Hey Reinhardt advocates, what should the solution be?

So a lot of people like Reinhardt being the top dog tank for some reason. I think it’s clear the devs are on your side. That being said, what should we do about all the other tanks?

It’s not really fair to have them in the game like this where Reinhardt is obligatory. I don’t like losing so many games because people don’t want to play Rein, and I can’t play tank because there’s an obligation to play Rein if the other tank won’t.

Should we move them to DPS? Implement a Rein queue and a queue for all other tanks? Delete them entirely? We can’t have a bunch of throw picks in the game like this. Rework them all to be like Reinhardt?

I think I could deal with Rein being the only main tank if there was a guarantee I’d get a Rein on my team every game, and there was never any obligation for me to play Rein. I just hate all the forced losses all the time.


Your losses without a Reinhardt aren’t forced or automatic

I feel like this is, indeed, a “git gud” kinda situation, to be frank


Reinhardt is still the best tank by a mile in high rank. Unless I “git” all the way to OWL.

But seriously, there are lots of people who openly say they want Rein to stay obligatory forever. I’m curious to hear what they want to do with Orisa/Sigma/Roadhog/Etc.


You better git to gittin then!

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I am too old to ever get that good, realistically.

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Well, that’s unfortunate then

Anyways, other than Orisa needing a bit of help, all the other tanks are indeed in good spots right now. We just need a meta shift at this point more than anything.

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You can still play any other tank, as long as your tanking partner picks Reinhardt, wink wink


It feels like the Rein advantage is just slightly overstated, but I would like to see buffs to the other tanks nonetheless. I’d just want to see those buffs reached in the most fun ways we can manage.

For instance, compare these two possible buffs for Orisa:

  1. Barrier HP increased to 700.
  2. While Fortify is active, Primary Fire does not slow your movement speed.

Buff Rein so that even I will want to play him. Problem solved.

Yeah, well, they don’t.

I instalock Zarya and I usually get a useless Roadhog. Great! Now I have to play Rein, and I don’t get a Zarya.

I tell you, this meta has made me hate Roadhog with a freaking passion.

Excuse me, I am not useless. I supposedly feed more than any other tank, just use your bubble and you found a use. Us Hogs are used to carrying decrepit Zarya mains as is. So buckle up, we are about to go Hog Wild. And I have no clue what that even means, that is how crazy it is.


Whisper whisper

The other Tanks can literally all do something about Rein and Earthshatter.
Literally all of them. The only one who struggles with it or has unrealisticly crappy times at it is frickin Ball.

That being said, they’ve been overnerfed.

Don’t buff Winston.
Don’t buff D.Va.
If you buff Ball or Zarya, they need compensation nerfs.
Buff everything else.

Hog Zar is such a stupid comp I refuse to play it. Now, you want to lose on Orisa Hog or Rein Hog?

Don’t be so dramatic. I’ve tested your disbelief twice about Reinhardt being the only viable tank and have given solutions.

There are steps to go forward but people need to be smart about it.

Wanting a character to stay gutted isn’t ok and wanting them to be overbuffed to surpass someone else also isn’t ok. Neither of this is balance when put in a vacuum, it’s favoritism


Yeah, I feel you. I usually rolled out with Hammond, had some fun then noticed my team couldn’t get close to the point, so back to spawn for an obligatory Rein I went.

On some good days I get to play some Winston for different flavor, but that s about it.

I m still having fun learning Rein so it doesn’t bother me that much, but I can only imagine the pain of someone who just wants to play their favorite tank but can’t.

Hopefully the new patch will address it.

Pick your favorite.

  1. MainTank Orisa, OffTank Sigma
  2. MainTank Orisa, MainTank Sigma, weaken at close range selfpeel
  3. A modified 1-3-2 with offtanks being moved to DPS, but maximum 1 offtank per team. Then buff barrier tanks till popular enough

I hate Orisa mains with a burning passion. They think hook is their cooldown and then when they realize you are ignoring their halts they try to halt targets you are going for. I had that happen and they had the audacity to ask, “how did you miss that hook, Hog” after pulling the target out of my hook. They can nerf her again and again so that I never have to play with her, please.

But yeah, seriously, if they do not want to buff Rein, they could try nerfing all the tanks. That might help get more people to play Rein.

1-3-2 doesn’t address that Orisa/Sigma/Winston will still be in the game, but useless throw picks. Unless they’re made off tanks and sent to DPS?

I’ve only played that maybe… 6 times now? Oddly enough, it crushed 5 out of 6 of those times. Granted, 3 of those had us running Doom as the true main tank…

I still prefer Sigma-Hog though, for its added flexibility, especially if the enemy isn’t running Ana for once.

An Orisa and Hog that combos is literally free kills. Dunno why Hog players hate free kills, but whatever.