any fixes will take ages though. Look at sombra, doomfist, and rein who still have bugs to this day. Hog is going to have to take a back seat for a while
Honestly it’s bad.
I truly wish everyone on the dev team would play a couple games as Roadhog just to see what it’s like right now. It feels like you’re being punished for landing good hooks when the game just goes “ehh…nah” and breaks.
The stupid thing is unless the “Pros” complain about it the devs won’t listen to us at all and he will most likely stay the way he is which is so annoying in my opinion
Roady’s the new mercy.
this makes me mentally depressed as a day one roady main.
Or if the hook does land, you get RNG’d and aren’t able to land all of your shotgun pellets. Just up the consistency of his hook landing and tighten his shotgun spread and we’re golden.
Hog main here, FeelsHookMan.
Don’t compare hog to mercy Watcher, he’s not most pick like she is.
This is your daily reminder to fix roadhog
Not to mention his extremely underwhelming ult that is a death sentence every time you use it.
My favorite is when I hit a hook on a midair hookshotting widow and she ends up on my head instead of infront of me.
I wish I had video evidence of my hooks breaking when I play Roadhog. But there is one other action his hook does that I don’t know is intentional. And this is when I hook a someone that is above in some way and them being at the the top left or top right of my screen and not in the CENTER where they SHOULD be. And this makes you mess up up your left click shot onto them and 9/10 of the times the target lives.
Good thread though, those aren’t the only thing I would fix about Hog but getting his bugs sorted out is a good start. Good luck getting other people to give this attention because mostly everyone on the forums thinks he is “completely balanced”.
When we’ve ‘Nerf Mercy Threads’ each and everyday, how’s someone even gonna have time to watch these threads that really needs dev attention
Honestly not confident it will ever get a blue post but i wont stop trying because this needs to be fixed