That was a bug fix from the PTR. It’s definitely weird when they do this, but they list fixes for bugs that were both created and fixed on PTR, even if the bugs never existed in the live version.
The ability to destroy the translocator, along with the fact that it has 5 HP, is listed in the hero changes.
“Fixed a bug that allowed Moira to heal through barriers”
“Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to damage boost Hanzo’s Dragonstrike”
Hi there,
I wouldn’t say these are subtle nerfs. The two examples you provided were never intended from a design perspective. What differentiates these from nerfs is the development team never desired those heroes to function in that fashion, ultimately that’s why they are bug fixes. We’ll continue trying our best to catch these before they hit LIVE.
A fair assessment, but I think a lot of people were upset at what was a de facto nerf of a hero that simply did not need a nerf. Why didn’t you guys just make it an official part of her kit?
Ok but can you let moira heal through barriers again? Thanks.
EDIT: I mean she gets pretty frustrating to play as right now. Every time I couldnt heal someone because of a barrier I always wish to have picked mercy…
Okay, i understand that for Moria.
But for Mercy, or better said DmgB in general, it seams very unreasonable to call it a bug fix if it was in the game for more than 2 years and was never called a bug. So saying that the development team never wanted it funktion like that, sounds like a bad Excuse.
Hey Tom, I think it might be wise to just list these as functional changes instead of labeling them as bug fixes, then. There’s a lot of stuff in the game that I doubt the designers/devs originally envisioned, but I think more importantly the determinant factor for whether to call something a bug fix should be whether the users think the functionality is broken. If the players themselves do not consider it a bug, then it’s really just a functional change.
As an example, I doubt you guys envisioned Storm arrow being used to mow down tanks, but you probably wouldn’t label the original damage decrease you guys made as a bugfix…
I get what you’re saying but I think since the purpose of patch notes is to inform the players about what changes are contained in a patch, it would really benefit to write it from the perspective of the players instead of the devs.