✅ 1x BarrierTank Role Queue design

wow what great feedback…
at least say why

Thanks for your input. But I don’t think the devs want to balance around what works in Bronze.


Perhaps, but a couple number tweaks could change that easily.

350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall, move to Tank.


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Read any of the other thousand threads on this stupid idea.
But basically the main reason is that we want to help the DPS queues not make them worse.

You’d think making BarrierTank more desirable, at the cost of the few people insisting on DoubleBarrier would help queue times.

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My concern @GreyFalcon is that tanks like Orisa or Sigma can put out a decent damage amount, you buff their barriers and you could get a Shooting-Barrier-Tank meta just because it’s more advantageous to have a barrier + 2 tanks that can shoot and have a good damage output, than no barrier at all or 1 Barrier Tank that can’t shoot + only one that can.

At worst that just means Rein probably gets his barrier buffed up to deal with the extra firepower headed his way.

But ultimately whatever happens, it’s going to be a ton easier to balance.

Even if it might cause some “power creep” in a class that was hit hard with “anti-creep” sledgehammer.

He’s the only tank anyone wants, because he has the best Barrier, and Barriers win games.

Wam is a bit of a special situation.

He’s very good at Sigma.

Much in the same way you got people carrying Torb/Sym/Bastion up into Top500.

Are you trying to make queues even longer? Because that’s what this would do.

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Try reading it through again.

It’s a soft lock, not a hard lock.

All it does is block DoubleBarrier and give a “Dibs Queue” for being the first person to pick BarrierTank.

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I like it. Would be a good change

So you wouldn’t touch ‘bruiser’ tanks, even if you’d be guaranteed to never play barrier tank?

Perfect, just add one more for supports so we don´t get two off healers. I love to play main healers but sometimes I am eager to play Lucio or Brig and I hate when the other sup locks down Zen after me, already locked on off healer and I am forced to switch (as I say, I don´t mind to play main healer, I just hate when someone jumps on off healer when I already lock one). Same problem as with two offtanks.

I actually would not. If my queues go above a minute, I am dropping tank.

To clarify when you say

Is this applying to both teams?

I think it would be entirely unfair if one team got a barrier when the other didn’t.

Also, do teammates see that you qued for Bruiser tank? I don’t wanna hear “we need a shield tank” when I’m unable to pick one.

Yeah, but the BarrierTank player is only locked to BarrierTank for the first 10seconds of the match in the spawnroom.

So it’s kind of the same difference.

So you only play tanks because of low queue times? Even the essentially fat DPS tanks?

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I guess the problem is that barrier are a buff for the team composition, if your team can have 6 players dealing damage, the enemy can too, but if you have 1 tank providing a barrier that 6 player can use, but the enemy team doesn’t have one, that’s a clear disadvantage for the enemy team.

I guess double OffTank wouldn’t pay off.

Barriers don’t win games, the players do lol

Don’t blame your loss on a number