There's 1 change Sombra has needed since day 1

“No counterplay” is not a sufficient reason to make it hard to visually identify a hacked target. In fact, considering the visual design philosophy of Overwatch seems to be that dangerous effects get maximum attention, you’d think that would be a reason to make it as visually obvious as possible.

(This is ignoring the fact that hack can be stopped mid-cast by shooting Sombra , forcing it to go on a small cooldown in the process. No other ability in the game can be stopped this way. Hack’s counterplay lies in its prevention, not in ending it early.)

Regardless, if you legitimately believe that a team does not “deserve” to have easy visual recognition of a hacked target, consider that Sombra cannot force her teammates to join voice chat to hear her callouts. You are implicitly punishing Sombra for the actions of her teammates that she has no control over.

those dont count, those debuffs are only shown by the caster.

the zen red discord only shows for zen. teammates can only see the small purple ball . very easily missed. it’s up to the zen to communicate who has discord

ana. your teammates can’t even see it unless they have damaged the enemy themselves. it’s up to ana to communicate her purples

sombra. enemy glows orange and ult status revealed to sombra, she needs to communicate this.

would i be mad if they did the sugarskull, no, i’d like it too. But she is the most team heavy heroes in the game, she shouldn’t need it if you are playing right. if the whole team is not in chat then you should pick a different hero because you aren’t playing a good hero for the team since you can’t call out hacke targets and enemy ults, sugarskull or not

“people aren’t in comms” is not a sufficient reason to paint a target on a hacked person, in fact considering the “team based game” design philosophy of Overwatch it seems you should need communication to be able to use kits to their full potential, youd think that would be reason to make hack require teamwork and communication.

kinda like we all get punished when people pick bad heros, or bad team comps? its almost like team work is a staple skill of this game :thinking:

If communication is so important, then…

  • Remove the kill feed. Players should call out kills made over comms.
  • Remove the ult status from player portraits on the tab menu and the ult charge communication ping. Players should communicate their own ult charge.
  • Remove the “need healing” communication ping. Players should communicate their health and position to healers.
  • Remove the UI elements that say how many enemies are contesting the objective. Players should keep track of the number of enemies present and communicate that number.
  • Remove Moira’s voice line when she runs out of healing. Her player should be responsible for telling her team that she needs to refill.
  • Remove the various voice lines for teammate ults. Players should take responsibility for announcing their ults instead.

Needless to say, the above is a deliberate ad absurdum and not actually serious. But it illustrates that Blizzard has very deliberately designed and made changes to the game in support of reducing the necessary verbal communication required.

Mute and hard of hearing players are also a group of people that probably deserve consideration.

Are you seriously so opposed to the idea of making hack purple instead of red? Really?

you don’t balance around outliers

anyone relying on the kill feed is not paying attention to the game, good players and high rank players are relying on coms

the ui is there so you don’t falsely report that “the point wouldn’t capture” and know that people are on it. it takes human error out so people definitively know they were or weren’t on. People already say “I was on the point” all the time imagine the amount of reports wed get if it wasn’t there.

only the moira player can hear this voice line, much like only your teammates can hear “assistance would be appreciated” when you are attacked as mercy.

this is there so you can see your ult status without having to tab in the middle of a game, again good players are communicating their ults, and much higher on the ladder than that don’t.

if you took the time to read anything ive said,youd know im opposed to adding a sugar skull over hacked players head:

She needs more changes than that in my opinion

Like the ones i mentioned here

Forgive me for not perfectly reading a 130 reply thread, then, thank you very much.

(Also, regarding balance for others: Colorblind options.)

make me the bad guy because you falsely assume my stance instead of looking through the given info before antagonizing me. that’s cool.

Sorry if I came across as snarky (seriously, sorry), it’s just that I’m responding to this in between compiles of a code base I’m working on so I missed the part where you specified you just didn’t want the skulls. I could take or leave the skulls, they’d be a nice-to-have IMO but my main issue is the color. Red-on-red is not good for readability.

I’ve been making threads about the color of the hack effects off-and-on for months now to no effect, so this is a frustrating subject for me.

its cool, im not opposed to her having purple on red, I think thatd be a great ui addition over all where you can change collors of debuffs on enemies, you should be able to visualy identify debuffs on enemies.

I agree.

Now that we’ve moved past that misunderstanding, I have a question:

What is the distinction, in your mind, between making hack more visible via color and making hack more visible via sugar skull? The end result seems the same to me – it’s easier to identify who is and isn’t hacked. So your vehemence against the sugar skull in particular confuses me.

Think about it like this, though visual indicators are there for other debuffs they are missable, meaning the best way to know they are there is coms.

I play for a tier 3 pro team so for me debuffs are much more of a death sentence than at low ranks, hack being the worst of them.

If I get anti naded or discorded while im diving (I play dps for my team and genji/doomfist are my main roles) I can just call for a bubble from my team I cant do that with hack. I cannot remove hack.

Now in a team environment hack is pretty much a death sentence, with one thing being a savior, miscommunication. Meaning atleast when I get hacked I know that if I can move away or the enemy miscommunicates I can live, however if you paint a giant indicator of where I am there is no room for miscommunication, human error has been removed.

Its the only shred of counterplay left to hack, I really don’t want it to be gone, because hack is super oppressive in pro play.

You’re a level 4. With subpar stats and low time on every hero.

learn to read.

jesus you are dense.

I would be inclined to believe that if it didn’t sound like every 5 year old that claims to be a pro.

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frankly it is fair to have the indicator. if some other hero like ana can play without communication and have the indicator, why not sombra? because she is irritating to you?

I would be inclined to care about your opinion, if you weren’t some random on the internet who calls anyone with an opposing opinion a troll because you cant debate and bring counter points to the table.

because the debuffs from ana and zen can be removed, the debuff from sombra cant

even there is a skull on your head, does not mean they can reach out to you. it is like ana throw a grenade and hit the enemy team, but it does not mean the team can instantly follow up. i guess having a skull on your head just made your genji or doom harder to play which you dun like it at all.
if human error is what ow developer would like to have, then they should remove all the indicators so every one will communicate

the grenade from ana can be removed? how do you do it?