Please allow to but Mercenaries portraits using renown

Mythic Boss rush is end-game PvE experience in Mercenaries, but gaining renown to get more renown is not a good motivation. If there would be possibility to buy portraits (or Mercenaries packs) using renown, that would be awesome and motivate many players to continue playing MBR to collect them.


As much as I find Mercenaries some of the best things still left in the game (bye Classic), gotta assume that the mode is more or less discontinued. The wording of how they communicated it might have been ‘polite’, but I believe the message has been clear enough, especially considering the lack of even bug fixes for the mode.

My personal dream was to get some of those portraits (Cariel in particular is my favourite), ‘but there are dreams that cannot be’, apparently.

Besides, I’ve already said (for example, here or here etc) how such… ‘generosity’ would be incostistent with the course of action they seem to have taken.

I’m writing all this not to be a wet blanket — I just suggest being realistic and not getting one’s hopes up in vain.