Roadhog Hook bug

Hi there dear players,

i have a real problem with Roadhogs hook since … well since a long time.
The hook isn’t conistent at all. I can hook, the hook connects and in like 1/8 of cases the hook disconnects while i still can see and aim at the enemy player.

Thats really frustrating, because well, Roadhog isn’t an insta killing machine anymore, he is inconsistent even with the combo in killing small targets.
Everything beside tracer has a good chance of escaping.

Hanzo escapes with as much HP as Soldier. All while he can dish out enormous damage and can make even a succesful hook dangerous for the roadhog player.
Whats with that? I get the Hanzo out of position and the game nearly punishes me for it when he activates stormshot? Thats just BS.

He also can cancel my hook connect with his jump dash.

I think genjis dash and double jump cancels the hook and other dash animations do too, even when the player is still in view and hookrange. It just cancels the hook and play diamond and above know that and use it reguarly. They know when to dash to cancel my hook, iam pretty sure i saw some genji using that whole game. he only couldnt escape when his doublejump or dash was on CD.
Pretty sure the system favours dash over hook in those split seconds.
Yeah and thats actually bad game design in my eyes.

Which makes roadhog bad. I connect my hook with a genji, not an easy feat, but he can just do doublejump at the right moment and… nothing. Not good game design, not rewarding.

Extremly frustrating and makes the nerfed hog really bad in many situations.

So do others have the same problems?


Do check this,


post in that topic but lets keep this topic up, honestly the bug is getting worse i wont play hog till its fixed so my guess never

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There is a mega thread, nice! thx dude.

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sadly megathreads do get ignored so more topics like this the better