DO NOT BUY THE ANY of the Twisted: 6 bundle sets in the shop

Mini set cost 2000 gold for standard. A Twisted Set cost 3200 gold . Who da fk decided these overpriced decisions? Non-Standard Cards should never be 3200 gold and the cards within each bundle dont even have the full support of their theme , u will have to force to buy packs/craft for the full support of your deck if u bought a twisted bundle set if u want to play the twist Rotation . SAVE YOUR GOLD since new expansion is coming out soon.


Agree they seem greatly overpriced. The launch of Twist feels similar to Runestones. Just here it is, and here is your opportunity to spend money. That’s it. No sales. No deals, no grand opening. I’ve never understood Blizzard’s approach to customer engagement and satisfaction.

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depends completely on your collection and if you play wild or standard
nothing else matters

Yes, it seems really overpriced by hidden goal of forcing players to spend their gold before the new expansion… a mini set contains about 35 new cards for 2000 gold… a new twist deck is 3200 gold and contains 30 old cards… something is fishy here… Fortunately, I have never dusted any important Paladin cards so can start to play Twisted mode easy, never knew that will be a useful step. Because I played only Paladin since closed Beta phase but never wanted Wild…

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In short, the whole Twist turned out to be just another mundane cash grab. :grinning: What a surprising plot twist!

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cash grab ? is gold just dont go blindly getting the packs without thinking

dontknow if these will be up until reveal ends but that can help make a choice too for example if you are missing DH cardsand you want the standard cards you are mising from the DH one ( or want to get the dust from it to craft cards for the new expansion)


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