Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

Here are 10 reasons why I believe that Mass Ressurect is Returning to Overwatch. Get your popcorn, this will be a long one. :blush:

  1. Ressurect was changed based on an opinion of it being “unfun to play against” instead of actual statistics and data. “Hide and Res” was also an argument used to push the rework - when in reality, Mercy still needs to hide in order to res even today.
  2. Mass Rez is arguably a lot more balanced than Valkyrie, only needing minor tweaks, versus 10+ sledgehammer nerfs. Looking into pickrates and winrates, mass rez mercy has, on record, never become a 100% must pick with an inflated nearly perfect winrate like she’s had in her initial Valkyrie form, but was seen as a niche, almost a troll pick who needed buffs. Even after her invincibility buffs, she was still no where near as much of a must pick as she’s had in Valk. Of course, this has been proven multiple times already, so I’ll leave it at that.
  3. The forced rework caused Mercy to be extremely overpowered for 5 months straight, then gutted into the unimpactful state she is currently in now. People have been complaining about her state as either being, both Mercy mains and non-Mercy mains, ever since.
  4. Due to her rework, there has been a huge increase in toxicity against Mercy. Hate videos on social media demonizing the hero, ignoring entire mega-threads worth of feedback, her player-base in the community being called out as various derogatory slurs (from being entitled to being cultists), and even a skit sponsored by OWL themselves that mocked the hero, and by extension, Mercy players. Such hatred was never so extreme against the video game character prior to her vast changes, and it existing in such a way wouldn’t exist if she wasn’t made a must pick.
  5. Generally, reverting is a safer option in terms of development and has been proven to work in countless applications. Since assets of Mass Ressurect were created already, it would be not only easier to re-introduce into the game, but it would also be faster than reinventing the wheel with coming up with yet another rework that would risk making her OP for another 5 months.
  6. Torbjorn and Hammond’s Ultimate, and the amount of CC in this game directly counter Mass ressurect, so it’s inclusion would not only be easier, and faster to do, but it would also be even easier to play against versus back then and versus Flying into the skybox in Spectator Mode for 12 seconds Valkyrie.
  7. Since the statement by Jeff, “We have no plans to revert Mercy… But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.” Mercy has been reverted at least twice already. First when her Old voiceline, “Heroes Never Die!” made a comeback, and later when her healing was reverted from 60hp back to 50hps, the same healing output she’s had during her Mass res days. Following the trend, reverting her is nothing new, and has been done before - signifying a literal change of plans from what was said before.
  8. On the contrary, there is no documented source from any dev making the statement of “mass rez is not going to come back.” Any source that does is interpretation on the wording spoken about previously by Jeff, and as was stated in #7, such a statement has already been debunked.
  9. Resurrect on E has been the bane of Mercy’s existence. Being both uninpactful and unengaging by the masses, and a development nightmare to try and balance around. Since they have already stated that they aren’t going to remove the ability, due to it being iconic in nature, reverting the hero by putting it back as an Ultimate and then tweaking it from there is a very valid solution to her current state.
  10. We’ve tried Valkyrie for an entire year, and with how her winrates are currently, the general consensus about her being very boring and unimpactful to play by a large amount of the community with the huge drop in her usage rates, it’s proven to have failed. We’ve never tried Mass res with the modern tweaks such as LoS and a cast time like she has now, and with all the counters to her kit today, I believe that with those fixes, she would be in a way better state that she is in now while still being balanced, fair, and fun to play.

I believe It’s time to bring Mercy back, and give the people the respect, glory, and impact they deserve with her instead of forcing upon them reworks they never wanted in the first place. I believe it’s time for Mass res to return + the tweaks, give her a different E move (Be it Pacify, Halo, Valk watered down, or something else), and call it a day.

And to the inevitable response of “Just switch to a different hero!” Well I ask, why should Mercy suffer at the cost of everyone else? Why should we just be okay with one of our heroes be made broken for 5 months and then gutted? We can disagree on a LOT of things, but let’s be honest with ourselves for a second. Mercy and her fanbase didn’t deserve to be treated like that. NO hero and it’s fanbase deserves to be treated like that. Switching is fine, but it doesn’t solve nor address her actual problems.

We deserve as an Overwatch community to have all of our heroes to be both fun to play, and balanced as well, not sacrificing one at the cost of the other. I personally believe that solution for Mercy is a revert, as I’m sure a lot of people also would want as well, but of course that’s just my opinion, and I respect those who don’t agree with it. Just my two cents on the matter.

But what do you think? Do you agree with this list? Disagree? Maybe you’re indifferent. Let’s keep it positive & classy, post your thoughts below, and thank you for reading. :blush:

“This was a huge success.”

Edit: False flags seemed to have been removed. Thanks Mods! :blue_heart:

Second Edit: Over 200 likes?! Thanks so much for your support, lovelies!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


It will never return


In the past year, all the things that would be needed to counterbalance mass rez have actually been brought into the game.

I doubt they’ll bring it back though :man_shrugging:


It’s not coming back, just let it go already.


Nope! You are entitled to your opinion. I’ll have to disagree with you on that. I prefer to keep fighting. Thanks for the suggestion though! :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Why not? Can you please explain why instead of just saying it won’t…?


Jeff literally said back in February they don’t intend to revert her at all.


No, it won’t happend. She will not be reverted.
Why Mercy mains can’t move on?


They have gone back on there word before.

Its more a “will they” than “they wont”.
We don’t know what they are going to do.

Although we all have different opinions on what SHOULD happen.


Posts like these delay balancing Mercy, because the devs aren’t going to put in Multi-Rez.


They’ve also said a lot of things that they’ve gone back on. And, that was back in February. People can change their minds.


God I hate that every thread that gets big has to have an entire thread replying to it.


Why not? Do you have an inside track with the Devs? Ooh! What does Mr. Kaplan eat for lunch?


Read Number 7. Thanks guys! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Nope it’s never coming back.


Because all circumstantial evidence shows that they don’t like the idea.

If you actually care about making Mercy balance, why hold out for a highly unlikely longshot, and avoid any other solution?


I disagree, I think it will.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Well yeah you’re right, but I rather have another rework at this point or just some small buffs.


Said tweaks throw Mercy even further into F tier than she is now.

So stagnant gameplay then.

  1. Why should we get punished for Mercy’s mistakes
  2. They take too long to activate once you consider they have to see Mercy coming and move into position.

Actually, I’m doing like you said, working with the devs. Mass Rez saves development time rather than creating new abilities or another rework.