Every single lootbox I’ve opened for the anniversary event has given me the same glitch. The camera is zoomed in, past the items I received, and I can’t preview them. The camera pans down really slowly in front of the items, but if this was intentional, it’s terrible and makes it so you can’t preview your items.
I had the same glitch. Zoomed in then panned out. Lost the Zen Huitzliopochtli skin when I exited.
Hello! I just had the same exact issue. I recently won an anniversary loot box for a victory, along with a loot box for leveling up. However when I opened the first anniversary box, the game glitched and looked too zoomed in, and it was not allowing me to see what I received properly. After trying to navigate through the page to click anything, the box zoomed out and switched to my other unopened loot box. I saw in my anniversary loot box that I had gotten the new legendary Zenyatta skin, I only was able to see a corner of the skin but it looked familiar, but when I opened all of my loot boxes and went to the hero gallery, none of my awards from the anniversary loot box had saved properly.
Same thing here. Opened the box, got the legendary zenyatta and the preview was zoomed in and slow. When I exited, I’ve lost all rewards from the box !
Same issue here.
when i open loot box it is all zoomed in and can’t see properly. i know i got the new Zen skin, but when checking in hero gallery it is gone.
Same thing happened to me!
Literally the exact same thing happened to me there and i was meant to get the new zen skin aswell and all the items just disappeared out of thin air
Hi, same happened to me, i pone a loot box and i saw how i get GENJI NIHON, but its like my rewards dessapear… i want my skin
Overwatch SUB menus are transitioning to the panning main menu background image. Please fix.
Can confirm. Really annoying. Lost like 5 boxes b4 I noticed I wasn’t actually receiving the loot from them if the camera glitch happened.
Also, from the boxes I got that didn’t give me the camera glitch, I got some summer games items? Is that supposed to happen? No, right?
Same here but it only happened on my legendary anniversary loot box but not for the normal ones. I’m butthurt cuz I got the Ashe skin and that’s the one I really wanted.
my zen skin got taken from me everytime i got it
We are aware of an issue causing the camera to zoom in when opening an Anniversary Loot Box, making it difficult to see what items were received. There is an extra layer of confusion associated with this in that when the camera zooms, it focuses on the Anniversary background displayed on the main menu, erroneously giving the impression that players are receiving Anniversary skins from their Loot Boxes, which may not be the case.
Strangely, this has happened to me once on the first box but has never happened again
It’s also possible to enter the other menus such as the hero gallery in this state.
Had the same thing and it actually showed me as having the Zen skin as well. Maybe its associated with the skin,
Hi. This happened on PS4 too. The camera glitched and I lost my items. Will this get fixed?
Glad to see this is common, happens to me every single time I open one and it’s getting on my nerves.
This just happened to me : (
You guys didn’t get the Zen skin, you’ll notice that it doesn’t have the coin like icon behind it which indicates it’s an anniversary skin. You’re seeing the Zen that was set on the main menu screen.