Twist is much worse than Wild

Because it requires you to creat different decks from different past and thus cost you a lot more money.

In Wild, we only craft a few dab decks and that’s it. Now you will need to have access to old cards and it keep changing every time they rotate.

It’s a money grabbing mode.

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Twist is an endgame mode for veteran players with big collections who get bored.

You know that not everything is made thinking about you right ?

Almost everything comes at a price. You wouldn’t work for free all the time, would you? Just don’t pay Blizzard and you’ll be fine.

I think the worst part about twist is just the rule set that it opened with is just…… not fun? The price isn’t really any worse than wild if you’ve been playing for a long time which is what I feel like the mode is targeted at. Hopefully there’s better rule sets put forth next time, but got bored with the mode after not much time invested and went back to wild(which also is pretty boring and I wish they’d do some balance changes to :confused: )

Out of 10 games 8 of them were against the weapon rogue deck. Super fun with no oozes. Great format. :man_shrugging:

Firt off yes blizzard like every company wants to make money companies if it means new modes i dont see the problem im just abit they could not keep classic hat would have been nice even though they could bring a classic twist months as those cards are part of the core set if am correct.

There are players who like twist especially combo players they proabably like it alot this was their way of gettng cards that dont see play in wild to be played.

I think you dusted your wild cards if i am correct based on a post a few days ago if you did you did not dust them you would not be in this situation i never dusted my cards if blizzard brings out new modes that require old cards i can play them.

There is nothing wrong about this you just dusted you cards unfortunatly my friend try and keep them gong forward :slight_smile:

but for a lot of the players, this mode requires a lot of investment to play.
And they took away the Classic mode, which was free.

Any new player will have to invest whatever the mode is but later he can spend when he chooses.

Highly unlikely, although some people apparently harbour false hopes about it.

The point of Classic was that a number of cards differed from their Legacy counterparts, subject to changes (‘nerfs’) and whatnot. Wrote about Illidan already, too…

Besides, Legacy comprises other cards than former Classic ones (there’s a bit of terminilogy confusion here, but no matter), so there’s not even a convenient filter in the collection for them anymore — they’d have to ‘reinvent the wheel’, i.e. ban cards from the Legacy set that originated from Core (I think that’s it… or was there something else?) manually.

I dunno whether I should call this kind of fake positivity ‘toxic’… or just moronic.

The house burned down? Well, there’s something good, you could build a new one in its place! :crazy_face:

Actually, it’s more of just a failure than anything else…

But here comes this low-grade troll again (the ‘heroic’ tavern brawl adept, yes — these forums do remember), shilling for the company by trying to bark at other posters here.

Have you just realised this rather obvious point? :grinning:

I mean, no offence, and better late then never… I guess… :grinning:

See, for instance, this topic:

Not that any of it has been that suprising, given the track record of this company, especially in the ‘Actiblizz’ form.