"Meta only applies in masters and above"

Yet this week in platinum Reinhardt is in 80% of games.


Hero bans need to apply at all ranks or there will be never be any escape from Rein jail for 90% of the playerbase.


Because Rein is an easy character to pick up and his abilities don’t require an special kind of skill


It did not used to be this way before Reinhardt was made drastically better than any other tank. Reinhardt was played a bit more, but nothing like this.


I wouldn’t wish hero bans on anyone. They’re just a band aid fix for balance problems.


Yeah, but we need that band aid! They couldn’t balance their way out of a paper bag!


Flashback to 3-4 months ago when they introduced hero bans and said “With these, we will also be more aggressive with our patch changes!”
3-4 months later, absolutely nothing.


We really don’t with how much it limits flexibility, especially in a game designed for heroes to have their niche.


It’s not designed for heroes to have their niche unless Reinhardt’s niche is “All the time, literally every game”.

The other 6 tanks need time to be played.

And I mean there will be other metas in the future, it’s not just Rein, he’s just an example.


Doesnt mean we need to punish all 3 roles for Reinhardt being overpowered.

Hero bans were such a nuisance to my gameplay this season, I’m glad theyre leaving.

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Doesn’t matter. He is rein. Moira and mercy and dva can be easy trash but rein is a golden child incapable of being low skill easy win over other heroes.

The standard is not double :upside_down_face:


It helps all three roles! There are heroes like that in every role. Like, you take out Ana, now you can play Moira.

Also there’s heroes that are good and bad into deathballs and you can’t play the ones who aren’t good into it in a hardcore Rein meta.

Mitro I understand your pain I do, but the only solution is to just abandon the tank role in plat. I’d rather play DPS everyday then ever load up Tank knowing it’s Rein Zarya until OW2.

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also easy heroes from masters below dont play anything skill demanding or you are throwing.

Support has had metas like this, like moth meta.

Not to be that guy

But rein has like…literally never had a low pick rate in plat lol

sombra could only dream


It was never this high, though.

Oh I wasn’t saying Rein is not a problem lol, I’m just saying it’s not exactly anything new

Rein was still picked during double barrier

Rein was still picked during OrisaHog

Rein was still picked after Sig was released

The only time I don’t remember Rein not being is during dive, which I didn’t play during

Moth is also a bad comparison because Mercy was broken while Rein is balanced, it is just they nerfed everyone but Zarya out of viability lol

Heel Moth was because Mercy was Uber strong - Rein is OP because everyone else got deleted and we have chokepoints everywhere


I’m willing to accept people playing Rein because they like Rein. I just don’t like people not being able to play anything else because Rein can just easily crush any other composition.


The difference between a plat rein and gm rein is that they know how to make their shield last and don’t sit in a choke and hold shield until it runs out and then charge in. Plat has a lot of people who pick a hero because it has a good pick rate but they don’t know how to use it effectively.