This game is rigged as hell

It was marked as offensive because you were using disguised offensive language and that’s against the ToS. Surprised you didn’t get slapped with a temp ban for that.

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Oh, looks like I’ve even missed some of that trash-posting above. :grinning:

:rofl: Another one of that famous forum scientists hath cometh to enlighen us about Science and


Teh magic, mon! Dat be good juju.

Ha! You’ve probably got no idea how much pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo there is… But I especially like those folks with the sheep mentality who just follow their ‘authorities’ blindly, thinking themselves enlightened and educated because of it.

Possible. :grinning: The game might reward you with a consolation prize of sorts in a form of ‘RNG’ rigged, for once, in your favour… as a bait, to keep your addiction. :grinning:

So now we see the truth what the “It’s Rigged” club calls rigging is what everyone else calls standard variance. They see the world plotting against them. Everyone else sees crap happens sometimes and it’s some kind of nefarious conspiracy to make you lose games for some kind of mysterious gains for Blizzard.

First you call me by my other nickname blackmarket then you come of with monkey… so in your mind you connect something black with beeing a monkey funny isnt it.

Was that a question or a statement?

Regardless, no reply needed. You’ve identified a pattern, theorised my actions connected some dots therefore what you believe of my intentions must be true.

/NOT :sob: :roll_eyes:

There is no such term as ‘standard variance’ — and I’ve probably forgotten more about probability theory and statistics than a substantial portion of those players will learn — ever, just as a little disclaimer and with no desire to swagger, since it’s an advanced topic, few need it in practice, even fewer comprehend it, if you look from a realistic perspective.

That ‘everyone [else]’, though, is from ethology or such — an instinctive desire to belong to a pack, herd or other group, elevating oneself over ‘outsiders’ in the pack hierarchy. This thing is quite ubiquitous, frankly.

First, let me self-cite a bit:

Second, this whole dismissing things as ‘conspiracy theories’ is a typical example of a ‘straw man’: you take the most ridiculous one, bash it thoroughly, then dismiss the rest as equally invalid. I could point out the obvious logical flaw here, but suffice to say that’s not how it works.

DuPont hadn’t concealed their research data about PFOA toxicity for decades and continued to dump it, poisoning the environment and people, it was just a mad conspiracy (by those afflicted who noticed something bad going on in their surroundings).

NSA hasn’t conducted illigal mass surveilance via big tech companies, among other tools, it’s paranoia (by those more tech-savvy).

This game, owned by the most scrupulous company ever, is fair and definitely not rigged, the forum advocates tell me.

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you sure youre not getting ‘paid per ridiculous click’ ?



Are you saying that variance doesn’t exist, or that “standard” isn’t a valid qualifier for it?

Oh, so you’re one of those anti-intelectualism guys, huh? Should have told sooner. How is the inferiority complex going?


Ah, you got me here: I should have been more business-savvy and started charging for it already. :rofl:

I support this business venture. You should not post here again until and unless someone pays you.

Let me help you. Since you need it.



based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

If you flip a coin 100 times and it lands on heads every time and a person is not aware of the actual odds (the HS database) then their OPINION would be that the coin will only ever land on heads. Because thats what they saw even though you and I know that it’s 50/50.

When these people throw out their VS reports and “X class” is number one… it’s still subjective. How many more games were played simply because it was the OPINION of the forums or whomever that X Class was the BEST! So, the bandwagon gets bigger. People only play the X Class/ Beast Deck and the “data” shows that Beast is the way to go…


A month later some streamer is fiddling and finds out that X Class / MECH DECK is better!

But, I though Beast…

So this streamers OPINION gets a bunch of people to play MECH and did anyone really stop and crunch the numbers?

You know how many times I’ve trusted Kiblers OPINION and watched him post (all the winning) matches and get convinced a deck is good? AND ITS NOT?

So, please educate yourself a bit more on how things work in life. Maybe go take like 20 more college courses and throw around some more Latin phrases that you learned that mean nothing.

TLDR: You can show me 100 matches on deck trackers and they don’t mean much if anything because I could just be looking at 100 lucky matches.

Basically, If I showed you 100 matches where every time I had weapon removal I never faced a weapon, you will still argue with me, so, I reserve my right to be just as stubborn to the contrary.

My dude, please. Be a little less condescending. You literally used the word wrong

That’s not the tracker. That’s people evaluation of data that’s “subjective”. For a given use of the word. While people’s evaluation of data can be influenced by their personal biases, it’s far, FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR better a take than people who don’t use data in the first place.


Bruh, you were wrong on all accounts. Please dude, stop owning yourself.

The whole point of data collecting is that large enough sets average out casual inconsistencies dude. Please… that’s high school statistics. that’s why i told you…

You’re so close to the point.

The difference here is that i’m telling you to base your opinion on actually something, and you’re trying to base your opinion with nothing, BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW IF THESE MATCHES HAPPENED BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE EVEN THE MOST BASIC DATA.



You blatantly ignoring everything someone says and saying “No” just highlights the lack of intelligence and character you possess.

Eeeezy Izi… don’t let paf the professional rattler get you.
Youre better than that. Ain’t worth it. :joy:

If a trillion coins were flipped every second from the theorized birth of the universe until now, there would be less than a one in a million chance that what you’re talking about would have occurred even one single time. I’m just going to round down and say: If you flip a coin 100 times and it lands on heads every time, what you just witnessed isn’t real.

Is empiricism entirely 100% objective? Technically no, it is not. But purely objective deductive logic will only take one so far, and out of all of the various alternatives empiricism is the strongest precisely because it is the least subjective.

Basically, what you’re doing here is like calling a thin person fat because they aren’t a skeleton yet.


streamer opinions aren’t evidence.

This literally has nothing to do with what you were talking about earlier.

You’re nit picking and diluting the context by boiling down to semantics.

I made a point that many people have personal experiences with this game and notice patterns happening, yes, all you scientists out there tout confirmation bias etc and you’re not entirely wrong.

But your complete discount of the human condition “because math” is super egotistical and dismissive.

You don’t actually know if Blizzard has something in the code that can notice what your deck contains and alter your match up any more than we do. Yet, you guys say “they don’t”.

Then I make accusations that some people on these forums work for Blizzard and people lose their minds. (truth hurts maybe?) How else would you ABSOLUTELY know what Bliz has in their matchmaking system? Because “they said”??

Regardless, I was told to get a deck tracker to “prove” my case. I said, it wouldn’t matter because if I showed you that I had two Oozes in my deck and only 5% of my opponents had weapons in their deck you guys would say “That proves nothing” You would say, hey 5% DID have weapons!

My “tracker” is the number of posts I have seen over YEARS AND YEARS that say “How come I play this deck and only face 3 decks and as soon as I switch my deck I never see those decks all day?”

You know you’ve seen this. You just live in denial of reality. “Because Math”


100% pure projection. You have one person’s worth of games and you think you know what happened. Vicious syndicate has 100,000 games every week. Your position is the one that discounts the human experience. Your position is the one that’s super egotistical. Your position is dismissive


Kibler is a terrible example if you are looking for the best performing decks. He often plays decks for fun rather than going super try hard top legend finishes. His streams are more to make an entertaining show rather than pure competition. Other streamers that stream more towards the competitive side and tryhard for top legend such as Thijs would be better examples if you are looking for top performing decks.

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Going by how poorly you understand how the world works, I’m pretty sure this happens to you frequently and not just in hearthstone.

BUT they mean significantly more than your biased recollections and anecdotes. And if the next person is able to repeat your results, and the one after that too, then we’re moving towards scientific consensus. By building a series of results that show agreement, we come to conclusions that are lightyears better than your “I’m sure it’s rigged because that’s what I desperately need to believe.”

I would replicate it. If I could replicate your findings, that would be something. The problem is you can’t even show that much because it’s not real.

I wasn’t going to go into that. Seems like a lost cause.

It’s their superpower, though.

This is so much the actual point and still so lost on our dear friend.

You’re the type of person who skims what others tell you already knowing you’re right, which means you are unable to comprehend and learn.

Lots of people have given you absolutely factual information about these topics and you are the one who has ignored everything and then been the most rude person here. Like, if we gave out an award for the most rude poster you would get nominated based on this thread alone.

And everyone has told you that’s not data. Everyone has told you how and why memory sucks. We’ve all asked for evidence to support your claims, and still we are waiting for you to show us anything.

The problem is you, not us. You are immature, rude, and not nearly as smart as you think you are. Every time you reply here, you make it worse.

Sure, it’s everyone but you, my dude.

I hope you get help.