Counters of the Storm: Qhira ⛓



    I’m not saying that she’s op or not, doesn’t matter if she’s indeed op, you can counter her or at least make her life a bit more miserable and harder (/less easy).

A small "introduction" of Counters of the Storm
    I wanted to have this "series" since Mephisto came out... on Youtube. But since I still don't have good enough equipments to satisfy my own expectations for the video quality, but I still really wanted to start it finally, I decided I'll do so here, on the Forums.

    So let’s hopp into how to counter our new op Hero!

What's in Qhira's kit?

    She has:

    • a situational “Ancient Spear” (Grappling Hook) as her Trait (25 sec)
    • a good poke ability (has low cd (6 sec)) which deals little dmg the more range you utilise
    • a dot which she can active for some heals but only on Heroes (8 sec)
    • a unique swirling stun-mobility-knockback combo which seems to be the source of most of the complains but the most double edged (chain)sword in her entire kit (16 sec)
    • and two strong but distruptable Heroics (US: 75 sec, FS: 40 sec, 10 sec on interrupt)

How to counter her?

    At the laning phase, you counter her with Ranged Heroes who can poke-bully her out of the lane and negate any chance for her to use W for selfsustain.

    Zagara, W build Ragnaros, Gul’dan (not W build, don’t make yourself a sitting duck against her) and Heroes who are not considered good on the lane (same for Qhira tbh) like Tracer, Genji are really good against her.

    She can also be countered by our best laner Bruisers, like Malthael (who also can talent into anti heals which can be pretty useful even in teamfights against her).

    (Also try to bait her E out near your gates so you can do a homerun :Đ )

    You can also make her life a lot less safe with any kind of antiheal, making Ana the most scariest Healer for her, since she can just pop a Grenade when she planned to use her W on low hp to cheat Death (but no one can stop Death! ) leaving her vulnerable and out of hope.

    And because she can use her W for nice burst heals, that’s why you need to be extra careful when to keep facetanking low hp Qhiras, because it can be bait.

    Let’s go to the meat’n’potatoes!
    Her E!

    It’s basically a “debuff”, which is Cleansable, so you can just purify Qhira off of your allies with a lot of Healers, leaving her out of position.

    You can also Cleanse yourself with a lot of Tanks and Maiev (thanks to her Trait). The best frontline against Qhira is Johanna or Garrosh (allied throw helps as well).

    You have no Cleanse?
    Stasis effects like Time Trap, Crystal Aegis, Ice blocks!

    No Ice block?
    How about some nice blinks and teleports?
    A Medivh who picked the Portal Mastery at lvl 1 can bait a Qhira out of existence!
    Genji, Tracer, Zera, Mephisto, Illidan and others with dashes and nice screenjumps can take her into their teams/structures (or at least out of position) with ease.

    You lack even all the blinks? No worries!
    How about some nice movespeed bonuses so you still make that E risky for Qhira? Like with Lúcio (who also has Cleanse too) or Zarya/Aba with the speed shields!

    With these tactics, Qhira will not feel safe to use her E on just anyone anytime, hindering her “terror” and impact.

    Now let’s talk a bit about her Heroics.
    Both is a channeled ability, so you can interrupt it.
    At lvl 20 the Unrelenting Strikes can be tough, since it opens with a silence, but you can still counter the stun at the end the way you counter a Moshpit: Not getting caught, ranged CC.

    And like every Hero -especially divers (which she’s kinda is)- CC, CC, CC! Not a joke. Playing Qhira just to be CC-d when you wanted to use your combo or self heal is annoying and can lead to a death.

    There are some nice delayed CCs which you can use to screw her up, like Butcher’s Lamb to the Slaughter, or Tyrande’s E.

So... to what to pay attention to playing against her?
    • Her selfheal when you think she’s low
    • Denying/lowering her dot-spreading as much as possible
    • Have a “cleasing ability” or “mobility” against her E
    • Save CC for her Heroics
    • Make sure she has her Trait up or not (if she does, save a CC for that)

    And for the RavenLord’s sake… pls, don’t wander alone on the map when the enemy has a Bounty Hunter on their team -the fantasy was implemented really well- and no, you don’t need to be able to 1v1 her, this is a teamgame!

Who can remove Qhira's tether [E] from who?

Heroes who can do it on their own:

  • Imperius
  • Yrel (too lategame
  • Fenix
  • Maiev
  • Blaze
  • Alexstrasza
  • Junkrat
  • Garrosh
  • Malthael
  • Genji
  • Valeera
  • Ragnaros (too lategame)
  • Samuro
  • Zarya
  • Alarak
  • Auriel
  • Gul’dan (too lategame)
  • Medivh (only close to max ranged Portal)
  • Chromie
  • Tracer
  • Dehaka
  • Cho’Gall
  • Lunara
  • Morales
  • Rexxar
  • Kharazim
  • Leoric
  • Butcher
  • Johanna
  • TLV
  • Jaina
  • Anub’arak
  • Chen
  • Murky
  • Aba (not realistic that he needs to)
  • ETC
  • Kerrigan
  • Nazeebo
  • Hammer
  • Tyrael
  • Uther
  • Tassadar

Heroes who can remove it from others:

  • Zeratul
  • Uther
  • Tyrael
  • Lili
  • Rehgar
  • Kharazim (kinda late game tho)
  • Morales
  • Chromie
  • Medivh (only close to max ranged Portal)
  • Auriel
  • Lúcio
  • Blaze
  • WM
  • Anduin

reads this and also the last part of you don’t need to be able to 1v1 her this is a teamgame! and ignores it and continues to try to 1v1 her and feeds a lot! then makes a thread about how OP Qhira is pls nerf thank you and see you next game when i lose against her once more so i can make another thread about it.


Good… :sweat_smile:

I found her pretty easy to deal with. I can solo her very easy with Kharazim w/ mana regen build


I found that Garrosh is very difficult to deal with as Qhira. If she tries to go in he can toss/stun combo her and/or taunt her while his teammates blow her up.


I have found Anub’arak to be a really strong tank against her, too. Double stun means if she goes into my team, she is dead, and it makes it much easier to peel her off a squishy. Burrow Charge grants Anub the Unstoppable status, so can be used if she tries to E him to leave her in places she does not want to be. Her bleeds are treated like ability damage, so the spell armor from W works to counter that if she lands a full Q stack on him.


I 1v1 qhira today with berserk Sonya.

Replace Kharazim by Qhira and that was accurate.

Also as Anub you can talent into speedboost for W, so you can bring Qhira closer to your team before deattaching her with Burrow :smiley:


As i said in another thread, wild success with varian against her. In solo lane, twin blades obliterates her after 7 (especially with W talent at 1) and taunt destroies her in TF. Generally, tanks make short work of her. Just draft beefy frontliners. And in QM, play tanks.


He also has anti heal which doesn’t really need that much timing, so he always hinders Qhira’s selfheals.
I’d say, Varian is among her best counters.


In my experience so far, varian counters her so bad that so literally becomes dead weight for her team and you can easily snowball early game. Mortal strike is just the final nail in the coffin.


Varian can also talent into allied Charge so he can basically fish out Qhira for his team.


I have never thought Overpower was really reliable with Twin Blades compared to High Kings Quest,
You’ve given me something to think about my friend

AS for the Thread, I think we’re starting to see a pattern here of tanks beating her because I also have had great success with Diablo (provided I get a healer, I do hate playing tanks in QM for a reason)
Thoug hI wasn’t the one doing the deed the amount of power you to punish her with Shadow Charge is incredible, it turns a hard situation if she latches onto someone who pulls her somewhat into the team, (Without a dash) into an “oh hell I’m hooped” moment.

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Just won a game with Stiches vs a team with Qhira on the team. Was fun fishing her out of position and Gorge her away from her healer and tank.

From my games as Qhira I can say that she has some insane counters like:

  • Valeera - her silence is long enough to force you to retreat, and her damage is good enough to get you to low HP, so you can’t get back into the fight. If you weren’t full HP, she can straight up kill you. And due to the delay in your abilities, you can’t even reveal her before she hits you.
  • Alarak - similar to Valeera - long silence, lots of damage.
  • Sylvanas - long silence. I’ve had most problems with Sylvanas in TFs, while the previous 2 could be annoying in 1 v 1s too. But getting silenced by her arrow in a TF pretty much ends you. It’s also annoying how she cancels your E with hers.
  • Samuro - he’s the hardest counter to all heroes that rely on DoTs. You apply W to him - no problem, he just uses Q. You re-apply it? No problem, he just uses D. You E to him? His Q, D and Bladestorm do their job and cancel your E. And his damage is insane, so he can easily kill you before you can kill him.
  • Muradin - he’s not as hard counter as the others, but with Skullcracker he has a chance to cancel your abilities constantly, which can be pretty annoying, and can be the difference between kill and death.
  • Malfurion - he can just place a root under his ally that you’ve used E on, and you get trapped there yourself. And his Emerald Dream makes you useless.

So yeah… Silence is Qhira’s hardest counter, as her basic attacks don’t do much, when she can’t use abilities. And she is a lot squishier than her HP amount suggests :stuck_out_tongue: She may have a bit more HP than Thrall, but her survivability is actually worse.

Also, if you juke her E, she’s quite screwed up.


If E is cleansable, Tyrande games are no-go zone for Quhura lol

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Yup, Tyrande is a good counter for her. Early spammable Cleanse, delayed CC for her dive, dmg and armor reduction.

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That made me wonder… Does Tyrande lvl 7 or Cleanse actually break E tether? Because neither Tyrande or regular Cleanse/Unstoppable remove “negative effects”, not even a daze/knockback.
So either something is not right here or her E is completely unique mechanic.


It was removed by Ana cleanse if I didn’t get confused to a bug or some weird interaction or something. It considered as a stun but I need more testing.
But Cleanse-cleanse and unstoppable removes it for sure.

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Then its a stun that doesnt stun? Mkay…
(just in case I misunderstood something, we are both talking about her spinning stage?)