Where's my dust refund for all the changed Classic Cards?

Blizzard has permanently retired all Classic cards to Legacy. They’ve also changed many of them from their original forms, to match the Standard versions of cards (for example, The Black Knight going from a 6/4/5 to a 4/4/4. Force of Nature does something entirely different). Their original forms are completely unavailable. These are different than the cards I paid for.

When cards were Hall of Famed, there was always a full dust refund without even disenchanting. Hall of Fame set became Legacy, and same rules applied. I did not receive any dust upon logging in and I cannot get a full refund for disenchanting the now useless cards that I paid full price for.

The craftable version of the Classic cards that we paid for have been substantially changed, and are no longer in their original form. Yet I do not see the option to get my dust in full. What gives?


I didn’t notice this since I’m a Wild player, but this is concerning


Agree here. Many classic players made golden decks because we thought the cards were safe. But we essentially got a week’s warning about classic’s shutdown. It’s a big pain knowing that I dusted cards that could have been playable in twist or wild for classic. Without a dust refund, many previous classic players won’t play hearthstone anymore.


Not exactly a bug, but very disappointing. I don’t want dust; I want my favorite format back.


you have crafted Wild cards. They are still in the wild. They are safe. The fact that you used Wild cards in classic is your problem.

The problem is they aren’t the cards they paid for. That’s the entire point of the dust refunds. Wild cards that get changed are refunded. Cleric is a Legacy card in the same set as classic cards are now, and is currently eligible for a full dust refund. Nerfed Classic cards were not flagged for a full refund despite being changed and now being in the same set.


Better Call Saul
Otherwise we can offer you any free Spanish Lesson by Tuco S.

I rarely visit Hearthstone news on social media, e-mail or here on the forums.

Why haven’t we received a notice of this amazing Classic mode shutting down?

This is the only way I rank each week (and Tavern Brawl) for the 5 wins, since it was reintroduced.
I’ve gotten my Legendary cardback through this as well.

RIP Hearthstone 2014-2023

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More precisely, Classic cards were just ‘mirrors’ of their respective counterparts from the Legacy set, which is still there unchanged — so that’s a formal excuse to not offer any refund, as per usual routines.

For reference: https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Classic_format .

What’s more, the recent changes having been made, you’re supposed to spend more, not the other way around (see, for instanse, this topic), and such a refund would have been inconsistent with this course of action.

“RIP Hearthstone 2014-2023”

What a silly thing to say, classic was not even available for most of that period. Blizzard should still refund classic cards being nerfed, Force of Nature clearly deserves one.

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bit too late for the refunds that card was nerfed over 6 years ago

I demand a refund.
What does the Blue Fox say?

No, it was nerfed the day classic was removed. Those copies of the cards were purchased in their original forms, and should follow the same rules.


Not in the sense that the card got worse. When you owned for instance Force of Nature, you owned a 5 mana spell that summons three Treants, that you could use in Wild, Duels, and some Tavern Brawls. And because you owned that card, you were given for free a copy of the Classic version of Force of Nature, that cost 6 mana, and gave the Treants charge and a severly limited lifespan.

The Force of Nature that you owned is still there, and it is still usable in Wild, Duels, and some Tavern Brawls. And likely also in some future seasons of Twist. It is unchanged, and not nerfed.
The free extra “Classic” copy that you had may or may not still be in your collection, I don’t know. However, since it was specifically for a game mode that has been retired, that is no longer relevant. You won’t be able to play with it, because it was allowed in Classic only.

So no, the cards were not nerfed. A game mode was retired, that made a bunch of cards unplayable, but those cards were all given for free, as “copies” of cards you had in your collection. Basically, they were loaner cards.

That said, this technical explanation does not do justice to the fact that there are people who bought packs and/or crafted cards specifically because they wanted to use the Classic counterpart of that card in their Classic deck. If you crafted Force of Nature for the express purpose of using it in Classic, and no intention to ever use it in any other game mode, then you have been cheated.

Classic was never announced as a temporary mode, and players could reasonably expect that their investment in crafting cards for Classic decks would be useful forever. That expectation has been thwarted, by the unexpected retirement of Classic, and I do agree that it would be fair to think about some sort of compensation.
But what? That is the problem. You may have crafted Force of Nature for a Classic deck. I perhaps crafted the same card for a Wild deck. Should you receive dust and I not receive any? How would Blizzard decide what you and I crafted the card (or bought the packs) for?

This is objectively untrue, because the Classic FoN I crafted was a separate crafted dustable card. It was not a “bonus” card. It was nerfed.

Actually, the new versions are the loaner cards, as they aren’t dustable and rotate with Core. The old ones were not.

So many of us crafted Gold versions of our decks in expectation of it being evergreen, as that was what Blizzard sold to us.

If you crafted it for Wild or any other purpose, and the version you explicitly crafted was changed, you should be compensated. That’s how it works in every other case.

I think you are confused by the various different copies of cards. There is no such thing as a “Wild” Force of Nature or Black Knight. There is a Legacy FoN only, but there is explicitly an uncraftable Core Black Knight and a craftable Classic (now Legacy) Black Knight. ONLY the Classic/Legacy version was changed. You could not have crafted a “Wild” version of these cards. Any version of Black Knight that was craftable prior to this patch was changed, but not its free version. This is the case for all of the changed cards.

Blizzard is likely banking on this confusion to excuse themselves while they continue to cast headcrack over and over.


Bring back Classic!

Been playing Hearthstone since beta and Classic was the only thing that kept me around.

All my Classic decks are golden from years of playing and now the only way I can experience and play Classic is through Wild. I will not touch that gamemode nor any other mode on this game.


Day 7 of waiting to be refunded for Blizzard’s rugpull.

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the wild version is the legacy version .
The Classic TBKnight is a 6 mana 4-5 and it was craft linked with the Legacy TBK 4 mana 4-4 undead tag (craft linked means you craft one you get both) … than there is a Core TBK that is same stats as Legacy but use a different watermark.
Core TBK joined this year (23 march , year of the wolf ) , that means before to use it in wild/other you need a Legacy version.

edit: if you check TBK changelogs here
the move from classic to legacy was back in 2021-03-30: Moved from Classic to Legacy set.
so is not “now” legacy like last patch changed it.

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I think they were refunded back then, when they were originally nerfed. Can’t be bothered to seatch the wiki, but you could do it.

And I demand a sandwich!

No, that’s more of an analogy fitting for Core.

With that said, I think I’ve provided an explanation above. If somebody wishes to persist in their contrary opinion, I leave them to it. You’ve been patient enough trying to explain the same thing yet again, though.

Well, ‘legally’, you don’t own anything in this game, as far as I understand. Anything could go ‘poof’ and disappear at any moment, and they’d be in the right.

Players in China might have assumed the same, remember what happened to all their accounts?

Repeating yourself much, eh? And here I was thinking this reminded me of something I’ve already read on this forum…

I’ll report you for spamming just in case.

The old ‘Classic’ set (no longer in the game, the wiki even specifies years when it was there to avoid confusion) existed before the Classic format was introduced, and your wording might be a bit misleading here — or it’s just a bad example. The rest in your post above is, of course, correct in its essense (I’m not gonna nitpick about language or grammar :grinning: ), though.

yeah my english is not so good , i was referring to this

Introducing the Legacy Set
Basic and Classic cards will join Wild in the form of a card set named “Legacy”.
When the Core Set is added at rotation, we’ll be retiring the Hall of Fame entirely. The Basic and Classic sets will move to Wild under a new name—the Legacy Set, which is where most cards from the Hall of Fame will go as well. There are a few exceptions: Genn Greymane, Baku the Mooneater, and other Hall of Fame cards from the Witchwood will return to the Witchwood set, and Shadowform will return to Standard as part of the Core Set!
