I hate it when I see Genji and Tracer thrown into threads together because they just don’t have the same impact. In my hundreds of hours played in comp, I’ve legitimately never seen a Tracer player carry the game. In contrast, I’ve seen a ton of Genjis carry games.
I’m not calling anyone a liar who has seen a Tracer carry, but it must be exceptionally rare compared to how often Genjis do it.
What’s even more significant is that Tracer is much easier to deal with and has a much less impactful u…
For the last month, Genji’s got a higher pick rate at GM than Sombra, Reaper, Torbjorn, Doomfist, Symmetra, Pharah, Soldier 76, Junkrat, and Bastion COMBINED
If Genji should be bad in any meta, it’s a tank heavy meta. But he’s thriving in it. This is the worst possible meta for Genji, and he’s still the strongest dps.
When is Blizzard finally going to admit Genji is overtuned and needs a nerf?
I saw someone else do one of these for Brigitte, so I thought I’d do one for Genji.
Genji pokes from a distance to build ult because he has no damage fall-off
I shoot at Genji but he’s too far away to do real damage
Genji ults and gets nano boosted
I flash Genji but he gets to keep his ultimate after getting stunned for some reason
Genji kills 5 with nano blade
Our Roadhog is the last one alive
Genji farms Hog to have ult next team fight
Swift strike has a hit box so big that you don’t even need to be on Genji’s screen to be hit with it. Dragonblade’s hitbox is similar in size.
Yet Genji mains are the ones complaining more than anyone else about auto lock on weapons like old Symmetra and Moira.
I hate auto lock on as much as anyone else, but it’s kind of hypocritical to complain about it when your main character has weapon hitboxes the size of a tank.
Genji’s hitboxes should be reduced so he actually needs to aim - it seems t…
Since I started playing this game in season 4, I’ve been whining about Genji. He counters all of my main heroes and I’ve always thought he was broken.
Yet every post I made about it was met with Genji mains who said, “Genji doesn’t need nerfs because his pick rates and win rates aren’t way higher than the other heroes.”
Well, if we use Genji logic on Brigitte, she doesn’t need nerfs either.
Brigitte’s overall win rate this week: 2nd.
Brigitte’s overall pick rate this week: 9th.
Brigitte’s w…
Your Overwatch - one of the Youtube channels which Blizzard has paid to come and report on Blizzcon and Overwatch League - made a video discussing the counters for every hero.
When they got to Genji, they admitted it: Genji has no counters.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjigO6zhOHU#t=14m20s
Can we PLEASE nerf Genji now? He’s been the king of the DPS for way too long.
Doomfist is finally starting to approach Genji pick rates, and he’s getting nerfed. It’s time to bring Genji down to t…
Actual Jeff Kaplan quote: “We want McCree to be a counter to people like Tracer, Genji…”
Source: https://www.gamecrate.com/nerfs-and-buffs-are-way-certain-overwatch-characters/13768?cm_mmc=SNC-Facebook-_-NA-_-GameCrate-Overwatch-Nerfs-Buffs-_-NA
Right now McCree does not counter Genji. At best, you could call it a skill match up - but Genji’s mobility and cooldowns give him the upper hand.
The biggest piece of evidence that McCree does not counter Genji is that when a McCree is doing well, pl…
I have a pretty decent sized hero pool: Widow, McCree, Soldier, Torbjorn, Ana, Hanzo, Roadhog, Zarya, Zenyatta. I’m also not a bad player - I’m currently rated 3600 on pc.
I find Genji to be unfair against every single hero. His “counters” - if you can call them that - have less mobility than he does, the lowest dps in the game, and they cannot headshot him.
Genji needs to be toned down - he is way too strong.
Anyone else think that’s messed up?
Not the last 7 days, but still pretty absurd considering this time could have been spent getting better at the game and solving the issue that they’re having with Genji.
They do still try to act like Genji becomes harder instead of easier to hit while double jumping so it could very well be a troll.