Ashes winrate is at 57% in GM according to overbuff

no not really, i side with the changes that i feel fair,

in fact, if you have “seen” my posts you would see i was actually proposing nerfs for brig to make her be more skillful, i was just very against the changes blizzard specifically did,

most posts utilize winrate as a backup for their argument, then again, i was literally just asking, hey, She has a high winrate, Is this because she is OP? or is there some other reason. As some people poointed out, this could be because she counters goats

but as some other people point out as well, her pickrate is not extremely low like the builders and reaper, hence why this does not justify her winrate, but its also not extremely high to justify her beeing OP

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These dumb witch hunts for characters that are fine , are getting out of control.
Don’t you people have anything else to do but to whine about something, even if it’s something your just digging deep for a reason to whine about? Jesus.

Explain Brigitte then…

I’m not even talking about particular changes. I’m talking about the “dps vs support war” and “skilled vs unskilled”. So if Mercy/Sym/Brig get changes it’s only fair to also change the “skilled” heroes like Tracer/Genji/Ashe. You guys don’t truly care about balance and it’s so obvious.

Exactly, the argument comes about in the first place because people perceive a problem. So if we’re having a topic when no specific problem that you’ve identified exists…

If Brig wasn’t nerfed and other people weren’t pointing to her winrate this topic would not exist. Even if you don’t want Ashe to specifically be nerfed the topic exists because Brig was nerfed. It’s purely a Brig spinoff topic and you know it.

When people pick sides and their overpowered character is nerfed someone else has to pay. It’s why we’ve seen more Genji and even Widowmaker nerf topics lately. People want their pound of flesh.

I think Ashe is fine.

It’s BOB who’s OP.

Dont qualify me in the " nerf everyon alike " group

if you truly claim that you have seen my posts, you would see that i defend genji when people attempt to nerf him,

the only characters i have ever complained about lately and said i personally think are a problem are tracer and maybe hanzo, but im very confused about hanzos state so i cant really talk

if i truly am biased against “skillfull” heroes, you dont see me pointing out ana´s winrate and pickrate do you?

you dont see me saying that “if brig got nerfed, x hero has to be nerfed too”

its seriously stupid that you try to encase me in this very specific group and claim that you have seen my posts when you clearly havent or got the wrong thing

if i truly didnt care about balance, i wouldnt have made posts like This or This

or i wouldnt have made posts like the current one, trying to understand why a hero is played and or wins so much, or posts like This too where i was by myself saying hey, i feel like this character is absolutely broken, But the stats dont say the same, So what is this hero, am i just biased or not

Oh yeah, her explosives that deal 175 damage require a lot of skill. Bob requires so much skill.

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Listen, if you cannot see how saying

Let’s people know exactly why you made this thread then there’s not much else to say. It’s just transparent buddy.

Do you have any particular criticisms or critiques of Ashe’s balance? Is there anything you have personally identified through your play or viewing the play of others that makes you think she’s too strong? If not and you’re just “musing” that she might be strong simply because Brigitte had a similar winrate then I’ll end the conversation here.

IMO because Ashe feels fair and fun to battle.

Brig feels terrible and unfair and unfun to battle.

She is not even close of doomfist. Ashe can be countered and she can’t one shot

Doomfist playstyle was based 1000% on cheap tactics and stucking your opponent on the air with zero counterplay

no, i dont find Ashe to be overpowered at all, but her winrate is still abnormally high,

this is extremely similar to my thoughts on brig, hence the comparision, i didnt found the hero particularly too strong by myself, but her winrate was still very high, so i attempted to search for an explanation

So it’s as I said, solely a reflection of Brig’s winrate and subsequent nerf and not actually any nuanced thought of Ashe and her state whatsoever? Got it, have a nice day.

its mostly the search of an explanation for such a state, where statistics completly counter my own thoughts on the hero

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The dynamite has to be aimed at and hit with your bullet in order for it to be effective. If not it last a looooong time before it explodes on its own. People just move out the way or shield it.
If you do get hit by Dynamite then any healer can stop the burning easily or you can get a small health pack to stop the burning.
BOB is easily dealt with in various ways. CC, sheilds, get out of his line of sight, etc.
With any ultimate you get out the way. Do you just stand there when DVA throws her bomb? Do you just stand there when you hear Japanese screaming? “It’s high Noon”, “I got you in my sights”, do you just stand there?
No. But people want to 1v1 BOB for some reason or get mad that BOB starts shooting them, when they can hide for a few seconds.

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Brig’s winrate at GM is 54.99%? What about it.

No I meant your take on her winrate in comparison to Ashe’s.

If I remember correctly you weren’t really a fan of the former so I just wanted to hear your opinion on it

everything is goats fault pretty much lol

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Well for GM Brig’s winrate is just “Yeah OK”

Ashe needs some toning down. But she’s only 2% higher than she should be.

I don’t think Ashe needs sledgehammer nerfs but some stat tuning would do.
EDIT also Ashe’s winrate is 2% higher average across all ranks at 52%

Reminds me of the dive days lol

What would you say needs toning down on her though… I’ve been hearing everything from Dynamite to Coach gun to Bob… Very confusing