Where's my dust refund for all the changed Classic Cards?

I get your point and I agree it would be nice if you got dust for them, but I can see the line of reasoning for doing nothing.

Every classic card has always been a wild/legacy card, therefore, no one ever lost anything, therefore, there’s no need for dust refunds, and no, it’s not technically the case that people lost or didn’t get ‘cards they paid for.’ You got them. They’re the way they’ve always been. They just lost a ‘bonus’ feature they used to have, being their classic versions.

I agree it would be nice if something were to be done, but honestly, devil’s advocate is not that unreasonable of a position, all things considered. Also this isn’t a bug and this is the bug forums, so this conversation shouldn’t take place here anyway.

Yeah, old ‘Classic’ cards, referred to in that part, were those you could get from Classic packs, more or less. Don’t remember about special promo cards in particular, but the wiki has the details about historic card sets.

No. You crafted the Legacy FoN and got the Classic FoN thrown in for free as a bonus.

Many Classic cards were not even in Core at all. Those that were always ALSO still had a copy in their original set (usually Legacy), that you could see if you looked at specifically that set.

I already told you that I agree that there should be some form of compensation for those who crafted cards or bought packs specifically so that they could access their Classic counterparts.
Just don’t label it as a bug, or as “my cards were changed”, or “cards I paid for were removed from my account”, because none of those is true. And when you want to have any chance of being taken seriously by Blizzard, then it helps to explain the problem as it is: that you bought packs or crafted Legacy cards because you wanted to get access to that card in Classic, and that these cards now have no value for you because Classic was retired and you don’t play Wild.

That’s how it works when an existing card is changed, and the change is considered to make it worse. You won’t get compensation for a change for the better, even if that change happens to ruin the meme deck you had intended it for,

I know all about cards and their versions.

I know that The Black Knight currently has three version: Core, Legacy, and Classic. The Core version is uncraftable and given to all players. The Legacy version is craftable. The Classic version is uncraftable, and tied to the Legacy version - you always have the same number of copies of both versions, whatever you do. (And yes, I’m talking present tense here, because the game internally still has counters for the Classic version, even though you cannot access it anymore in the user interface).

Similar for Force of Nature, except that here the three versions exist in Legacy, Classic, and in “Set 1810” - a special set for storing cards that have been in Core but have been removed from it on one of the prior Core rotations. Here, the Legacy version is craftable, the Classic version is once more tied to the Legacy version

Any news for this topic?

Classic mode has been removed. no more news