What's an unpopular opinion you have?

Here’s mine: Most supports have unattractive, not compelling designs and Blizz has failed them.

One of them is actually a skill, and the other is just situational or luck. How often do you actually see D.Va eating both a Hanzo and a Zarya ult in one game?

Yeah but they won’t. Even if they do Torb will always be an easy target due to lack of mobility and his size/shape.

No, I’m just telling you I disagree. Your opinion isn’t a fact.

Good for you then, for being one of the few people in this game that can aim. Not everyone is like that. I can get why you want to play different characters like Sym or Lucio because they’re not your classic shooter heroes. Maybe you have FPS experience and are good with aim required heroes. Stating your experience as a fact is ignorant. A lot of people think aiming with Widow is hard and for a lot of players it is.

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How often is widow hitting back to back kill headshots in one clip?

That’s dvas skill. Thats widows skill.

They already have. I don’t see why it couldn’t be more. That’s not really on you or me to say

Widow is also low mobility. And I think risk means more skill is needed to get value. If torb is constantly getting shots, he has to work harder than widow does

Neither is yours

The opposite. I come from mobas and mmos. World of Warcraft, perfect world, guild wars… That was me. I liked the idea of ow because of Hanzo. How nice it would be to have a bow and arrow not rely on crit Chance rolls and instead be able to land a crit on my own?!
I just wound up like symm and Lucio more often than Hanzo. But that kept me in gold. To get out, I learned aim, got on Hanzo, climbed to plat, learned hitscan, got on soldier and tracer to masters.
Realized rank at the ease of aim wasn’t what I liked.
I’d rather be a plat symm than a master soldier. (Well, now a high diamond, low master symm but still).

Cool that you think aim is hard. I. Don’t.

That Rein is OP and his barrier health needs to get reduced to 1500 and his damage should get reduced a little too.

That if Bastion is in front of any sheild then the mechanic that he originally had where he can’t turn 360 degrees should come back.

Both Tracer and Genji are cancerous, but Tracer’s mobility is especially broken.

Auto-aim weapons should get removed completely. No more turrets. No more bob.

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It depends on how good the Widow is. It’s something you can get good at therefore it is a skill. Not saying D.Va’s situation requires no skill, but definitely not as much as Widow.

Torb’s hitbox and lack of mobility has always been an issue. I don’t think they will actually fix his shape even if they reduce his critical hitbox. Meaning he won’t be as viable.

Probably because she is a sniper. Even though she’s not a mobile hero she still can somewhat get away with her grapple. While Torb has only more armor which isn’t that useful to get away. To save yourself sometimes maybe. I do agree Torb has to work harder, but he is also a poor choice compared to most DPS because people suck at him and can’t make up for the hitbox.

I never implied mine was. You openly bragged about being able to aim while calling it “babyaim” for people that can’t. You claim aim doesn’t really matter yet you say you learnt heroes like Hanzo and Soldier/Tracer to get to Master’s which clearly says otherwise. I don’t think aim is that hard. It’s just something you get better at with more practice. People praise the whole game awareness and sense as if it’s something special. It’s not. It’s a basic requirement to be good, like I said before. Also hard to believe anyone that claims anything with a private profile. Not talking about you only, just in general. But I don’t really care.
I do think for example Symmetra requires more effort to be as effective of a DPS like Tracer for instance. But almost every hero needs aim. Widow has a very small spread and hitting heads consistently in order to be considered useful is way harder than going in as Tracer or Soldier with a massive spread. I haven’t played Fortnite but I have played games where snipers have a fall of projectile so I get the idea. Compared to that Widow does seem easier, but you’re forgetting this is a game full of toxicity and mobile heroes that aren’t always easy to headshot.

It’s a topic where the subject literally states unpopular opinion and you came to me to discuss my post regarding my unpopular opinion. I never stated it as fact be ause the premise of my post was that this is an unpopular opinion. Good for you that you think aim is a hard skill. I don’t have god aim. I have moderate aim. And my experiences in higher and lower tiers give me the conclusion that aim, isn’t all that hard to get. :woman_shrugging:t5:
My unpopular opinion is that overwatch is an easy aim game and easy aim.isnt restricted to Winston or old auto lock sym. Baby aim is hitscan. And the people who have to truly aim is Hanzo and torb since ethey have travel time and arch. Then zen, then lucio. Hitscan is not impressive to me. For me, if you wanna see good aim, overwatch is not the game.

There should be some type of barrier between casuals and Competitive Mode.

mine is: this game should have REAL balance (skill ceiling and floor equal for each class) and same hitboxes for every class (no random kills or just swing and win)

My unpopular opinion is: The only character that needed to be reworked was Symmetra 1.x. All other heroes could have been addressed/fixed with number changes and ability tweaks.

no more random mace and hammer, no more monkey laser-tracking …^^ make it more shooter like actually

Hard Counters wont solve anything and Roadhog is the most interesting character

In QP and comp, widowmaker solely kills the enjoyment of this game

Put literally any hero’s name here and it’s usually true. Junkrat, Mei, Brig, Sombra, Widow. . . Blizzard has a really bad habit of making heroes that are, by design, unfun to play against, even if they’re statistically not OP.

Snipers only exist to draw the demographic that wouldn’t play a shooter without them, and the game would be better without them, especially Widowmaker.

Apparently thinking Symmetra and Soldier 76 are weak picks is unpopular considering how many fights I get in about it.

Pharah needs a rework considering how unhealthy her gameplay design is.

Blizz has been nerfing and buffing the wrong characters for the past few months

If any changes come to Tracer they need to be buffs.

Sombra should be banned from Mayhem, she’s 3x more opressive than any Doomfist in any version in that mode.

Blizzard do not know how to nerf, and should revert every single one in every character of the game, and start all over again, with a little-to-no nerf philosophy.

Mercy needs mass ress back c: