Let’s fix Overwatch! List of every hero and how balanced they are, along with rebalance suggestions for every unbalanced hero

That’s how it has always been, and Reinhardt has always been at the top.

He is the only main tank witha movebel barrie so he is the go to main tank…

I’ll use your tier list for my own opinion bc why not
Extremely Underpowered (possibly needs rework)
-Bastion (despite pirate ship niche)


Slightly Underpowered
-Soldier: 76

-Sombra (can afford tweaks)

Slightly Overpowered

Mercy being extremely underpowered and Doomfist being extremely overpowered is not correct imo. Mercy is in NO way worse off than Sym lmao

Brigitte is good at every role. She has high survivability (due to her self-healing, personal barrier, etc.), good damage, good healing (and even overhealing), and so on, all while requiring very little skill to play as. She doesn’t punish poor positioning enough, and squishy enemies constantly having 75 armour is pretty annoying to fight against. She’s not as overpowered as she was on launch, but she still needs nerfs, in my opinion.

As for Doomfist, the main problem is simply that he is unfun and unfair to play against. You keep getting knocked towards him, knocked in the air, and stunned, as well as insta-killed, without having any chance to defend yourself. This is especially annoying as a support or tank player. Doomfist requires a lot of skill to play effectively, unlike Brigitte, but he isn’t fair to play against, and he has no hard counters other than maybe Sombra (thanks to her hacking, which leaves Doomfist pretty defenseless with his only weak Hand Cannon). The personal shields that he gets from simply dealing damage with any ability also increases his survivability by a whole lot, making it even more difficult to kill him while he insta-kills your squishies and makes them defenseless with his three crowd control abilities.

You could at least explain why you dislike how I categorized Brigitte and Doomfist on this list. I asked for constructive criticism, but your criticism doesn’t exactly help me understand your point of view so I can possibly change my mind, as you didn’t explain your point of view at all.

You’re right that there’s no hero as overpowered as Mercy was on launch, for instance, but I don’t want to put Doomfist in the same category as Brigitte. Both are overpowered, but Doomfist is much worse. However, just to avoid any further confusion, I put Doomfist in the “Overpowered” section, alongside Brigitte, anyway.

And Bastion is certainly in a worse state than Mercy, but I don’t want to have too many different sections, as that would be pretty arbitrary and pointless. To put it simply, Bastion is the worst damage hero in the game, while Mercy is the worst support hero in the game, which is why I put them in the same section.

Junkrat could do with a larger hitbox for the grenade that he launches from his Frag Launcher, but other than that, I think that he’s in a good place right now. I have edited the post to add this and moved Junkrat to the “Slightly underpowered” section. Thanks for the mentioning that!

As for Zarya, I don’t think that she’s in a terrible place right now, but she is overshadowed by most of the other tanks, such as Reinhardt and D.Va. I do think that she needs a minor buff. If you read the buff that I suggested for her, you’ll see that it’s nothing major but just something that could help her out a bit.

As for Reinhardt, I also think that he’s mostly in a good place, but he, along with other tanks, aren’t very fun to play as in the game’s current state, but instead of Reinhardt getting major buffs, the anti-tank heroes, such as Brigitte and Doomfist, should be nerfed instead. My only buff idea for Reinhardt was to make his barrier regenerate faster, and I also mentioned that his many bugs should be fixed, as he is one of the most buggy heroes in the game and has been since launch. Some of his bugs have been fixed but not all of them, and one bug can seriously affect the result of a match if it means, for instance, that Earthshatter doesn’t register properly.

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I mostly agree now, except regarding to Brig. I think she’s ok now.

But it all comes down that every hero is different and the categories are arbitrary and won’t all be precise. I see better your reasoning for the hero places in the categories with the reply.

She has some of the lowest dmg

Her passive doesnt heal much and she can only heal once, far from being a viable healer on her own (Even worse healer than Zen if you ask me)

Also she has no mobility so just by playing outside of her range she becomes pretty much useless

It has already being stated that Unfun is not a reason to nerf someone, has for Unfair, he has to put himself in danger to do anything, he cant be behind his team, he has to be on your face

None of that works if you dont let him get near you easily, or if you stay with a team that has awareness on.

Sombra, Junkrat, Widow, Hanzo, Mcree, Orisa, Hog, Bastion, Torb, Sym

If you let him get them yeah, he becomes stronger the longer he is on the fight which is why you should focus him down.

He can only do so much against a coordinated team, the less aware your team is the more problematic he becomes.

Brig is already fine, and categorizing Doomfist has Extremely OP (Which hes not), is the same has “Stupidly broken, nerf him hard”, pretty much says why i didnt like it.

What’s your reasoning behind your list? Why do you think that Widowmaker is slightly overpowered, for instance?

As for Mercy, she is the worst support hero in the game right now. Despite the fact that Blizzard has claimed that she still outheals every other healer, Moira and Ana can both outheal her. Mercy’s healing is extremely slow, and along with all the other nerfs that she got since her rework, she’s become the worst healer in the game.

Symmetra is also underpowered, but she’s not nearly as bad as Mercy is. Symmetra isn’t the worst damage hero in the game, but Mercy is the worst support hero.

And why do you think that Doomfist isn’t extremely overpowered? I did move him to the “Overpowered” section, but I don’t agree that he can be compared with Ana, Hanzo, or even Brigitte. Ana doesn’t belong in the same section as any of them, in my opinion; the only nerf I think she needs is one to Nano Boost’s healing—that’s all.

Because hes not? He has pretty obvious counters, outside of that just by having your team coordinated and being aware of him can leave him pretty useless, you just need to pay attention to him.

Brigitte’s damage isn’t so bad when you combine it with Shield Bash and Whip Shot. And even though her damage isn’t the best of the best, she still acts as an effective damage hero.

Her passive healing is better than you think. The healing output of her passive ability, Inspire, is 16 health per second, which is almost the same as Lúcio’s healing output when not using Amp It Up: 16.25 health per second. Even Lúcio has worse self-healing than Brigitte: Lúcio’s self-healing is 12.5 HPS, whilst Brigitte’s is the same as the healing that she gives her teammates: 16 HPS.

Also, instantly healing 150 health is much faster than Zenyatta’s Orb of Harmony’s healing-over-time of 30 HPS. I’m not saying that Brigitte’s Repair Pack is better than Zenyatta’s Orb of Harmony, as Zenyatta can keep an orb on a target as long as line of sight to them remains—not to mention that Orb of Harmony has no cooldown—but the temporary 75 armour is really powerful. Brigitte is the only hero in the game who can give her teammates temporary armour, now that Torbjörn no longer has the Armor Pack ability.

As for Doomfist, most damage heroes have to put themselves in danger to do anything. It’s safe for him to be in your face due to his passive ability, “The Best Defense…” which gives him temporary shields upon doing damage with any of his abilities. Not to mention that he has high mobility and can easily escape when he’s about to die.

Not letting Doomfist get near you is easier said than done. Again, he has good mobility and can one-shot kill you. Plus, he has high survivability.

As for his counters, I wouldn’t consider any of the heroes whom you mentioned hard counters; aside from Widowmaker, maybe. Roadhog is not a counter to Doomfist, by the way. There’s no tank hero who’s a hard counter to Doomfist, which is also a problem.

As for Doomfist’s categorization, as I said earlier, I moved him to the “Overpowered” section, alongside Brigitte—even though I do think that Doomfist is more overpowered and unfair to play against than any other hero in the game right now.

For the most part Widowmaker is only reliably countered by another Widowmaker. D.Va and Winston are tanks and I disagree with the notion that tanks should be far far away from their team and tanking in order to chase down a Widow behind her entire team who will just grapple away. I can deal with it, but it’s whatever. I’d consider shifting less power from body shots too but idc enough

Mercy being the worst support doesn’t make her worse than Symmetra.

Furthermore, Mercy does heal more than Ana courtesy of Overbuff stats, and the powergap between her and Moira is much smaller than her and Ana. She’s also currently beating Moira out in Winrate and Pickrate by quite a bit in the highest tiers.

Symmetra is theoretically the worst damage hero on the merit of Bastion being run for pirate ship and Sym not being run in any team comp flavor of significance.

I think people blow the whole CC thing out of proportion.

I’m a D.Va main so I hate good Doomfists because they’re very hard to peel for. However, I would only numbers tweak him. Orisa and Roadhog have the potential to be good counters to him, but aren’t in good places–similar to how dive dominated so long because its counters were garbo rather than because Winston was OP.

He doesn’t have any hard counters aside from Sombra and Widowmaker, and there’s no tank hero who hard-counters him.

”Just […] having your team coordinated” is certainly easier said than done, and even if you do, Doomfist can still knock people towards him, knock people in the air, and insta-kill squishy heroes.

Here are two clips showing how debilitating it is to play against Brigitte and Doomfist:

  • https://clips.twitch.tv/BoldSplendidPicklesPlanking
  • https://clips.twitch.tv/BadSavageYakinikuPJSugar

This was before Brigitte’s nerfs to her Shield Bash’s cooldown, but Doomfist remains the same when it comes to his crowd control abilities (i.e., all his regular abilities).

And by the way, a hero having counters does not mean that they’re not overpowered.

I see these a lot and the only thing that disgusts me is Brig. And Calvin’s raging.

Don’t most fancy Doomfists circumlocute the tank entirely to use their abilities on squishies?

None of the overpowered heroes listed in the thread are overpowered.

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I trade you a read and comment on your big post for one of my Big post :joy:

Ill bookmark to read later, i do disagree with bastion needing a rework btw

She needs 2 abilities to even do decent dmg

Remember that it only works when shes hitting a target

But he has to get near you, most of the other dps can do dmg from a considerably safer distance

His survivability will only be noticeable if you let him do what he wants, and he uses RP to engage rather than kill most of the time, so his using multiple abilities to get 1 kill.

Roadhog Hook is not hard to land on him and he will do massive dmg since he has a big hitbox.
Orisa can deny anything he trows at her and her Halt can screw him really bad (she was literally designed to counter him)

Zarya can also bubble whoever he engages making them really hard to kill while also charging her

Like i said hes not OP, he is a hero that requires you to be wary of him, not knowing what hes doing will cost you a lot, in fact i consider him to be the same has Junk, he punishes bad gameplay

Yeah because that happens EVERY GAME

He was alone, leaving easy to punish

Widowmaker is countered by D.Va, Reinhardt, Winston, Reaper, and, like you said, another Widowmaker.

Stats from a third-party website doesn’t mean much. Besides, Blizzard has stated that Mercy is a strong single-target healer who is supposed to outheal every other healer in the game. Ana has much better burst-healing capabilities, especially with the relatively recent buff to her Nano Boost, making it now instantly heal the target for 300 health upon use; and Mercy’s pick rate is still low. Judging from what Blizzard has said about Mercy, she’s supposed to, again, be a strong single-target healer, but that’s certainly not what she is right now.

As for Bastion, I’m fairly certain that the pirate ship strategy is officially dead thanks to the newly reworked Torbjörn. Besides, it’s not like it was any difficult to counter it before. Roadhog can counter it with a simple Chain Hook, Mei can counter it with her Ultimate (Blizzard), Sombra can counter it by hacking the Bastion, and so on. Once the attacking team loses their Bastion, they lose their momentum and is unable to set up again because they’ll just be shut down before they can.

Besides, Bastion being good on only one single map, only on attack, goes to show how bad Bastion is. That’s not a positive thing. No hero should only be good on one map.

By the way, please keep in mind that the list isn’t the most important part of this thread. I’m not saying that Bastion and Mercy are equally as bad or that Symmetra is in a better place than Mercy is. The list is just a quick and simple way to see what I think about the current state of each hero balance-wise. I’ve written in-depth paragraphs about what I think about each hero that I deem unbalanced below the list.


I suppose the theory is that he can close the gap with shadow step but like… Good luck with those footsteps

Anyways I’m not here to get into another mercy debate so

If you didnt got a bullet in your head while teleporting

REAP POSITIONING is so loud lmao. How are you gonna get to Widow on ilios ruins like that?

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