Tassadar rework sucks

It’s the worst remake they have rolled out. I hope they are watching the feedback. Tass Mains = HATE IT
Other players = indifferent at best

I never played Whitemane pre-rework and she is one of my favorite heroes currently, but I think what you describe also applies to the Whitemane rework.

The switch from Support to DPS was announced 3 years ago, nothing unexpected at all. Like all drastic changes there will be some that are happy with it and some that are not.

I too was “burned out” when they’ve reworked Kerrigan (and it was just a minor rework), so I’ve stopped playing her even if I had already 110 levels. In the end it’s all about finding a new Hero that catch your attention long enough, but don’t fossilize on something that was.


3 years ago? Really? And they have the balls to follow through now? There should be a statute of limitations, as it were, on [major] reworks. Three years is a long time to become attached to something. That stinks.

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Don’t take that “3 years” like an exact time, I think it was so long back there but I may easily be wrong by far because I haven’t made a search for the exact announcement. To me, it just seems like a lot of time ago.

It was roughly a year. Ok, not the exact post, but I’m too lazy to look further :stuck_out_tongue:. His rework was announced roughly a year ago. So before a year I guess


People calling tassadar useless…severely undertuned yes, useless…

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Only tested it in the try room, but it feels really cool.
Kinda love black hole a lot.


they call him useless before he makes it to the game i believe people will enjoy playing him and he’ll be popular unlike before rarely anybody plays him. i’ll give him a shot after he’s released ingame cause his abilities look so cool now and force wall not an ult anymore = perfect

me too i watched NotParadox video actually loved it. combo with force wall and he actually hurts now no more tickling.

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I understand that people will enjoy yet another dime a dozen ranged assassin.

But that is why i always laugh at we need “more tanks and supports” in this game threads.
The guys don’t even understand how support worked and called him useless.


yeah before they thought his job was “to deal damage” while he should “help his team” secure kills and protect them with walls / use walls against enemy team etc… but i guess many people took that as “booo no damage trash hero” when people don’t understand what that hero’s role and what he should be doing they’ll immediately call it a trash hero.

it’s just ridiculous how some people lack brain cells some times…

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Actually the only reason I’m sad :frowning:

gonna disagree, i actually like Tass becoming the mage that he should have always been!

people saying “oh but he was so unique before!”
he was a support hero with a beam auto attack (but he also had an aoe skill)
he could shield his allies and block enemy paths with his ult…
i’m describing Zarya. :laughing:

i like how his new build makes him a super versatile damage dealer,
he can do long range aoe/skillshot builds, he can do AA damage builds,
he can focus on slows and control, he can even focus on being tankier.


Speak for yourself I love tassadar from Starcraft 2 lore and have played him in this game extensively. I love the rework this is what he should have always been.


You are very wrong. I guess you are one of people, who didn’t undestand true power of old Tassadar.

How exactly was he unique?

He slowed on auto attack and healed on bubble if you autod?

I mean, if bubbling was unique, it wouldn’t be on zarya, if auto attacks healing as unique it wouldn’t be on rehgar, if self stasis was unique it wouldn’t be on every other hero talent. The only thing unique to him was being able to wall people in from range which is still in his kit.

What exactly did this rework do? Make him more magey and remove his more supportive nature but keep his ability to wall and make it baseline.

That’s still pretty unique imo.

Both things can be true. I liked his kit and have him at level 81 currently with a 63% win rate not including a i. But it never ever felt like the actual tassadar from Starcraft and Starcraft 2 the high Templar. I play this game because I enjoy the heroes from blizzard lore and the more accurate they are to the universe they come from the better. This changed was long overdue this is how he should have always been.

I am 108 level Tassadar with 61.9% winrate without AI and Brawls.
My Tassadar games include only games of his old version, I didn’t play him even once when he was able to solo support.

If people wanted Tassadar to be real High Templar, he has to have more HT abilities.

And as i told before, it would be better to add sentry hero to get Tassadar’s support abilities, when Tassadar becomes damage dealer.

  • had one of the best escapes as baseline
  • was a moving scout tower every 30 (15) seconds
  • had “delete X hero for 4 seconds from battleground” ability
  • was able to shield almost everything
  • one of few heroes, what could stop unstopable heroes by Wall
  • only few talents on his tree were bad, when other were decent-good
  • endless slow from AA
  • good sustain from shield by AAs or good anti-burst (with Armor)

And most important

He was Swiss Army Knife of Heroes of the Storm


Again both things can be true. I wasn’t stating my tassadar stats as a measuring contest. I simply throw them out there to show I also enjoyed him and his old kit. I agree that his kit should have been given to a new hero and have his abilities completely reworked but this is what we’re getting and this is much better than what it was in my opinion as far as making him accurate to his lore.

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Nah, the player base just didn’t know how to use him hence the complaints and the rework.