Pink mercy october

“free” in the corporate world can be many things. In this case they gained publicity and free marketing as a result, and if I’m correct they also established a behaviour among their players for which they have benefitted many times over. How many cosmetic items have been $5 or $10 since then? It all started with the Pink Mercy skin, even if it was a charity event but for some it was a high cost cosmetic item that made them look bad if they complained about the steep cost. In my opinion Blizzard used guilt to make sure people would think $5 or $10 for a cosmetic item was cheap in comparison.

Of course. There are people who care about the charity. I don’t believe for a second that the Blizzard corporation cares one bit, even if selective employees at Blizzard do. What employees at Blizzard thinks is irrelevant in terms of what the Blizzard corporation does (except for a few high-up employees who make the corporate decisions).

You can.

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Being able to directly buy the skin is a lot better than having them use the predatory practice of lootboxes. I only care about Mercy/Sym skins so I have plenty of credits to get w/e I want for them, but for someone else? They have to gamble for them. That’s spending a lot more than $15 for a skin you might be looking for.

League of legends has always had skins on sale directly ,only recently did they turn to predatory lootbox system, of course that’s still optional. In OW, it isn’t.

If this new system somehow ends up becoming the go to one and lootbox gambling optional then I’m all for it.

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Pink Moira pls with long blond hair!

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We really need the skin back. It has the most work put into it (and it shows). The most custom skin locked behind time. Make it available again!

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Yes…through blizzard. For an event… Which is the subject of the post. For…October.

yes, i understand what you’re saying. I just would like to see the positive in this event more than the negative despite what blizzard really intended for it. I was so happy that this event happened because I personally have experience in my family regarding chronic/terminal illnesses. I grew up going to the MS walk with my dad because he suffers from MS and It was my first in-game charity experience, and I enjoyed seeing all the pink angels in game. For me personally, it was a hopeful and happy experience just as itd be in the outside world and that’s what I’d prefer to take away from it rather than see the negative sides of it because at the end of the day, cancer kills.
Whatever blizzard decides to do next with charities (if they choose to do another), they will have my full support.


Lego bastion can be added to that list. New sounds and bullets and what not, they need to do that for EVERY legendary skin

Fair enough…

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My cousin had just been…riddled with cancer. McDonald’s is evil, and Ronald McDonald’s isn’t the best charity…but they helped her ease her pain through her fifth round of chemo.

Blizzard may not have been 100% charitable in intention, but I’m fine with it. 100% of proceeds is nearly unheard of. I’m quite proud of blizzard for this.

I take issue with a lot of things in this game. Pink mercy isn’t one of them (besides its weeb trash style and taste :face_vomiting:)

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I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin…but It makes me happy knowing that despite the irony of the Ronald Mcdonald house charity, that it helped her in some way. My mom suffers with an aggressive rare neurological disorder called CMT (which is sort of similar to MS, but different) and my brother was recently diagnosed with CHF at 24 and had to have a pacemaker installed in him. It’s really not easy to watch someone you love go through such a painful experience, and the positive i try to get from it, is the hope from charities because even when people are in immense pain and suffering, I’ve never seen more smiles and felt more hopeful than i do in charity events. It’s just a really nice reliever from everything else going on and a reminder that you arent alone in the process and people support you.

However, what I’m not okay with is the selfish intentions that people use to justify wanting something in return. While I personally don’t care that pink mercy returns or not, I wish people would just be open and say they would like the skin instead of pretending like they care about this cause…because it’s just disheartening and insulting to those who are affected by it. I’m not saying its wrong to think that way, its just I get frustrated when I see people saying they want to help a cause, but are waiting for blizzard to do something about it (aka bring the skin back). Just donate and go out and go to those charities! Go be that help and stop WAITING.

Yea I’d like it if they were to do another charity event. Not really sure why they only did the one and called it good when they have charity stuff every year in other games.

At the very least I’d like it if they did those instead of spending time on these random “play 9 games for a skin” events that seem to be cropping up lately.

Oh yeah. It’s not lost on me.

Agreed but I guess I’m just… Past that point? I think taking part of ground work for charity made me just… Happy for events . It’s literally that…raising awareness. Because lots of people don’t actually care. But they like feeling like they care. And ultimately, if it helps more than hurts…I’m for it.

Let the skin be annual. Let the entire game be pink on certain maps . Pink guns . Whatever. Because awareness is a real big aspect to how people donate.

Ronald McDonald House is… Not great. But, look at how much they collect by just…existing, ya know? Putting the little box there goes so far. Which Is my only critique of pink Mercy’s run.

I didn’t want the skin. And didn’t do anything through blizzard. How many people just…didn’t do anything at all?

A little chime and a icon or spray isn’t crazy to keep for October imo. It helps way more than hurts to donate to charity than worry about less than charitable intentions ya know?

At least for me

tbh, im not really good at understanding how marketing works entirely for gaming, but yes, i think that’s a really good idea for having an option to donate whenever you wanted. I guess what i meant by me being frustrated is i wish people wouldn’t wait for someone to give them a reason to help, and just go help. It’s sort of the same thing as the world wont wait for you type thing, I agree with not caring if ppl actually think they care or not, i just personally get frustrated with people saying “id love to help the bcrf” but…don’t because they arent getting anything, and we dek if the skin will make a return ever…so if that is the case…please help the bcrf if you would like to help them. you get what i mean? please don’t wait or feel like blizzard will make u do it through their game.

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It’s a totally fair opinion and legit critique. I guess I’m just at a point like, “if they will pay $60 for a pink t shirt that cost us $2, let them have it”

I’m not trying to convince people to care. I’m trying to take their money lmao

Pink mercy already exists, and the event was done. Adding a pink button for donations and a spray maybe …Iz fine.

Lol at least for me

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Why not do a different event like No-shave November? Maybe have a skin for Soldier (or any male hero really) with a grown out beard the size of paul bunion flapping in the wind as they run.

That’s fine but… Probably should just…make a thread for that

That… Is a very grim view of the subject at hand. It suggests that everything Blizzard does, they do it as a part of a very emotionless, calculated plan to gain more profit.

Of course, companies primarily and foremost operate for profit, that’s true. But companies are also made up of people and people are humans. They sometimes goof around just for fun, they sometimes sink work hours into something because they love it or because they think it’s worth doing.

I think it’s a psychological thing where you get to both get something for that thing you like AND donate something. Like hitting a “market” not really targeted.

I don’t really see why it shouldn’t be thematically related to X cause. I could be way off, but I would imagine that a pink mercy skin would be make more money than dragon symmetra =\ It taps into some part of us that like to show that we did the thing (kinda like having Poppy pins/badges for Remembrance Day).

Or Red. Her red hair is nice too.