Saying "Healthy / Unhealthy for the game" is Subjective

What your saying makes no sense. Yeah all games lose players over time. Health isn’t related to that. Health is about how fast that happens and the things you do to cause it.

Break your game and it dies faster. Smoke and you die faster. You couldn’t put that together?


What do you mean by “accelerating” though? How do you know that that specifically is what’s “killing the game faster?” There’s literally no way for you to objectively prove that the game is “dying faster” due to “bad reporting”, since it’s had this since the game was released. Like there’s no denying it, yes the game is going stale, and I agree with you. But again, there’s no one reason where we can just look at a list and go “Hm, this is making the game 30 points unhealthier, they need to fix this.”

You can literally say exactly what you said without using “unhealthy” and it would mean the exact same thing. This is the point I am trying to make. How vague the term is and how it’s all literally just word salad and buzzwords that mean nothing. The term is pointless and overused when it comes to this game. lmao.

Successful / Unsuccessful makes more sense then. Because saying something is “Unhealthy” when it relates to something as specific as a minor change to a game mechanic is vague. People aren’t quitting OW in droves because “Lucio exists by healing”, for example, even though that could very well be seen as a “unhealthy game mechanic”, according to some.

Nah, he/she gets it.

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Then did the drop of players after mass Rez was changed indicate that mass Rez was healthier for the game?
Or did the increase of viewers after the change indicate it was healthier?
If you can’t give context, it’s meaningless.
Or could you not get that?

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T H A N K Y O U !

Omg someone actually read the OP and understood it. The point is that no matter what we say as “healthy or unhealthy”, if it can’t be proven, it literally makes no sense to say unless it’s taken to just be seen as subjective opinion. But yet it’s a term people love to use with OW for every little thing, even if they think they’re stating facts (when in reality they aren’t).


There are obviously a lot of issues at play and natural decay. But the faulty report system is definitely not helping and that is a fact. Facts are good and not subjective.

No it did not. It was not on console and they changed the report system for PC when they added it to console and the entire perception changed shortly thereafter. You should #research.

At this point? Sure. If people cared and pushed just a bit harder when it mattered, we would be looking at a different game.

Seriously? You are mad I did not use the word successful. By the elder gods…

In the context of this post…I’d say word choice matters.
The literal subject of the post is around the nature of semantics and it’s value in the criticism of the game

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Okay sure. The report system stinks. We both agree. But that’s still just our opinion. There’s people who have no issue with the report system, and apparently the devs don’t have an issue with it either. And there’s still no way for you or I to prove that that specifically is why people are leaving the game, so that in turn is why calling that specifically as being “unhealthy” for the game is subjective. It’s meaningless buzzwords. Which is my overall point.

Give me a link of that. I #researched, and found nothing of what you’re talking about. All I see are articles about the exact opposite, how it’s been improved and people praising it.

Lol, people have been pushing since the game was released. Pretty sure that’s not going to change anything, outside of people just leaving.

I never said that. Nor am I mad. Wut u on about bud?

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Threads like these aren’t really healthy for the forums.

Posts like these aren’t either.

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Similarly, I think they are very healthy. Discussion about concepts around a game should be promoted

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I’m not here to discuss what is and isn’t healthy. I never signed up for that. I’m here to explain what people mean when they say this or that thing is healthy or unhealthy. That’s all. I don’t give a damn about Mass Rez.

it’s healthy when it doest send you to spawn by a click of a button

Low effort abilities arent bad, it’s when the low effort abilities have a high and sudden output that makes them bad

did you mean “does” or “doesnt” here?

pretty clear what it is


with apologies, it isnt for me

that said, there of course is no requirement that one provide clarification

It’s a way to sound like you have a good faith argument when the reality is you just don’t like something that counters you.


Pretty sure theres no specification on what determines low effort abilities to be bad or not. Including “output levels”.

Yup. Pretty much.

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… the mass Rez thing was an example of how the term isn’t definitive. Thats the point. The focus is on the misuse of the word “unhealthy”
Again, it can be used for ANYTHING and that’s the problem.


What part of “I don’t care, I’m telling you what those people mean not whether they’re right or wrong” did you not understand?