Rez...It's Still Broke: Mass Rez wasn’t the Problem

The only heros I like in this game is symm , sombra and ana. Two of whom are perma trash.
I created this thread as a follow up to my other one, and both are precursors to my next one which will be about how blizzard getting away with Mercy 2.0 has hurt every single rework since and likely will continue.

But that’s a rant for another thread.

mass rez wasn’t balanced, if mercy without invul was a throw of a fight and a loss of the most important person on the team after a rez, and then if invul made her get zero counters. it’s simple as that, there’s no in between. why would you even want mass rez back? since everyone that wants it back say they should just remove invul. that would make mercy suck, imagine her 5 man rezzing or whatever and slowly burn in the new torb ult? mercy is the most important person on the team, even in her current state. leave her unattended and she’ll run away, rez or keep her teammates healed a huge amount. mass rez caused toxicity and if you actually watched the dev update you would understand jeff didn’t say they removed it cos it “was op and we suck up to dps mains” as i’ve seen many claims of. a big factor was the unhealthy behaviours it was causing in competitive voice chat. done and done. mass rez will not return, especially with OWL coming up soon. anyways with all the new ultimates and stuns in the game, mass rez would be useless cos mercy would just die straight after. but keep complaining

… this is not a thread in support of mass Rez. Your copy paste response is unwarranted. Feel free to try again if you take the time to read and give a proper response to the nature of the thread.

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how is that copy and paste lmao. do you just think anyone who makes a simple statement saying mercy doesn’t need to be reworked must be a sweaty dps main who goes to every mercy thread and writes the same thing? also i think i have the right to talk about mass rez since most of the replies to this thread literally were talking about mass rez. and guess what even your own thread literally talks about mass rez. but suddenly to silence me you’re gonna say: this thread isn’t even about mass rez. this is why i hardly ever use these crappy forums

In my opinion, Valkyrie is a far more powerful ability than any basic ability, with immense versatility to boot

Talking about mass Rez is not advocating for or against it.

Then reply to them. And in the nature of the discussion. There were a select few posts that derailed. I did my best to address them to stay on topic like I did with you.

I never said anything about dps mains. I don’t care who you main. Plenty of Mercy mains do not want mass Rez back. The assumption of your main does nothing for me.
The conclusion I got of copy paste comes from you not responding in line with the topic nor other replies. Technically, I can’t stop you from posting anything. You can post how you really like Mercy having blonde hair. It’s not in the nature of the post or thread, but I can’t stop you.

But I don’t see how asking g that you respond to a thread is out of line.

Maybe you genuinely believe you’re not supporting mass rez, but most people believe you’re trying to be shifty.

Because right in your original post, despite your tortured attempts to try and insist that you’re not advocating mass rez you still slip in this gem: “But Blizzard removing mass rez, and shifting it to cooldown rez has only led to greater problems for Mercy”.

Another day. Another spam fest.

Edit: At this point the designer have to refuse on principle. If they relent, they will kill the game because every single main will start spamming the forums with tortured and probably dishonest arguments.

Just wanna say, mind telling that to Blizz and their “Rez is core to her gameplay”. Because that kinda makes is seem that’s her specialty.

(I seriously want them to just retract that statement. It was dumb to make as a justification to keep Rez in when it’s not really a balancable ability to have on a static CD-No I don’t like having it at the start of a match and you can also exploit by switching back and forth in spawn [seen this as a legit “tip” for Mercy players])

I have no attachment to rez as a mechanic. Inhave no attachment to mercy as a hero. She could have been entirely replaced with Moira for all I care. This is not the focus of the thread. Game and hero design is the focus.

That’s not really an argument either, and yes it is coming back.

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care to share exactly how you know this with certainty (given how you phrased this)?

lol, it’s like nobody bothered to read the post and instead assume he wants to revert mercy. He never said that.

He is talking about how rez is rewarded but good mercy gameplay is not. If you are good as mercy, you don’t need to rez as many players. A “bad” mercy player will have many opportunities to rez, and be rewarded for allowing teammates to die.

He never siad to revert mercy. He said the current system rewards poor mercy gameplay. I agree: Reward the good mercy players who keep team alive and don’t need to rez.

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Don’t gotta Rez if your team doesn’t die :tipping_hand_woman:t5:‍♀️every other support seems to be fine with not having a Rez reward

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Whenever I do that people just tell me Valk is fine and needs no changes. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Valkyrie is way better than mass res in my honest opinion.

I mained Mercy since launch and believe that Valkyrie is way better. It adds more impact to the game. The only change I want is to there be a counter of teammates getting healed while using her ultimate. Easier to know how many are healed and help players adjust their game position. Mass res was fun, but it was a really broken ability people could take advantage off. As well how possible it is to hide and rez away from enemy fire.

I really hope mass res doesn’t come back to live servers. If it did, then it better be balanced in a way that satisfies everyone. Add a line of sight, a cast time. Maybe make it to where the ultimate is takes a while to charge. Either way, I still think it’s a pretty insane ultimate if people can take advantage of it’s AoE so easily.

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Alright… What does that have to do with this thread?


I mean wouldn’t mind seeing it back if it’s an option to have in custom games cause that can open up to other older abilities coming back for that mode too-cause game balance doesn’t need to affect custom games.

Oh y’know just saying that mass res was considered OP for a reason.
If hide res was possible, then people would do it right away. It’s like how so many McCree players with the FtH buff starts using stun and FtH a lot at corners. It’s like a player mentality where if it works out and pretty effective, then people would start using it a lot (i.e metas like GOATs or DIVE). Mass res was used a lot since it can be pretty effective to make the enemy team to lose their waste ultimates. It was strategy to just let the enemy team push in and have a single support hero to just come by outta nowhere to bring everyone back to life. It’s a frustrating moment to lose games over a single ability.
The only reason I’m glad valkyrie exists since we don’t have to live in the dark ages of someone pressing a Q button to erase any progress in any match. Even though this game is a press Q to win simulator, but mass res is just the worst to fight against. It was an issue during comp mode and even QP games.

Umm, no?

For argument’s sake: If you agree that mass rez isn’t a problem, then the next obvious question is why not have mass rez back?

Just to be sure I didn’t misread, I checked his posting history.

This is quite literally the fellow’s first post: The Failure of Reworks

“” We (the devs) realize free tempo rez was OP. Why not just… instantly revert it?”
"Why re-work a hero when mercy players didn’t even want her reworked? "

So I call shenanigans.

Good thing I discuss this in my post.

I argue that they currently are… In mAh post.

It was not. That’s why Mercy was considered trash.

And one that often failed.

This is the case for most ults in the game.

Cool that you like a thing. I disagree. But my opinion on valk is not the subject of this thread.