Introducing Hearthstone’s New Mode: Twist!

I quit WOW because of the stale content, unsubscribed, but heard about hearthstone classic being back, so I renewed. After apprentice mode, which took some time, I read that they’ve actually removed classic now. Well, bye, bye.

Hearthstone is so big now it’s hard to keep up, and I’ll never ever start playing that new styff just to lag behind since I refuse to spend gazillions on packs.


No, you can’t — some of those cards have been changed (see also the comment below), and you can’t experience them as they used to me.

What’s more, with the insane ‘power creep’ that’s apparently present in Wild (I don’t play it, hence this little disclaimer, but that’s what I see), those original cards would probably be laughable in terms of competitiveness.

PS Yeah, I appreciated it that Chillwind Yeti was considered one of the best minions stat-wise in the game, for example.

One more thing: alright, some of the cards in Classic were not exactly the same, let me self-quote a little:

Besides, there was this bug:

While reading through that topic, I also rememvered The Beast, by the way.

But still, despite these minor cosmetic differences, the game still mostly was and felt the same. Even those original battlefields — for me it was nice playing on them again.

PS Of course, there’s also Jaina’s art:

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you are shocked to be betrayed by an American corporation changing its offerings?

This has never happened before in the history of capitalism! And… you’re the first!

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I don’t see anything in his post implying he’s shocked, he’s expressing what a garbage thing it was to do.


Why can’t you introduce a new mode WITHOUT killing Classic?


I’ll leave this here:


PS Just to have some fun after all these… less than fun news for a change.

PPS Alright, I suppose I’ll repeat myself one more time…

Or maybe because you’re supposed to spend more?


All those points are stellar!

The win quests for this event are annoying.

Forcing me to play an SMOrc hunter deck isn’t going to make me like the mode more.

then dont ! i completed the quest and event playing a terrible burgle rogue deck

classic was already dead! people been posting about being able to climb to diamon / legend from bronze … playing only vs bots

Oh, did someone mention the event? That is, the bugged one, awarding no XP for ordinary gameplay?

Not gonna bother with your ‘Twist’ even if you (addressing Bli$$ard here, in case someone didn’t get it… On these forums, even the most obvious matters require an explanation) dangle such a ‘carrot’ in front of me (see also this post, for example, about such little psychological tricks to ‘hook’ you), especially a rotten, i.e. bugged, one. Go twist yourselves! :grinning:

I have been following threads about Classic and Twist, and seeing Sparky’s heavy presence in this thread reminded me about how we had opposing advice for a new player who was trying to figure out which Hearthstone mode to invest in.

I advised against Classic and Mercenaries, while Sparky endorsed only these two modes.

Sheesh, Sparky you are zero for two with Blizzard abandoning both Mercenaries and now Classic.

Yeah, like there’s anything else left in this game worth investing time and effort, even if you don’t pay, which I wouldn’t recommend.

Old solo adventures, available for gold, perhaps, but beware bugs. Oh, wait, I’m repeating myself yet again. What else, an occasional tavern brawl in case a cool one returns or emerges? Yeah…

they fixed that bug no longer bugged

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Yes, quite recently, apparently.

:grinning: Well, in that case you could probably just play normally and don’t bother with those ‘quests’.

They didn’t test this new mode thats for sure… But the main problem is that, they let these broken decks working for months… they should act in 1 week when such things appear… But they are doing something only when forums are full of complaints, and ppl are absolutely unsatisfied… They are destroying the reputation of HS by that slow acting… (If it still has any left…) The problem with mages is clear… Drakefire Amulet needs to be banned from Twist… or Haleh, Matron Protectorate so this insane pathetic dragon cheating will be stopped… And also needs to ban all the Quest cards, Hero cards and DK, DH class, then the mode will be much more balanced… even will be simillar to Classic which it wants to replace… thats it…

That’s nothing new. Even during the days of Ben Brode (don’t wanna repeat myself yet again, so I leave the link for reference) they attempted to ‘fix’ cards like the Undertaker by waiting for it to wane and printing even more ridiculous cards, e.g. from GvG.

Remember how they ended Denathrius’s reign? By printing Astalor, so that people would forget about the former king, and doing a nerf when it was no longer relevant. Compare also Theotar to Patchwerk and so on.

Besides, if you look at the Mythic Boss Rush in Mercenaries, it has never been balanced well, but even if they cared, what would they care if it lasts for one week anyway…

Assuming that they read and care? Isn’t it a bit bold? :grinning:

(Highlighted by me) Exactly! :grinning:

i would rather have a co-op mode playing in duo with a random player, 2 random different decks against 2 other seems more fun then this wich adds up beeing very similar to wild.

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Great idea! Should call it “Tango”

Another great idea would be to not break what works, replacing it with a completely failed, botched attempt.