According to Genji logic, Brigitte should NOT be nerfed

Since I started playing this game in season 4, I’ve been whining about Genji. He counters all of my main heroes and I’ve always thought he was broken.

Yet every post I made about it was met with Genji mains who said, “Genji doesn’t need nerfs because his pick rates and win rates aren’t way higher than the other heroes.”

Well, if we use Genji logic on Brigitte, she doesn’t need nerfs either.

Brigitte’s overall win rate this week: 2nd.
Brigitte’s overall pick rate this week: 9th.
Brigitte’s win rate at GM: 11th.
Brigitte’s pick rate at GM: 12th.

Face it - Brigitte is not overpowered. She just feels a little unfair to play against if you’re one of the heroes she counters. I had to deal with this for six seasons playing against Genji. Now it’s Genji’s turn.


People still hating on Genji after Moira was added? :joy:


“But she’s OP because she’s annoying!”

And it’s funny how the exact same people saying that now are the ones who shot down that exact argument in the Nerf Genji threads.


b-b-b-but she’s oppressive :c I can’t cheese on supports anymore.


If people made a conscious effort she is rather straight forward to counter. But they think complaining on the forums is somehow going to help that.


Brig doesnt even counter Genji, thats the hilarious part.

I jump around her and spam her, dash in when she’s low or preoccupied with someone else and finish her off. The only time she cab even DO something to me is if Im just standing on the ground right in front of her.

Brig isnt OP; but I think she gets too much bang for her buck. She’s a very high-impact low-risk hero because of her survivability, her passive, and her ult-- she can 1v1 everybody except Junk, pharah, and snipers.

Id like her stun to have a longer cooldown to match flashbang. Its the best stun in the entire game rihht now and the fact that it cancels ults, is on a 6src cooldown, also is her shield so she’s protected----

its…very strong against 80% of the roster. I dont feel like thats balanced. :confused:


I’m just amazed that people don’t like Genji being good in 1v1’s, but are perfectly fine with Brigitte.


If Genji was a support it’d be different.


But, they did nerf Genji… Like 8 times.

So you’re saying they should nerf baguette?


I’m just waiting for the ****storm to arise.

In the meantime, I will say this: I hate Brig, yet I want her buffed. It’s quite paradoxic, but given what people think of this hero, buffing is probably not a good idea rn. This game has a bigger issue anyway.

we have another unholy meta rising. Seems to be in Triple Tank tier of BS. And we’re placing the blame on the wrong targets again

In Dive, flankers took the blame but Zen and Dva are somehow perceived as fine. In reality, it was Dva’s DM that turned dive into Meta, and still persisted when they thought it was a great idea to give those rockets in compensation for nerfing DM.

idk what changes Zen had, but he’s part of a huge reason burst damage hurts as bad as it does. Just wasn’t noticed as well in Triple Tank.

In this meta, Brig and Mercy are taking the blame, but not the graviton dragonstrike combo that’s been taking out 4 people, in every rank. That’s not even counting how Hanzo is Season 2 McCree with projectiles.


Iunno man. Tons of people blaming Hanzo.

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Your argument kinda falls apart when she has the highest winrate out of all viable heroes by a huge margin.
56% winrate would be reasonable in GM, but in all ranks? Something is clearly not okay. Sure, Symmetra has a higher winrate, but this argument is also ridiculous. We all know her winrate is inflated because she is rarely ever played for the entire game which is not the case with Brigitte.


“But they/you can Just run away!” Is in a similar spot from the opposite direction. I heard people say that all the time during dive: “[Insert Dive Hero] has no counters! Those ones don’t count because he/she can just run away!”

I notice that argument seems to have been none too subtly taken out back now.

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You know, I think people would be a lot happier with Brig’s situation if she only countered Genji/Tracer.

She doesn’t.

She made Winston, D.Va, Orisa and Hog unviable. As we all know, tanks drive the metas and that’s why the meta is so firm. Brig somehow made deathball (the meta that is meant to be countered by dive) into an easy dive-counter. Now nothing counters deathball and Rein-Zarya is in every game.


To be fair, that’s pretty much Zen’s thing, I think the only reason he’s hung around in this meta is because his ult is the only option for possibly living through a gravstrike if you fall into it. If Lucio’s could do it (or anyone elses) you might see him traded out a little more often on some maps. Not trying to downplay discord, it’s very good - especially with armor abound.

And he wasn’t seen in triple tank because you practically needed a Lucio at the time for babysitting your Ana and shuffling all those slow tanks around.

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Its because a good Brigitte can only go so far since snipers and Pharah basically make her life a misery. A good genji on the other hand? Good lord, good luck stoping him from deleting you as soon as he gets in your los.


Zen himself hasn’t been changed, but both DVA and Brigette can offset his weaknesses because they’re excellent “peel” characters. Discord is also one of the best damage buffs in the entire game. If you’re playing dive you’re team is calling and attacking one single target on the enemy team, in this scenario discord is as good as damage boost from Valkyrie Mercy, even better perhaps because of the LOS requirement.

There was some combo that was favored. Beyblade, Nano-Rein, Nano-blade, Nano-sights, Big bang, bigger bang, Space Jam (for a short while), Beat-blade.

Yeah, but Genji/Tracer players would absolutely flip if they made a hero that actually countered them and only them.

They could make McCree fill those shoes easily:

  • Change McCree’s health to 100 armor/100 hp
  • Flashbang/Deadeye no longer deflectable
  • Flashbang stops Blink/Recall in its tracks instead of letting Tracer out-play it
  • Flashbang stun lasts while characters are jumping and doesn’t start to wear off until they hit the ground

That would make McCree a legit counter against those two - which he is supposed to be according to Jeff Kaplan. McCree is a high skill character so it would be fair too. But I’d bet Tracer/Genji players would absolutely freak out if all those changes went through.


I imagine the main reason they haven’t done that is because McCree isn’t underpowered. If you gave him 100 armour then I don’t think we’d ever see S76 again.

And the deflect changes would be really unintuitive.

The mobility ability interation with stuns is something that should be fixed though. I think it’s because both go off on the same server tick or something?


If brig was the defence hero she should have been she would have no defenders and i want to know support mains if you want to duel dps WHY NOT PLAY DPS FOR JEFFS SAKE