Hi aria
I have existed on the forums long before Aria. I have no idea the point of your reference, or the associated rank shaming accompanying it. But, If you have questions about why I believe Mass Rez isn’t OP, and to educate yourself on the perceptions of Mercy mains, and the common misconceptions of both, I suggest looking at my previous threads.
Here are 10 reasons why I believe that Mass Ressurect is Returning to Overwatch. Get your popcorn, this will be a long one.
Ressurect was changed based on an opinion of it being “unfun to play against” instead of actual statistics and data. “Hide and Res” was also an argument used to push the rework - when in reality, Mercy still needs to hide in order to res even today.
Mass Rez is arguably a lot more balanced than Valkyrie, only needing minor tweaks, versus 10+ sledgehammer nerfs. Lo…
I believe right now, this would be quite helpful. So to clear up the confusion, Here are 10 Hard to Swallow Pills about Mercy Mains, in response to the 10 most common misconceptions that surround them. So sit back, relax, play some classic reading music, and crack open a cold one. This will be a long read!
Mercy Mains want Mercy to be OP…to again be a must pick!!
Most Mercy mains don’t want their hero to be OP o…
Some critics who argue their reasons against Mass Res, tend to forget some fundamental details in the ability and how it was used in the game. This thread will hopefully clear up those misconceptions and shed light on why I think a revert of her ultimate (that is bringing her E ability back on Q, with tweaks) is the best solution to her problem, even today.
To understand why myself and many other mercy mains are still vouching for mass res, one must understand how the hero currently plays. More…
Well said. Thank you.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
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