Devs- Aim heroes are the future of the game

Then why is it so hard to provide your evidence in this thread?

And it literally is the subject, because you have made it be part of the subject when you put it as your grand opener. You cannot suddenly claim that it’s not part of the subject when your starting argument uses this claim.

Alright man, look… Overwatch isn’t all centered towards AIM, AIM, AIM like you want.
Since the beginning of the game, even in its marketing it was said that the game was supposed to be inclusive, everyone has a hero they can play with and identify with. There’s people who identify more with FPS so they pick Soldier, McCree, Widow, etc… and there’s also people who have never played a FPS in their lives that just liked how the game looked and played, so they’re more inclined to play Moira, Mercy, Symm and IDK… Winston? Rein?

Another thing: the game wasn’t initially intended to have a competitive tournament, it wasn’t even intended to have a competitive gamemode. It came months after the game was launched.
It isn’t Overwatch who has to adapt to the OWL, is the OWL who has to adapt to Overwatch. The game was made for us, all of us, the ones who know how to aim and the ones who don’t. They can’t just choose to please one portion of the playerbase and throw the rest in the trashcan.

I have and always will try to keep my threads to the subject of my op.

This isn’t new for me.

imo, where a discussion is, and the context around it matters. a breakdown of dev interaction/actions in the past is beyond the subject matter. I will not engage regarding it further. feel free to ask. I will not oblige as I feel it extends beyond the subject of the validity of hero design choice moving forward.

please don’t project. I don’t cater to or for aim based heroes. I don’t appreciate you saying I do. my opinion on aim heroes is not the subject of the thread.

Man, you literally created a thread wanting to promote the creation of more aim based heroes. The title says it is “the future of the game”. How am I projecting?
Am I missing something here? Can you explain to me what is the matter of this thread, then?

Right, so basically all you’ve proven to me is you have no backup for one of your claims (which is part of the topic) and instead of literally providing the proof to your claim (Which you also claim to have already addressed in other topics, and the burden of proof is on you who made the claim) you instead go through your post history just proving how stubborn you are when you are challenged on something in the topic of your post.

There is a discussion here in your outrageous claim

Which is your big opener, but you want to provide NOTHING for it.

I guess I have to take something from you the next time I argue, claim something, get challenged, just repeat “That’s not part of the topic” to avoid proving my claims.

my opinion regarding aim heroes has nothing about the merits of them existing. I don’t like pizza. i still suggest it for parties.

Is the title a quote?

feel free to make a thread about the merits of what qualifies the subject of a thread

I’m really confused rn… Think it’s better for me just to get out of this discussion. It isn’t going anywhere.

have a lovely evening

Yep, just goes to show that you have nothing.

You made a claim and can’t prove it, and instead hide behind a shield of “no u” instead of providing simple answers.

Look, Overwatch can’t be all about aim, ok? We have tanks. We have supports. It’s very hard to make a tank that’s all about aim. For supports? We already have Ana. Not every support has to be Ana. There are other skills too.

I would argue several of the tanks benefit from good aim. Sigma, Zarya, Wrecking Ball, Road Hog, and somewhat Orisa as well. Even D.Va benefits from good close range tracking. Winston and Reinhardt are the obvious exceptions.

Zenyatta and Baptiste also require good aim to play well.

Yeah, they do, but aim is certainly not the most important part of the skill needed to play any tank.

Sure, but aim isn’t the most important element to playing either (with Zen, it’s positioning and communication, with Baptiste, it’s effective use of the immortality field.)

All heroes benefit from communication and proper usage of their abilities.

Yeah, but with Zen, it’s truly critical to both use discord to benefit your team and not just yourself, and also communicate who you are discording so the team can capitalize on it.

But really positioning is #1. If you position badly as Zen, you will die.

I one tricked Zenyatta for around 300 hours. I was always good with calling out my orbs, but what helped me climb from Silver to Masters is 2 things:

Ultimate usage/tracking and improving my aim.

When you’re at the level where you can beat a Tracer or Genji in a 1v1, you’re going to climb.

Course I switched to being an Ana main last year, so I can’t speak for him in his current state. Last I did, Doomfist simply deleted him for free, and there was literally no way to stop him from doing so lol.

I mean, those things are important… but I’m also guessing you quietly learned how to position (perhaps subconsciously) and that also helped you climb.

Also, maybe you started good at communication? Sounds like you tried to be, at least.

The whole POINT of Overwatch’s existence is to be THE neapolitan of competitive fps. Its even tied to the lore, atmosphere and marketing that any method of team contribution, background, and skill is welcomed.

The real issue is close-minded players and how Blizzard tries to balance their entire, still loyal crowd with their unusual hit or miss patches.

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