Matchmaking does NOT seem Random to me (with explanation)

I have very little sympathy for those who play that kinds of Warrior deck, but otherwise, you’ve noticed what has been noticed for years, probably. For example: Hearthstone RNG Has to Be Rigged LOL - #25 by SparkyElf-2852, Rigging: Win condition drawing - #2 by SparkyElf-2852 etc.

Well, at least you admit it. :grinning:

No, you’re not, and yes, they (other people) are, but usually, resident forum trolls and shills — typically the same ones — would start to gaslight you about it at this point.

As for the number-based approach, allow me to cite myself again:

Not a bad idea: if ‘The Algorithm’ decides it’s not your day, so to speak, there’s no point trying to go against it if you wanna play for fun.

One more time I gotta use the word ‘kayfabe’ here.

The game’s gotta look like a real deal, so that anyone can feel like someone — regarding the mass appeal and that ‘50%’ thing, as per this kind of reasoning, for example:

Of course, ‘Big Streamers’ and their particular RNG are another story — these serve essentially as advertisements for the product.

Besides, if they decide to go down that road, why can’t they experiment with various supposedly ‘random’ effects and not focus on just one?

Please, indulge my yet another act of copying and pasting (this is very repetitive — as is the notion of repetitiveness itself, i.e. the statement is recursive :rofl:):

So, yeah, there’s Optimotron, Zephrys, why not matchmaking as well?

You know, even con artists practicing the old ‘shell game’ would sometimes add a few somewhat new tricks to their show, so that even those who fancy themselves as ‘genre savvy’ would still keep falling for it.

Proof? Or ‘evidence’, as you forum self-annointed (sic) judges like to say? :grinning:


Or perhaps also trolls, ignorant ones and those whose whole hubristic self-esteem is founded on attacking random ‘conspiracy nuts’, as they perceive it, on random internet forums.

What’s wrong with having played the game casually? Have you read every letter in every ‘legal’ document regarding the company and so on?

You’ve bothered to dig up the number of some ‘patent’ — fine, which doesn’t mean everyone cares about them (I don’t, especially for some US so-called ‘patents’).

Good point.

They have used so-called pseudorandom numbers instead of truly ones in practice, though.

Or also: