Congratulations BLIZZARD! You just made me and my friends uninstall HoTS

Have you tried not standing still as a ranged assassin right in front of her in a 1vs1?


No one stops you from uninstalling, but… have you tried to ask help against new Heroes instead of just claiming they’re beyond beatable and ragequit so hard you even delete the game? :thinking:


Take 1 mouth break …and restart play again…
Yeah…im agree too she is strong assaisin.
Today one guy with her was MVP…we was full group,but i was with Morales!.
Isualy i play with Morales like master player…and had high chance for won.
Just you been matched vs so high game skilled players.
Yeah…im agree ,if be in hands on master game skilled player…she like real assasin.
I understand…but look so they will not change his policy for new heroes.
They do that on purpose! :slight_smile:
Because we player base should like so much new heroes.
HoTS team devs. are cunning, deceptively tempting peoples…because we everyone what happened in last year.(lose,HGC,players…so on…so on…).

muahahaha :laughing::joy:
Yeah…you are right…exist so many of them.
Btw out human kind baby…:slight_smile:

“I took a break from this game, came back to find stuff I don’t know is kicking my butt, but clearly it’s something else’s fault and not my lack of knowledge, experience, being out of practice, rusty capacity to adapt, or willingness to do more than impulsively complain; and it’s someone else’s fault I have these issues!”


Check here, then return.

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And coming up on the left is your common HotS QM player. Please keep your logic and reasoning to yourself as not to upset these controversial creatures.

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Whoa, hey. #notallQMplayers


Easy solution: play unranked or ranked and ban her.

Cant leave without being a dramaqueen <3


W-…w…what? I lose? NO U LOSE!!!


HAX! HAX N00b!

Seems like the Salt Mines are open once again on the weekend.
Thanks guys for giving us so many sweet tears.


now i see what brought me here. the salt!

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Sooooo much salt these days. The hero is fine, I don’t see what the issue is. Also I can think of a good handful of heros that released bad and are bad to this day…

Weeks? How long has Quira been out?

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Many heroes have been released under powered and balanced. The thing I wonder about, are you guys all veterans? Because if so how did you just not quit back on the release of Li Ming? I would have understood your frustration then, but Quira, she’s hardly the latest terror in the Nexus.

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since the 6th. so 1 week.
maybe they are including PTR?

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Strong, but I’m not finding her to be game breaking. Overtuned, probably.


No don’t quit else blizzatd will have to downside the hots team again :’(

Congratulations DIGESTIVE SYSTEM! You just made me and my friends hungry again!

Well… I’d suggest seeing a psychiatrist…