Qhira Defenders will just cost HOTS more players

Defending this broken hero instead of trying to help balance the game is just going to cause disconnected players to leave this already dying game.

Yes she is broken, no its not fun to just put up with it. Her weakness is CC? What a joke everyones counter is CC they cant move.

  1. Her bleed effect last too long, refreshes too easily by any basic attack or ability,
    and does too much damage. Her bleed effect does 2x more damage than Valeera lvl 20 talent Rupture which is a level 20 late game talent.

  2. Her range on her abilities is too long to be considered a meele hero. Each of her abilities is a ranged shot basically which would not be a problem if they were single target only but they can effect a area.

  3. She heals for too much. If she has enough stacks she can heal realistically 50% in a team fight. She is not a Bruiser why does she have this level of in-combat heal when she has mobility.

In short she has CC, burst damage from range with refreshing bleed effect allowing her to heal like a bruiser with near Genji mobility and invincibility frames.

PS her counter cannot be CC and Poke when She can CC and Poke.

This game is turning into a pay to win. Pay for the new hero. Easy win week 1 and 2 of launch.


I just finished a match she got 17 kills. It’s just not fun.

The nerf is coming, but Blizz is enjoying the purchases as people buy this broken hero.

Even as the group complained about here, one guy said ‘yeah I’m gonna buy her.’ which just reinforces Blizzard to keep her broken as long as possible.


I know an easy solution for you: git gud.

There is even a whole thread how to kill her:


Fake news. Move along everyone nothing to see here.


Pretty sure what kills hots over and over again is balancing around people who have no will at all to learn how to play the game.


Most linked thread so far? :thinking:

I just hope it’s popular even among those, who cry wolves :sweat_smile:


Man, Blizzard has said it several times. They don’t care about QM at all. As for Qhira, she will remain OP as long as people keep buying her. Blizz will milk the cow and when the sales drop, they will finally tone her down.


Weird how the sales drop down for the originally planned patch-schedules every single time :open_mouth:


There seems to be a correlation between the intelligence level of those who think Qhira is broken and those who pay real money for free stuff. I’ll ponder it a while and get back to you.


Especially with the longer release cycles i have a hard time imagining how someone who plays at least somewhat regularly can not have the 15k gold on release.


You do realize they don’t get money from Gold, right?
Also, she’s fine, just L2P.


Listen friend, all you have to do to beat Qhira is sneak up behind her in stealth mode and stab her in the neck with two poisoned tipped daggers before she can react.

That’s it, it’s that simple. You’re welcome.


That statement is simply not supported by Blizzard’s actions and words. I’m not one to white knight for Blizz, but there are many examples in patches, and the corresponding dev notes where they have tried to improve QM quality.

Just off the top of my head would be the changing of QM to balanced comps around November last year. This made it so every team had a tank and a healer, but it led to longer queue times, and people complained. These changes were reverted but they still improved quality by role matching, if your team has a bruiser, the enemy team does, etc…

I too remember some heroes like Nova or the Butcher getting changes based on them over-performing in QM and under-performing in Draft modes. I won’t lie and say they have made QM perfect (it’s not really supposed to be), but they have continued to improve QM, and when it comes to Qhira, I expect they will nerf her in the next patch.


i’m starting to realize that maybe… maybe ALL problems can be solved by stabbing them in the neck with two poison tipped daggers before they can react!


Ugh. Another one of these.

Look, that you specifically have trouble against the hero means nothing other than you have trouble against the hero.

You know what will kill the game? Catering to whiney, selfish, narrow minded players who think that because they play a lot of games somehow qualifies them as game designers.

You don’t have the education, the data, the experience or the ability to play this game to make any judgement calls about balance or a lack of.

You are unqualified.


But I want to face tank on any hero, even if they aren’t duelists, and WIN! Why can’t the game be balanced around me, me, ME!?

I want to chase an enemy hero ALL the way to the core and not be punished for it! I want all keeps, forts, and enemy heroes to ignore me while I kill my target and allow me to safely hearth. I shouldn’t have to worry about positioning! This is BS!

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op, you know we don’t work for blizzard, right? q: like… yeah they probably do consider player opinion, but if a hero’s genuinely overpowered they’re not gonna just not deal with it because some forumgoers said the hero’s fine


To be fair, the git gud people are not really qualified either. They simply take pleasure in bolstering their ego while insulting people they think are less good than them, frustrated or whining. :wink:


Thrall’s feral spirit and lightning have about the same range. And one is targeted so it can’t ever miss.


To be also fair, Git Gud people aren’t making a judgement about game balance or hero power.

They are making a judgement on the complainer’s level of skill.

I’d also point out that the actual game designers (Blizzard) put out the hero in it’s current form and while they are far from infallible, if I had to blindly trust Blizzard game designers or blindly trust some dude who complains on an internet forum about hero balance, I trust actual game designers.

The Git Gud people are on the side of the reasonable assumption that the actual game designers designed a hero that on release will be slightly overtuned but otherwise reasonably balanced.

Any perceived power imbalance should first be a considered a gameplay mistake before it is considered a design mistake.

I’m not saying Git Gud crowd aren’t obnoxious, I’m just saying in the absence of any other info, they are less wrong than the Hero OP crowd.