Bastion > Mercy

Why not all?

Only heroes I can see getting a full rework is Bastion and Mercy.

Roadhog and Reaper are more like, buffs and number tweaks. Though, they ARE working on Hog now so we’ll see what happens.

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i dont know if another rework, seeing the lastest trend of reworks it kinda scares me they might go overboard

Yeah I 100% don’t believe that.



17 more characters to reply salt.

How about a revert than?

the revert would have to be changed as well and its probably unecesary tbh

just give him back headshots, reduce his overall spread, and maybe increase ironclad to 25% or more now that resistance stacking isnt a thing

if that still doesnt work, maybe we can add a new ability like i said in this post, im too lazy to type it again

otherwise, we can pull a blizzard and put tank mode on E, change it a bunch, give him a new ult and cal it a day see how that works


For some reason, I can already hear people complaining.

That’s fair enough. I just want the devs to work on SOMETHING other than skins, now that it looks like they don’t even work on new events and just recycle the same events over, and over, and oooover again…
It feels like they only work once a year.

Because some heroes I listed have been/are in a worst state than Mercy for a whole lot longer. In terms of balance Mercy is finally weak and they’ve only just finishing balancing her which means she probably won’t Ben looking at her for a while.

Roadhog is being worked on but required new animations etc which means it could be a half rework or just a new ability to add to his arsenal.

Reaper needs a half rework, teleport is heavily disliked and unless it’s buffed as in speed it’s cast or cooldown I don’t think it’ll stay. His shotguns need extensive work as well as wraith form and making reaper the number one tank buster he is meant to be.

Bastion will see a rework before Mercy as he’s been dead for how long now? We know how long it takes them to rework heroes so I don’t think we will see his rework until next year imo…

They like to focus on one hero at a time so they will take their time like they always do. I really think Mercy will Not be looked at until late next year especially if it is a rework she’ll be getting.

RIP Mercy players (including myself), guess I’ll play Doomfist.


Honestly I dont really care how long it takes, as long as I hear a “We hear your problems and we’re working on it”, I’ll be happy.

So just bastion? They can’t work on multiple heroes like reaper as well?

Blizz is just a small indie company, have some patience.



And the same doesn’t happen with bastion?

When the kitchen is on fire and the couch is on fire, you need to prioritize pal. Kitchen first, not last.

Okay I know you didnt mean this but ahem

insert women and kitchen jokes So I guess Mercy comes first :rofl:

Ill show myself out the door now.

So far it’s been that way but Bastion has been in the “ignore 1 hero” category for so long.

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And here me out
Or, the team could work on both heroes. Hell, they could work on all the heroes that need love.

But realistically, as much as I’d love to see Mercy changed (because she is both on the weaker end and (in my opinion) very boring to play), I do think that some heroes could use some love. Roadhog could use something (and is hopefully getting something in about a week or so) along with Reaper and Bastion.

On a positive note, it finally is feeling like we are getting very close to a point where characters can all be played at least in some style/core game mode. Got faith that we will see a time where everyone is both in a good place and enjoyable to play.

Reaper is easy fixed…they can try a lot with him. Like reducing or having almost no animation for teleport. Having it instantly could be op, or it will make him viable.

Roadhog is being worked and will probably hit ptr today or tomorrow.

Bastion is a hard case…to make him viable they need to completely change him i think. He just relies too much on having a shield, a pocket healer etc.

Good, unless they get rid of sentry.