Just nerf Rein already before every other tank player quits

I never said I was an effective main tank Hammond player. He’s a lot of fun to play, though.


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No, you’d have to play Rein/Sigma, even though it’d be horrible to play as, becuase you’d literally be there for your shield.

It’s fun, sure, but I feel like 99% of the people calling themselves “main tank Hammond” aren’t providing anywhere near the raw function of a Reinhardt player, and it’s just a casual excuse to play like a fat Tracer.

Sounds typical. I don’t want to play Main Tank, so nerf main tanks so off tanks are viable. Literally a joke topic now.

I understand that you want something done to Reinhardt, but how many threads are you going to make with this? At this point, you should make your own megathread and post in there, because here are the topics you’ve made on Reinhardt just this month, revolving around the similar body of your post.

This isn’t mentioning the ones where you pepper in some Reinhardt-frustration. And I get it, Reinhardt should be toned down. But you’ve complained about the same thing, over, and over, and over, that it’s becoming redundant, dude. You’re beating a dead horse at this point. And when people offer any form of discussion to you that doesn’t align with your views, you vehemently shut it down.

I’m not sure what you want to accomplish anymore. The discussion’s been made, you’re repeating yourself multiple times now. And it’s all based on anecdotes. I’ve won many games without a Reinhardt or Zarya.

It’s becoming close to spam at this point, Mitrovarr. I’m not sure a discussion can be carried out any further…



If you balance the barrier tanks so that they don’t turn off-tanks into throw picks you open up the tank lineup to include the off-tanks and, in effect, remove the distinction between main and off tanks. This allows tank players to play whatever they want instead of forcing 50% of them into a barrier tank they might not want to play.

The very idea that nerfing rein will somehow kill all tanking is just delusional. As long as you don’t dumpster him, he’ll still see play.

Queue Times did go up during weeks Rein was banned by hero pools, and even just maintaining status quo on that isn’t good enough.

The game is built around big blue rectangles. So if all big blue rectangles are terrible, you need two of them.

There is only one Main Tank now, all the rest are Off-Tanks, so why are we playing with Rein+1?

Rein needs to not be a Main Tank anymore, that doesn’t mean just straight up nerfing him, it means redistributing his power.

It will speed the game up so we’re not just sat at choke waiting for Rein as well, which would be a drastic improvement to the game.

This is why I’m glad to be a scrub in Silver lol. You can pick nearly any tank and you’ll still get constant value :slight_smile:

You don’t actually need any. This is how the game is played with multiple DPS, as was meta stage 3 OWL last season.

Mitrovar still has quite a way to go before he starts to become a problem.

If you want problem posters, all you have to do is go dig up some of the old D.Va threads, or look at the Mercy spam from the past few months. That was bad. The “nerf rein” posting has quite a ways to go yet before it even begins to approach being a problem.

Dicsussion hasn’t even begun because the average response to just bringing up the possibility of Rein nerfs is a bunch of screeching followed up by a “DON’T TOUCH HIS BARRIER! BUFF ORISA AND SIGMA SO THAT WE GO BACK TO DOUBLE-BARRIER INSTEAD!”

The only discussion I’ve actually seen here so far is coming from Grey.

I think the issue is Arand just wants to play Hammond without getting reported for not playing a BarrierTank.

Which is reasonable. But I don’t think it’s realistic without dealing with the issues that make barriers so important.

I.e. Snipers, Bionade, Earthshatter and Ult Charge feeding.

And the idea that the game will be fine with weaker barriers, and without addressing those issues, seems a bit misguided to me.


I’m reading the first hundred or so posts and it’s vehement disagreements at the hint of anyone suggesting that Reinhardt is fine, even telling someone to stop tanking if he enjoys playing Reinhardt and saying he wants massive nerfs. It’s just a bunch of emotions and not really objectivity.

I think Rein should be toned down and other tanks should be buffed. But he and I have had this discussion REPEATEDLY. It’s the same thing, again. This thread has been made before, many times by him. That’s the issue. Making multiple threads about the same topic over and over again when it pans out the same is becoming old.

Like, 100% fine with the idea of Rein being nerfed. I’m on board with that! I’m all for more tank diversity. I’m not 100% fine with Mitrovarr making yet another thread based on emotions and being unreasonable about opposing views. It’s spammy at this point.

That’s because Hammond isn’t capable of providing anywhere near the raw function of a Reinhardt. That’s how powerful having 1600 points of barrier health is. It’s why he’s OP and not just stronk.

Rein has the same problem as Widowmaker and Bastion: Too much kit invested into a single ability. There’s just no way to balance it effectively. Heroes that over-specialize will always be either OP or UP with zero wiggle room to be balanced. It’s the nature of over-specialization.

In rein’s case, his barrier is always useful which means he will always be OP. The only way to fix it is to nerf his barrier and re-distribute his power as a hero around the rest of his kit.

Know why 1000 is my personal target number?

It’s because when I do play hamtaro, sigma and orisa comps aren’t un-tankable while rein comps are. Against sigma you can get work done as you actually partially counter him.

Orisa can be counter-tanked, but if she hit you with her orb you’re in trouble. The match-up is nuanced and interesting and revolves around how well you can time and use Ball’s shield.

Rein? You can’t boop him. You can’t break his barrier. You can’t get in close with him. You can’t boop the heroes he’s protecting away from his barrier if they’re sticking close to him because he moves with them and takes his barrier with him (sigma and orisa’s barriers don’t move once deployed).

Rein just does too much with too much barrier health.

When I want to play Hammond and I see the other team pull out a rein, my only choice is to change heroes. And it’s all Rein. Without him, they have to double down on anti-hamster and go Mei/sombra/junkrat/reaper and either double down or pair with an orisa or hog who focuses me with pulls for kills.

It hasn’t been six months at all

The patch which "killed "orisa sigma meta was in February.

It’s been abt 3 months of rein zarya meta. They’ll probs be targeted in the next patch. He said he’s looking hard at barriers

ngl it seems every tank will be getting thrown into the fat roadhog category soon

In my defense, it was 2am.

If he’s the last poster when one of the old threads falls off of the front page he might not have a choice in the matter as you cannot bump your own threads. If you’re the OP and you also have the last post you cannot post again.

It’s only a problem if Mitrovar has multiple threads going on the front page at the same time.

Reinhardt came back into the meta at the start of February 2020

Before Double Barrier, it was Orisa/ Hog; Reinhardt hadn’t been since since the end of Goats

Orisa and Roadhog were meta longer than Reinhardt has been in the last year