Hello guys, I’m making this thread to help you guys read the answers Blizzard gave us in the AMA today. I hope this will be as good as the one Samisha would do if he had time
- About the HL/TL merge and other ranked changes
How they will merge HL and TL mmr to give players the new rank
A little bit of ranked history and why they are merging HL + TL
Maybe showing mmr in the replay if they show mmr in ranked
New ranked merge coming in a few weeks with the new season
Can choose between new roles + flex
New ranked mode will be first come first serve kinda draft
How they want to prevent smurfs in the new ranked mode and how parties will work
A little bit more about parties in the new ranked mode
A little bit about smurfs with the new ranked mode
Queueing as a role probably not happening
Minimum requirements to play the new ranked mode
Early conversations about MM using only mmr or only rank to create matches
A little bit about new ranked rewards in the future
Automatically rejoin queue if someone disconnects somewhere in the future
About rank/mmr limits for placements
- Talent Tree Design and Talents in General
Blizzard’s opinion on talent trees and how they approach them
No plans to create talents to ‘soften’ hard counters (like Butcher having a talent to do some damage through blinds)
About block talents and why they work in charges and not for a short period of time
- Heroes and Hero Reworks
Kharazim pretty balanced and no plans to change his level 1 that much
Small change to Thrall’s Thunderstorm but nothing major
Valeera changes maaaaybe coming in the future (sorry Hailfall)
Maybe a small change to Malthael’s Tourmented Souls
They are pretty happy about the state of Li Ming
Deckard probably getting more small changes to make him better
Chen will get a rework but no details on it
Tassadar rework in the future (Someone is really happy right now ). Where their inspiration to rework Tass comes from (Seriously, this is epic). Rework coming soonTM (
About weird/unique heroes like Chogall, Abathur, Vikings…
- Balance Changes in General
About balance changes with no HGC
Large nerfs in a single patch versus small nerfs in several patches
Balance changes now that there’s no HGC
About having too many ranged mages
Buffing weak talents instead of nerfing strong ones and dev’s comment in every change
How the team chooses which talent(s) will get buffed
- QM and UR
About forced comps and maybe an option to choose between any comp/forced comps
Maybe make Unranked First Come First Serve like TL
About new players taking too long to find a match in QM
About QM, forced comps and educating the player base
- Multiple Subjects
Idea of a team gamemode with team mmr
New role rework coming with the next season
About sub-roles to avoid confusion
And more about loss forgiveness
Party finder system in the future
Maybe an ARAM only mode in the future
What can we (the players) do to help you (Blizzard)?
About supporting the new pro scene from third parties
What are Blizzards priotities now
Trying to make the reconnect system better
Maybe a spectate option in the future but hard to implement
Exp changes and Ghostdunk article (Ghostdunk made a really good article with lots of information about how the exp changes from 2017 and 2018 affected the matches in hots, I highly recommend people read it, it’s pretty good. Anyway, what I got from the dev that answered this is that they probably have another blog post talking about their thoughts on the exp changes so far).
- New Hero
Apparently the new hero is Broxigar (They even hinted it in a video and no one noticed it lol).
I think that’s it guys. Hope you like it, it took me almost 3 hours to make this thread, gather all the information and separate everything