Unboxed skin is gone

I opend an anniversary box and got the new zenyata skin Huitzilopochtli. I equipped it went to play and no skin so when the match ended i went to look and it says i need to buy it now for 3000 coins.

Plz can i get my skin back?



I had the exact same issue

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the same happened to me aswell, got cyborg soldier, a reaper spray and a brigitte pose (i think) somehow the camera was too close when i opened the first lootbox they give you when you open the game for the first time today and the same thing happened to me with the zen skin

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After opening the container, I got a new legendary look on Zenyatt and epic on Sigma. After that, the game crashed, I restarted the game, the skins did not fall into my collection, and the container also disappeared.

same for me… skin is gone

happend to me as well, seems like there is a bug with zens skin specifically

Exact same issue here.

Same issue with the same skin. After opening the lootbox, my collection was updated with only 1 skin (not new) and 1 voice line, no coins or other skins. When I opened the loot box, the new Zenyatta skin was floating around, but it wasn’t actually given to me as an option in my collection, it says I have to buy it for 3000 coins. I only got 2 items total.

I’m now noticing it only looks like you get the Zen skin because it’s panning through the main screen and Zen is on the left, there’s no coin under him nor background behind him so it seems like you get the skin, but you actually did not.

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I thought this was what happened but actually it’s the loot box preview screen cutting in with the home screen (when it does that zoomed thing).

I have a printscreen but I can’t post it.

Yea but i was able to equip my new zen skin and when it didn’t show in game i went to look why and it was gone and so was everything else i got from that box.