✅ 1x BarrierTank Role Queue design


  • Does not block DoubleOffTank.
  • Blocks DoubleBarrier.
  • Buff all BarrierTanks to Reinhardt tier.
  • Get Mei out of the OWL meta.
  • Optional “Dibs Queue” for BarrierTanks.


  • Tanks split into BarrierTank subrole and BruiserTank subrole
  • 1 BarrierTank maximum per team, 0 minimum per team
  • 2 BruiserTank maximum per team
  • Optional “Dibs Queue” for BarrierTank
    • Can switch freely between Barrier and Bruiser, unless already have 1x BarrierTank.
  • If matchmaker can’t find a BarrierPreferred player then just grab two BruiserTanks
  • Lastly, get Mei out of OWL meta by moving her to the Tank role.


  • There’s actually a slight queue time penalty because you can’t put two BarrierPreferred Tanks on the same team, but they are more rare so it should be minimal.
  • This penalty should be more than countered by buffing Winston/Sigma/Orisa to be just as powerful/viable as Reinhardt is now. (If not more so).
  • Offers the potential to give subrole passives, like 20% CC resistance for barrier tanks, and 10% increased healing received for BruiserTanks. etc.
  • Future-Proofs the game if they ever want to add more BarrierTanks.
  • Doesn’t block “MainTank Hammond”. (Should also benefit from less Mei).
  • Steers the game away from anything “GOATs-like”.
    • Which was too much MOBA and not enough FPS.

Morning folks, got my visuals up and running, with all the logic attached.

Take a look :slight_smile:

So you settled on your icons?

Yeah, figured they are good enough.

Also figured the hexagon design kinda makes it obvious that “this is a barrier”.

Also the upside of this queue design is that they can change their choice midgame later if they don’t like the queue they got into.

Which makes it less important that it’s universally understood.

Still have doubts over Winston’s classification as Barrier Tank, as the monkey makes a great dive tank comp with DVA. His play also don’t ‘usually’ tank upfront with his barrier, but rather use his mobility to harass backlines and use the bubble to trap healer/bubble dance.

But at least so far it looks reasonable.

Not sure how those who liked Mei will like being a ‘bruiser’. Even if her kit remains pretty much the same, will it feel awkward/different?

According to your latest revision, ‘double bruiser’ like Hog+Hamster is still a thing?

Honestly I had thought about that. Could just keep that list limited to Orisa/Rein/Sigma.

I don’t think many people have complaints about Winston+OtherBarrierTanks version of DoubleBarrier.

But that could change if devs want to pump him full of buffs.

Yup, just going for Barrier balance, and getting rid of anything “GOATs-like” with this one.

I think they will get over it pretty fast when they realize she has a 30sec queue time, and doesn’t need to be nerfed into the ground on ladder, to get her out of OWL.

If Orisa can have a 600 HP barrier on a 10 sec CD and be considered a barrier tank, Winston with 700 HP on a 13 sec CD can also be considered a barrier tank, a dive barrier tank.
I don’t see the problem.

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I like that double barrier is an option, it allows for more options in team building. It’s balanced now, so really not even a problem.

I disagree.

If you can buff all barrier tanks up to Rein Tier or higher, you get a ton more Barrier+OffTank combinations than you have currently.

The “balance” currently mostly boils down to “Everything is an offtank to Reinhardt”.


complicating mm even more would destroy que times. no one would want play against shield tank/offtank meanwhile they have 2 offtanks.

Or we can stop pretending Rein is a “tier beyond” just because of his shield health

That ain’t it

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Winston barrier tank and Hammond bruiser nice troll

He kinda is, when you eliminate doublebarrier.

He really ain’t

I know first hand, and I’m sure plenty of other people would too if they opened their eyeballs

I love this! You clearly put in a lot of thought/effort into this.
But will there any balance changes for this?
Possibly your old mei tank rework idea? (350hp, etc)
How about implementing part of roadhogs 123 changes? Less dmg/fart cloud with dmg resistance and aoe heal

Hammond is really only a main tank for about 2% of the playerbase, about 10% of the time they play.

Overall, that’s a pretty small number in the grand scheme of things.

That said, it’s not like this approach blocks Ball/Zarya or Ball/D.va.

If you think it does, you didn’t read it.

Buddy, we know Orisa’s barrier HP nerf is way overkill. She was pretty decent by herself until players found out ‘hey, stacking barriers from Orisa and Sigma really works!!’

It’s not a dirty secret that they messed that up.

Winston’s barrier was never used - fine, not primarily used - in the way like how Orisa does. I don’t think his barrier even get any buffs all this time until recently, and even so it still pales in comparison to Orisa until that sledgehammer nerf knocks her out cold.

Yeah probably. But that part can be complicated and controversial.

I guess I could throw something together, but same difference with another approach that meets the same goals.

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Seriously does this horrible suggestion need to be posted multiple times per day ? No , just no.

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She isn’t strong enough as a tank sorry.

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