I've never seen Tracer carry, I've seen tons of Genjis carry

I hate it when I see Genji and Tracer thrown into threads together because they just don’t have the same impact. In my hundreds of hours played in comp, I’ve legitimately never seen a Tracer player carry the game. In contrast, I’ve seen a ton of Genjis carry games.

I’m not calling anyone a liar who has seen a Tracer carry, but it must be exceptionally rare compared to how often Genjis do it.

What’s even more significant is that Tracer is much easier to deal with and has a much less impactful ultimate than Genji. Tracer can’t farm her ultimate from a safe distance and then use it for a team wipe. Tracer has to actually get into the action and then she’s lucky to get a single kill with her ult.

I don’t even play Tracer, and I think she’s fine - Genji is the only flanker that really is broken.

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genjis are more often because he’s pretty usable at the lower ranks, but i’d still say i’ve seen a roughly equal amount of carries from both.

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I feel the same way about their ults honestly. As a tank main, tracer sticks me and I just keep doing my thing. Genji ults and I actually have to deal with him

I have a hard time believing this. I’ve seen several good Tracers (on my team and on the enemy team) that carry.

You’ve never even seen a deranked Tracer carry?


Genji. Every. Single. Time.

I had an amazing Tracer on my team but they eventually got hard countered and switched to Genji.

Easy win.


A good Tracer is a much bigger threat than Genji.

She’s still a bad design, but hey, if you think she’s okay its cool. She just doesn’t require that much input to get value out of, ditto for Genji… despite what some people would like to think.

Tracer is rather a smurf problem than carry problem


Good point actually, I seem to see a hoard them all of a sudden…

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Can we please leave Genji alone for once

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Tracer can be just as deadly as genji, she essentially trades a team wiping ult for 3 dashes, a second life and the ability to one clip targets

I’d kind of agree. There are definitely players who can carry on Tracer, but aside from smurfing, they’re never going to be exposed to most of the player base. Every time I encounter one who really feels threatening, I’ll check their profile afterward and see somewhere around 4400 SR.

Genji’s not great at mid levels either, by any means, but he can get some decent value. Generally the only times I’ll see a Platinum Tracer get value are when silly Reinhardts turn their shield around to look at her instead of defending against the rest of her team.

The changes to Brigitte and armor just happened a few weeks ago. You can basically think of Tracer like a new hero that was just added to the game.

I’ve seen an inordinate amount of tracer carries

If only Genji could leave me alone in game.

Genji ult is like an almost guaranteed wipe. That’s dumb. I know it. You know it. We all know it.

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Tracers who can carry are infinitely more terrifying than Genjis who can carry because they don’t rely on their team to enable them.

Less flashy, less teamkills, but just as much impact honestly. Sticking a support = a won teamfight.

Teamwiping blades aren’t even good because if you kill everyone then your team doesn’t get any ult charge so you slowed down your ult economy advantage.

Genji has more counters than Tracer assuming both are exceptional with their hero (Tracer only has Brig, Genji has Brig, Zarya, Mei, etc.)

Average Genjis profit more than average Tracers though.

Dblade itself isn’t that bad. Nanoblade is the guaranteed wipe, and nano + blade is what’s dumb.

When I use to play Genji and ult, I would get stunlocked, I die, I’ll just get a kill or 2, enemies would use their ults and counter me, enemies will run away from me.

So, how can I get a guaranteed team wipe every time as Genji?

Dragonblade apparently averages 6 kills for an entire match, so I can pretty confidently say this is inaccurate.

When combined with Nano, it will probably get at least a kill more often than not, though, unless it’s countered by Sleep, Shatter, Graviton, Sound Barrier, Whole Hog, or whatever else.

Its manly that his Ult has a really high carry potential, and is not really hard to farm it

That’s incredibly hard to quantify. What rank are we talking about? If we aren’t solidifying those stats to a rank then that means nothing. If average kills are being counted among all ranks then that doesn’t hold value. Genji’s full potential is typically exercised in platinum and up (note though majority of players are in gold). Yes, Genji is a difficult hero to master; thus, if we are talking about bronze then, you’re correct, those stats will show low average kills corresponding to his ult. But, if we’re talking about diamond…

oh boy.

In diamond any time a Genji ults, that’s a team wipe.

In accordance, a hero’s balance is determined by such potential in ALL ranks. His potential to be incredibly strong and powerful in platinum and up makes him… OP to say the least.

That was just referring to general averages, which I think would put the median in Gold.

From what I’ve experienced in the Diamond and Master range, the typical result of a non-Nano’d Dragonblade is 0 to 1 kills… not to mention it usually ends in Genji’s death.

Nano’s pretty strong, though.