Lets fix everything! - My take

This is imitating a old thread back in the forums, which i will make a long post containing my opinion (based on some facts) about what is broken and how it should be fixed




  • Fix his bugs


  • Increased range in Halt
  • Halt cooldown reduced 8 > 6
  • Fortify cooldown reduced 10 > 8


  • Nothing


  • Shield health increased 600 > 800


  • Nothing


  • Primary fire damage increased 2.5 - 5 > 3.5 - 6
  • Total ammo increased 80 >100
  • Adaptive shield cooldown reduced 15 > 12
  • Piledriver falloff reduced from 10 damage per meter > 5 damage per meter


Rein: HeĀ“s currently meta, so he clearly doesnt need any changes, if he ever does, id suggest some sort of knockback resistance passive on shield up or something

Orisa: She is a very stationary target, and suffers from abnormally high cooldowns, this changes help her manipulate her space more often with halt, and respond to threats like Doomfist who shes suposed to counter, more often with Fortify and Halt

Roadhog: His changes are fine, i belive he should be much stronger now

Winston: Winston lately has been having trouble diving heroes like hanzo, who deal a lot of damage, this should help Winston be able to defend himself better,

Dva: Currently meta, I do not belive he needs any changes

Hammond: The fix of his Piledriver falloff made him deal very low damage and beeing overly team reliant, this changes help hammond be able to secure kills on his own, also they help him dive more often, by bringing his adaptive shield cooldown closer to piledrivers



  • i belive she is fine for now


  • Spread reduced back to pre-rework
  • Ironclad increased 20% > 25%
  • IronClad during Tank configuration increased 20% > 35%
  • Ironclad activates as soon as he starts configurating

E ability proposal: Barrier

  • 200 HP
  • Bastion cannot fire as its active
  • Favors the defender
  • Its not toggleable
  • 50 shield per second regen time,
  • Covers bastion and only bastion

The prupose of this ability is to give bastion an ability that lets him respond to inminent threats like hook, or pharah rockets, without going back to beta where he essentailly had a wall in front of him and without making pirate ship essentially stronger since a barrier he cant shoot through serves no prupose in this comps

This adds some complexity to his kit, so that he may not be that much better at lower ranks, where he is already really strong


  • Currently, i belive he was panic nerfed on PTR, the uppetcut change was fine but i think the SS ones where a bit too much, but weĀ“ll have to see


  • Nothing

Genji does not need any buffs atm


  • Pherhaps damage calculation proportional to arrow travel time (more damage the more the arrow travels) not much, something like Ā±20% depending on range, If this might prove to be too much, we could encourage hanzos to stay at long range by doing the oposite, More range = More damage, Less range = Less damage

This is to prevent hanzo from melting tanks at close range, and to encourage him to act as a sniper


  • Projectile size increased 0.2 > 0.3
  • Trap now has two charges
  • junkrat can have two traps active at the same time
  • junkrat can have two mines active at the same time (he will blow up the one thar is closest to his cursor when triggering it)

The projectile size reduction made junk very hard to aim with, encoraging even more spam, this reverts this so that aiming may be feasible again, traps are almost usless in higher elos, so this lets junkrat atleast hold two chokepoints at once by placing two traps


  • Roll cooldown reduced during deadeye from 6 > 3
  • Mccree is now able to roll during deadeye
  • Flashbangs bugs fix

This changes make flashbang a bit more reliable, and bringing it more in line with brigitteĀ“s stun This also lets mccree have some sort of mobility during deadeye

Fan the hammer rework proposal

Ammo switch ability replaces fan the hammer, i do not belive mccree really has an use for this ability outside of his 1 shot combo, which if we want tobuff his flashbang we have to get rid of this ability in order to do so to not make mccree a close range monster

  • Has no cooldown
  • Mccree has to reload to activate the new ammo
  • Roll overrides the reload time

2 different ammo types:

Anti armor round

  • Deals 1.5x damage vs armor
  • Deals 0.5x vs Normal Health and Shields

Light Rounds

  • Inverse falloff, base damage of 30, increases to 75 at range


  • Cryofreeze cooldown reduced 12 > 10
  • Wall size increased 5pillars > 6pillars
  • Cryofreeze now reloads meiĀ“s gun over the course of its duration (50+ ammo per second)
  • cryofreeze added to the ā€œfavor the defenderā€ exceptions

This gives mei a few QoL changes that she needs


  • HP Reduced 200 > 100
  • Armor increased from 0 > 100

This makes pharah slightly stronger against direct damage from hitscans like soldier, so she doesnt die as quickly, needless to say, this change is not for console


  • Shadow step now acts as a translocator of sorts, he tags a spot with it, then presses E later to teleport to it,
  • Cast time reduced by 25%

Right click ability proposal:

This are some right clicks ability for reaper since its empty, take one

Smoke grenade

  • 6 second cooldown
  • Creates a cloud of Thick smoke 10m arround the area thrown in
  • Blocks vision to the enemy team, they cant see through or out of it
  • Lasts for 5 seconds
  • Any auto target ability cannot target enemies inside smoke cloud (Sym turret, torb turret, Deadeye, Tac.Visor, Etc)

This helps reaper be more sneaky, and gives him a niche that is not taken by any other hero yet

Double shot

  • Reaper fires both his shotguns at once
  • Consumes 4 ammo
  • Internal cooldown of 1s

This helps reaper sneakily one shot targets from behind, and helps him against armor, armor reduces his damage in half, so firing both his shotguns would deal double damage, therefore, the damage is restored to its normal value, it consumes 4 ammo so that it may not replace the primary fire in any capacity

Soldier 76

  • Increased Biotic field duration 5s > 8a
  • Increased Biotic field range from 5m ro 8m
  • Biotic field cooldown reduced to 12 seconds

This helps soldier able to act as a support in certain cases to give the hands taking huge damage a little bump up, while making his self sustain higher and making his biotic field not lock him in such a small area, i do not belive his DPS need a change, just that to split him from mccree and widow, make him more self sustaineable

This gives soldier some self sustain, which is what differenciates him from mccree and widow


  • Spread reduced
  • Damage of primary fire increased 2.4 - 8 > 3.4 - 9
  • Removed delay between coming out of stealth and beeing able to perform any action, stealth is instantly canceled as soon as she does so though
  • Stealth damage threshold added, takes 20 damage to break stealth,

Sombra is way too team reliant at the moment and lacks the ability to secure kills on her own, this makes her more useful as a solo DPS outside of OWL, this also makes her kit feel less clunky overall, while shes strong in the PRO scene, this is very different than outside of it and i belive the game should be balanced for the top of the ladder


  • Primary fire range inreased 12m > 15m
  • Primary fire increases levels after 1.5 seconds of constantly hitting a target
  • Primary fire decreases levels after 2.5 seconds of not hitting anything
  • Teleporter duration increased 10s > āˆž
  • Sentry turret cooldown reduced 10s > 6s
  • Ultimate uptime increased 15s > 20s

There are multiple other possibilities for changes for symmetra, this is mostly the easiest one to do and the least controversial, Other ideas range from a revert of sorts by mixing both Sym 2.0 and 3.0


  • Hitbox modifications are in order, he is very easy to hit and HS
  • Turret cooldown is always 10, but you can throw a new one even if the old one is firing already
  • Overload cooldown increased 12 > 15
  • overload cooldown starts as soon as torb activates the ability

_the torb rework is not bad, but he feels very squishy and inconsistent lately, sometimes you can throw a new turret, others you cant, sometimes you have half the cooldown and others dont,also, the removam of armor packs made torb feel really squishy now that your only defense and mobility are on a 17s cooldown


  • She is fine, no need for changes


  • She is fine, no need for changes



  • She is fine, no need for changes


  • Shield bash damage increased 5 > 50
  • Shield regeneration rate reduced form 100 to 75
  • Shield cannot be usable again after it has been destroyed until its at 400 hp or more

This changes punish brigittes who lose their shield often, by increasing the window in which it takes to bring it back after beeing destroyed, and makes it more punishment for over-blocking damage with her shield, giving more counterplay against her for the lower elos and at the same time increasing her skill floor slightly


  • Ult shields do not grant ult charge when damaged

This is to make temporal shielding more consistent, as hammonds dont increase it, but lucios do, plus i belive since BOB does not give ult charge, lucio shouldnt as well


  • Healing increased from 50 > 60

i will propose different rework ideas i come up with to balance her out her resurrect

Rez as a passive

  • Rez is now a passive that activates when healing dead targets souls, it slowly heals them at the normal rate, and when their HP is full it revives them
  • Cooldown reduced 30 > 10
  • add a replacement ability (i have no idea what)

Rez as an ultimate (mass rez)

  • Ultimate reverted
  • 1.75 second cast time
  • Mercy takes 50% reduced damage while casting
  • Invulnerability removed
  • Must be within Line of sight of all Souls she wants to rez
  • Valk is now an E ability. 15s cooldown, 5 second duration, extra regen removed, GA range removed, chaining beams now heal at 50% the rate of her normal healing

Rez removed

  • i have no ideas for this, feel free to put your own, i just wanted to show this is an option

Mercy is a controversial topic, and staying in her current state isnt plausible either, so i will throw some ideas for people to discuss, i threw out all possibilities i could think of


  • She can now heal through barriers

The bugfix was a unecesary nerf to her, she already must get close to heal, so it is fair that she can ignore barriers


  • He is fine


Advanced custom games options tab:

  • Overrides anything set in the normal ones
  • For heroes, Let us manipulate individual ability cooldowns, individual damage, individual health (armor/shield/hp), Individual ability healing, etc
  • Adds new options that werent present before: Manipulating Firerates, Projectile amount, Cast/charge time of certain abilities, etc
  • Let us set limits for specific heroes

On join message

  • let the match host to display a message on peoples screens as soon as they join when the match starts, when they respawn, Etc, this can be useful for rules for modes so we dont have to explain them every 5s


  • Option to remove bots on join of a player, and re-add them when they leave
  • More bots for each hero
  • Improve AI overall

Server browser

  • Now saves configuration when the browser itself is closed, or the game


Placement matches

  • Apply the/or something similar to the following formula after the placements are done

OLD SR + (50.X) - (50.Y)

X: Quantity of wins
Y: Quantity of losses

This makes the Placements not usless, by making wins and losses matter

Other changes

  • SR gained for Wins increases after consecutive wins

This helps boosts smurfs who were placed in the wrong rank, and helps people who are actively carrying and winning games rank up

  • SR reduced for losing team when they lose a team member

While abusable, it is better to have it work this way, rather than have the entire team punished hardcore for 1 person having trouble


Looking for group

  • Now filters people from different regions so that we arent shown LFG groups of people that live in the other side of the world

  • Option in the configuration to allow different regions to be shown


  • Decay reduced so that its not impossible to keep high trust levels consistently

remember taht this is all my opinion and no need to get angry down there, feel free to discuss the stuff i said


Nice thread you have some good ideas here good job! :slight_smile:


i think people are afraid of long threads lol, 15 views and 1 comment


hanzo definitely needs changes to storm arrow, reverse fall off or single hitscan arrow that instantly charges with lower cd

i feel mccree damage and flash bang are already fine, he just needs more survivability, the 6 sec roll is a step in the right direction but maybe he could also have some movement speed buff after using roll (does not stack with lucio)

1.75 is way too long


Ooo a new homage to the great Titanium, give me a sec to read it all

The hog and orisa changes are ridiculous. The only chang orisa could get would be remove headshots during fortify. Hog just needs consistency and maybe a slight spread or damage buff.

Flashbang needs to be more consistent, and a simple 25% movement soeed increase during deadeye would be fine for mccree.

Being able to spam abilities quickly in total mayhem is annoying, thatd be insane in ranked.

All these reduced cooldowns do I reduce the amount of thinking people have to do. ā€œi missed my ability but ill have it back in x amount of secondsā€.

And adding damage to heros like sombra and Hammond , whos jobs arent kills but rather disruption is just asking for trouble


How to fix everything! Short version:

Remove Brig.
Nerf tracer.


No not reallyā€¦ thats not the way to fix anythingā€¦


Thatā€™s the only way to fix everything at this point.

Genji should be punished for using deflect when Doomfist is about to hit him with Rocket Punch


I was going to do it with brigitte only but i felt like it should be consitent and block all melee stuffā€¦

it blocks reins hammer and winstons slap, So why not RP and Bashy bash


Doomfist is suppose to counter Genji, a smart Genji will not use deflect while Doomfist is charging rocket punch. Also Genji has plenty ways to avoid getting hit by Rocket Punch

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How is doomfist suposed to stop Genji?

Sure Release doomfist was suposed to with his gigantic RP hitbox, but This doomfist? Genji can literally dodge all his abilities using jump except uppercuts,

Thats a surprisingly well thought out post, and i agree with a lot of what you say.

The Junkrat change of 2 traps, iā€™ve been saying that since he got two mines. It made no sense to me why they did it that way especially as you can only use 1 at a time. Two traps make infinitely more sense.

I donā€™t think Genji needs to be able to deflect more abilities, he can screw you over enough as it is

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Wowwowowowowow thatā€™s actually very good

(Give D.va her damage back plsss)

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He can punish Genji for getting too to him of his teammates. Also all of his abilities ignores deflect. Dash no longer lets Genji go through Doomfist if he gets hit by rocket punch. Doomfist has the mobility to keep up with Genji in some areas. Also he can juggle Genji and prevent him from escaping. And playing smart against Genji as Doomfist

There so many things I disagree with that I will only focus on some points.

  1. I donā€™t think Reinhardt need a stun resistance. Itā€™s counterplay to him. I wouldnā€™t mind him having a knockback resistance.
  2. I consider Mei not hacking ammo reload in Cryo-Freeze a tradeoff for healing and for being a object that can break LoS.
  3. Winston does not need buffs. He still has great synergy with some heroes. Itā€™s just that heā€™s not meta anymore, but heā€™s stil pretty balanced.
  4. Genjiā€™s should not block melee stuns. I donā€™t know if youā€™re a Genji main, but he has counters and counterplay now. Adapt or switch.

profile is free to check

im literally the polar oposite of a Genji main lol

Great post! Agree with pretty much all of thee actually :blush:
Though the only thing I think needs a little bit of changing is soldier, with all these buffs coming in and you suggesting that soldier wouldnā€™t need any changes would mean no one would pick him, because everyone would be better than him. But other than that I LOVE these suggestions and would be super hyped if these were all added.

i actually had some ideas for soldier, but a very little one

i was thinking of increasing the total uptime of his healing station from 5s > 8s OR a overall cooldown reduction

More inclined towards the first, It will help soldier be able to fill a ā€œpsudo healerā€ role

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