What would save the game in your opinion?

I think they should start with making a more extensive tutorial, so new players know what they sign up for and don’t have to learn the hardway.

I like this. I wish the game would have a tutorial on BASIC team comps and roles, and really focus on how team-based it is.

Another support and two more tanks to chose from

Just curious how you define tank, because I feel like most tanks are extremely different than dps?

Implementing this idea, with some extra unknown design feature to make it so Hammond mains don’t freak out.

Letting Meka Crouch would fix this game as much as any of these other suggestions, and it is far more important.

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I really hope they’re going to make a better tutorial in OW2, because the current tutorial doesn’t explain anything at all. The tutorial should also be mandatory and finished before you’re allowed to play the game ( or modes such as competitive etc ). Let people get a grasp of the game through a tutorial, not through learning the hard way while ruining games for other people.

I dont think they need to make another class for it, but they should make a soft lock for it. Once one shield is taken, other shield tanks should be locked from being picked. That way you should be able to switch mid game, instead of being forced to only play main tank. There’s too little tanks in my opinion to implement something like that…

i like the idea… but people who want to play solo would suffer throgh horrible q times then. i guess

Lol, yup that’s the same conclusion I came to last night.

✅ 1x BarrierTank Role Queue design

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  • Training on what the roles do -

  • An in-game Team system - this is insane not to be in the game

  • Raise comp level to 50

No more balancing around OWL and what the pros say. Yes, the pros know the game best but they’re still human. They’ll advocate for balance changes that work in their favor.

A proper practice mode for people who want to learn/practice new heroes that’s just like comp but free of punishment/reward. A fake comp, if you will.

Balance changes that do not exclusively center around the top 1%. Top-down balancing may be the correct way to balance, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be exclusive. Believe it or not, you can’t just run whatever and hard carry in the lower ranks. Balance changes do affect the lower ranks. Just because a meta doesn’t exist in the lower ranks, does not mean that certain team comps aren’t run. Balance changes should take into consideration how they will affect the lower ranks.

Removing heroes such as Doomfist Hammond Mei Bastion and putting focus on the main game more than how it effects OWL would do it I think.

junkerqueen best be a tank

Remove rq, and limit the number of tank picks on each team. FOV slider. Customizable hud. Either allow macros’ or allow people to change hero settings, ex; Hanzo’s fire type being release m1 should be changable, or maybe you don’t want to be able to cancel Reaper’s wraith form. Cut out 20 seconds of setup time on 2cp by spawning defenders on point a. Add a guild or clan system, have people battle for rewards of some kind through it.

Honestly, I have been seeing the clan / guild system come up a lot. It seems very interesting, but would that affect people that enjoy solo queue more?

Not game’s fault
Hero shooting genre getting pretty stale
Only way of saving is to make it f2p

New content.

Well come July that wont be an issue.

Pink Mercy


  • Remove all WoW-like mechanisms, these “abilities” have no place in Overwatch.

  • Improvements to the engine and netcode. Players with 100ms latency should not be able to play with players that have 30ms latency to the server. And certainly such differences should not be compensated by the system! It does not work properly.

  • Real matchmaking and no secret rules. Take a look at the matchmaking of cs.go.

  • The reporting system should be reworked. I think it makes sense to move the reporting system to a website and only accept cases that clearly violate the rules that are described.
    Ingame reports are too easy to create. It takes 3 seconds, of course the system is used improperly.

Also it’s great to see that the Ana nerf went though. The one she didn’t need.

So glad we still have the Anti-heal nuke that’s totally not busted…wink wink. An ability that is stronger than most ultimates on a 10s cooldown with massive splash radius. Not busted at all folks