Roadhog: The random Elimination Hero

Thanks Mudkip and Dr. Riku for breathing new life into this subject. Here is a linked video that goes in depth in some of the problems with roadhog.

As a summary. No other hero in overwatch has to deal with chance on the level roadhog does. His elimination count is heavily influenced by random and luck influenced factors such as,
-Hook breaking: whether it will break or not due to your movement or the enemies.
-Pull in Placement: Where the enemy will be placed, anyone who plays roadhog knows that people can be dragged to the right, left, and above you which totally throws off your aim and end up doing a fraction of the damage.
-Bullet pattern: Doomfist who also has a shotgun like ability has a fixed spread so he knows where to aim it, unlike roadhog who has greater spread and random spread. You can do everything right; get the hook, get the right placement, move in a little bit, and shoot, but that random pattern decided to screw you because not enough pellets went to the head where you aimed at.

No other hero has to deal with 3 factors that determine whether they get the elimination or not when they hook someone. This leads an inconsistent and unreliable hero that is still fun to play but can be on fire one round and just an ult battery the next.


i love seeing these topics popping up if there is enough the devs need to take notice they have ignored him for far too long, anyone who cares about hog lets all try to keep these topics up or even if you care about bugs being reduced if these topics are up forever stylosa might make a video about it(a 10 minute video) then and only then will it get fixed




Lets keep all these topics up

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TBH I wasn’t the first person to post it, I wish I was, but I’m happy it’s getting noticed.


Remember 4 months ago when it was just us?


Great title. 10/10

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Hook breaking and target placement aren’t random, though. Sure some of the hook mechanics are less intuitive and perhaps even bugged, but you just plan around those when using it. His weapon spread is the only random factor.

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I think Roadhog just needs more damage. He never had this issue when his damage was actually good. I’d gladly take his old damage if it meant having his dumb e ability reverted


This okay for stuff like breaking line of sight with cover. But stuff like Tracers breaking hooks with blinks right in front of you is garbage.

This is fine. No need to adjust, it’s merely a problem with the RNG spread.

RNG has no place in this game. This random spread thing needs to stop.

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i remember those days its nice others are taking notice, if only the devs would too

Meh. My opinion hasn’t changed: Roadhog works just fine, he just isn’t worth it because of how easy he is to farm.

Shotguns, hook, latency. Random gonna random.

Hog is fine.

yea i have seen hook bugs in the OWL…which doesnt have latency but please go on

I’ve seen this too much. I’ve been in clear LoS of the Roadhog hooking me, and it randomly breaks. Sure, it’s good for me, but it makes me question if they even care about certain characters.

In the few hours of me playing Roadhog, this is annoying. I try to fix it, but still nothing. No matter how much of “pulling the hook more to the left if X hero is on the right,” it’s just annoying.

Pellets can sometimes just fly right through people, and it is just… why?

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lol it would be funny if all this wasnt true

Hook breaking feels random because in many cases there is no clear cause.

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Yeah. The pig needs some tweaking!

I mean, he has one of the worst ults in the game, so many abilities interrupt it. Hack/emp interrupt it even though there are no electronics involved lol


Yes, thank you. Roadhog is by far my favorite hero and everyone who plays him for a longer period of time should see that he needs some attention.

He is NOT in need of a rework or huge buffs, but honestly just a small damage buff would make him much more consistent.