My guide to the FREE Core Set and NEW Classic Format!

HUGE changes are coming to Hearthstone. What do you need to know about your collection in the NEW Core Set and NEW Classic Format?

This is a Hearthstone Guide video that gives you an overview of:

  • What is the Core Set?
  • Which sets are the Core Set cards coming from?
  • How to earn Core Set Cards for FREE
  • What is the Legacy Set?
  • After rotation, unlocking Basic and Demon Hunter Initiate cards
  • the NEW Classic Format
  • What to do with your Classic packs?
  • What is happening to the Hall of Fame cards?
  • What quirks are there as a result of the Classic set moving to Legacy?
  • Some Updates and FAQ
  • Timeline of when this stuff be released
  • Look out for more details coming very soon!

I had to get this out before BlizzConline, which is in a couple of days. We will almost certainly get another look at the Core Set cards and the new Expansion then.

PlayHearthstone article:


How can you asnwer those questions when the official blue post didnt mentioned them

my guess is that he is just reading the post on playhearthstone and then speculate a bit on what he wants

That’s a nice piano you’ve got there.

i didn’t watch the video but your comment has me 0.o lol

Tweets from Hearthstone devs.

Here is a list of articles that I took from to get most of the tweets:

I also went ahead and grabbed the tweet from Alec Dawson’s Twitter about them unnerfing ~30 cards