Rez...It's Still Broke: Mass Rez wasn’t the Problem

There is no need to pick apart this, it has been done over and over and over again. You are all going in a loop.


Wow, are you joking, did you really just try to hit me with a shamelessly loaded question, is that how you want this conversation to go? Should I approach you in the same way, pretending (and failing miserably) to ask an innocent question while clearly disparaging you? I know, I can ask you what makes you so damned superior to others that you’re entitled to decide who plays what, just because you’re worried a hero isn’t meta? Is THAT the sort of discussion you want? Personally, I’m not interested in such a mind-numbing back and forth, go find your equivalent amongst the mercy mains to have your vapid conversation with…

You’re one of the reasons this whole conversation is toxic…


Oh another revert mercy thread, look blizz will not go back after 1.5 years of balanced to bring it back, mass rez ruin the flow of the game and create atmosphere where her life is more important than her teammate, it isn’t coming back so stop.


Get offended much? I just ask a question this revert thing it does not affect only mercy players am i right it doe it equally for the other 5 on your team why should you be entitled. I am not sorry for asking the hard question and if you call it toxic why is it not toxic that you want to have your fun to go at the cost of playing sub optimal and potentially even losing.

And it has nothing to do with being superior its just fact its proven that old mercy was bad why people want it is fun all well and good but i am sorry but i want viable picks.

… I’m not making a case for mass Rez to return. That is not the focus of this thread.


Reverting mercy is not the subject of this thread.

That is not the focus of this thread.

I created this thread because I have never seen my opinion defined clearly in a mercy thread.

I think old Mercy was niche. Not bad. I discuss this view in my post.


it indeed was not the problem(devs : there’s still a huge thread you gotta read with suggestions about Mercy, and I mean : REALLY READ)


Well said.


They keep doing this, they buff a hero, the buff is too much, instead of reverting that change, they decide to completly change how the hero-s kit is supposed to work.
Same thing happened with D.Va when she got her extra 100 hp of armor, nobody wanted the fix that blizzard gave, everybody just wanted that buff to be reverted…


I don’t find current rez to be broken at all


Due to rez having a flat value in the reward system, I believe it’s just as broken as when it was in mass Rez.

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So was the other thread that was mass flagged removed?

The titanium one? No, it was not. I will link it for you

That post was flagged because the op called out a forum member.


There was one that was flagged mass after that

Then I am not aware of which one you mean. The linked one I gave and this post of my own are the main posts I habe explored between yesterday and today.

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It was a thread that brought the other thread into question

'Nuff said. Mass Rez was bad for the game and unhealthy.


That’s not a reply I can properly address without snark. I will simply say, I disagree. See my post above.

let me see if I can follow your logic… a heavily nerfed version of her old ult is broken, yet when it was her ult it was fine? how can you actually break a skill by nerfing it? because it was nerfed and demoted to a skill

How can it be broken now but fine before? just because you had to charge it? mind you, you were able to charge mass rez in 30 seconds as well, so cooldown was not the issue here

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